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AIE02 Exam Preparation

Blue Prism - AIE02
Question #:1
What algorithm is used to encrypt Credentials stored within Blue Prism? (select one)
A. It always uses AES-256 and a key that is randomly generated when the Application Server restarts
B. It automatically uses the most cryptographicallystrong scheme that has been configured within the
C. It uses the algorithm and key defined on the encryption scheme that« currently selected as the
Credentials Encryption Scheme
D. It uses thealgorithmdefined on the encryption scheme that is currently selected as the Credentials
Encryption Scheme along with a key that is randomly generated when the ApplicationServer restarts
Answer: C
Question #:2
What does the /SSLCert switch provide when starting a Runtime Resource? (select two)
A. It ensures that the Runtime Resource establishes a secure outbound connection with the Application
Server of Database Server
B. It ensures that inbound connections on the listening port (default 9181) will be encrypted
C. When hosting Web Services on the Runtime Resources, the inbound corrections w# need to use HTTPS
D. Only users who have used a domain account to log onto the device can launch Blue Prism
Answer: A B
Question #:3
Which of the following MUST be considered when deployingLogin Agent? (select four)
A. A number of security settings need to be appropriately configure/disabled on each device where a runs
(e.g ctrl + alt +del prior to login must be disabled)
B. The Login Agent Runtime Resource is configured lo use one of the Blue Prism connections configured
on the local device
C. Editing the configuration of theLogin Agent Runtime Resource can be done within the appropriate
configuration file
D. Login Agent can only be used on devices that are members of a" Active Directory Dom*n Network
E. Once a device has been logged in,a conventional Runtime Resource needs to be configured to start
automatically (which will automaticallyshut-down the LoginAgent Runtime Resource)
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Answer: A B C
Question #:4
What is the Blue Prism interactive Client used for? (select three)
A. It is responsible for automatically starting and stopping schedules
B. In non-production environment. it is where automated processes are designed and verified
C. In production environments, it is where automated processes are designed
D. In productionenvironments, it is used to monitor and control the platform
E. In production environment, it is used to configure the platform and define schedules
F. It is responsible for providing database connectivityto at connected devices
Answer: A B D
Question #:5
What are the minimum permissionsrequired for business as usual access to the Blue Prism Database? (select
A. dbowner
B. datareader. datawrter
C. datareader. dalawrter. al roles named with a prefix of bp_dba
D. sysownec
E. all ofthe above
Answer: C
Question #:6
What BPServer exe profile name isthe default Blue Prism Server service configured to use? (select one)
A. It will use the profile within is configured with the “Is Default* ftag
B. It will use the first profile when ordered alphabetic ally
C. It will use the lastprofile when ordered alphabetically
D. It will use She profile named "Default
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Answer: D
Question #:7
Which ofthe following statements are true in referenceofthe permissions requiredforthe Blue Prism
Application Server service log on user? (Selectfour)
A. When a BluePrism Server is configured witha SOL Server database connection that uses SQL Native
Authentication, the service log onuser needs SQL dbowner privileges
B. When the Blue Prism connection used by the server is configured to use SQL Native Authentication, the
service log on user does not needany SQL privileges
C. When a Blue Prism Server is configured with a SQL Server database connection that uses SQL
Windows Authentication, the service log on user needs the minimum permissions on the appropriate
Blue Prism SQL Server database as identified in the documentation
D. When using Single Sign on for the Blue Prism platform, the service log on user needs permission to
query Active Directory Security Group membership
E. When using Single Sign on for the Blue Prism platform, the service log on user needs to be a Doman
F. When using Blue Prism native authentication for the Blue Prism platform, theservice log on user needs
to be a Domain Administrator
G. When configured to use a connection mode that uses Transport encryption, the service log on user needs
read-access to the associated certificate's private key
Answer: A C D G
Question #:8
Where an environment has Blue Application Server(s) deployed, can Runtime Resources and Interactive
Client be connected directory to the database? (select one)
A. Yes it is potentially possible but this is not generally recommended. Devices connected directly to the
database may be limited in terms of managing or leveraging Credentials
B. No. allRuntime Resources and Interactive Clientsmust be connected to the database «a a Blue Prism
Application Server
C. Yes. but Runtime Resources that are connected directly to the database cannot be instructed to start
processes by the scheduler
Answer: A
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Question #:9
What conditions must be met for a conventional Runtime Resource to be able to receivean instruction and start
processing (select three)
A. The device where the Runtime Resource is installed must be logged m
B. An Interactive Client mustbe logged in prior to starting the Runtime Resource
C. The Runtime Resource must be started
D. The network connectivitymust be configured to allowthe Runtime Resource to receive connection from
all relevant InteractiveClients and Application Servers
E. All Application Servers must be configured to process schedules
F. The SSlCerT switch must be configured on the Application Server
Answer: A C D
Question #:10
Which of the following statements is correct? (select two)
A. Each Blue Prism environment(e g Dev/UATProd) will have a Single database
B. Each Blue Prism environment(e g Dev/UATProd)will potentially have many databases
C. Each Blue Prism environment (e g Dev/UATProd) can have many Application Servers but they will all
connect to the same database
D. Each Blue From environment(e g Dev/UATProd)can have marry ApplicationServers but they will all
connect separate databases
E. Each Blue Prism environment(e g Dev/UATProd)can nave one Application Server but can connect to
many databases
Answer: B D
Question #:11
Whichof the following statements are correct inrelation to Blue Prism Runtime Resources. Interactive Clients
and Application Servers? (select one)
A. There is a separateinstaller foreach component
B. A angle installer is used irrespective of which component is required. The configuration after install
defines what component(s) will be available on the device
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C. Once the Application Server has been installed, all other components can be configured to self-install
D. All of the above
Answer: A
Question #:12
How can a Login AgentRuntime Resources be instructedto login and immediately launch a target think-client
application and start processing work from a work queue? (select one)
A. It can't Login Agenthaslogged a device in, a conventional Runtime Resource must be started and be
appropriately instructed to carry out further processing
B. This is configured within the process that instructs the devices to orchestrate a login use of a wait of a
C. This is configured within the process that instructs the device to orchestrate a login use of a navigate
D. This is configured within thebusiness objects that instructs the device to orchestrate a login through use
of a wait stage
Answer: D
Question #:13
When configuring multiple Application Servers for a single Blue Prism enwonment what mu« be considered?
(select one)
A. Each Application Server must connect to a different database
B. Each Application Server must be configured withthe same encryption schemes and identical keys
C. The master application server must be turned on first
D. All application servers must be configured to enable schedules in order iof scheduling to work correctly
Answer: B
Question #:14
What does the Server Services labwithinBPServer exe provide? (selectone)
A. It allows you 10 select which logonaccount will be used when the server service is started
B. It allows you to select whether the service account willbe started automaticallyand configure
thebehaviorif the service isto start
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C. It checks that the servicelogon account is allowed tostart a listener for the configured binding
D. It checks that the service logon account is allowedto start a listener tor theconfigured binding and
provides the option to manage the permissions
E. It validates that there is a service associated with theprofile, and it not, provides the option to create a
new service also checks that the service logon accountis allowed to start a listener for the configured
bindingand provides the option to manage the pe,rmissions
Answer: D
Question #:15
What format of machinename does an Interactive Clientor Application Server use to establish a direct
connection with a Runtime Resource? (select one) '
A. It always uses the short machine name (e.g. robot001)
B. It always uses the fully qualified domain name(FQDN) (e.g. robot001 .mydomain.local)
C. It depends onthe system wide setting whichindicates whether short name or FQDN will be used
D. It uses the format of the name specified on the certificate that is associated w4h the Runtime Resource
Answer: C
Question #:16
Whatarecommon options for encrypting the communication withthe Blue Prism database? (select three)
A. Not required - AX SQL Server implementations »e configured to enforce encryption by default
B. Configure the Blue Prism connection to thedatabase to set encrypt-true. trustservercertificate=true
C. Configure the SQL Server withan appropriate certificate and configureto only acceptsecure connections
D. Turn on IPsec for the network where the Application Server and SQL Server are deployed
E. Deploy a certificate on the Application Server and use the SSLCert switch
Answer: B C E
Question #:17
Is it possible to configure a Blue Prism environment without an Application Server? (select one)
A. No. every environment must nave an Application Server
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B. Yes. Although this s notrecommended production environment’s,or environments intended to be
reflective or production environments (e g Dev/Tesr)
Answer: B
Question #:18
Which of the followingwhich are common reasons why a Blue Prism Interactive Client is not be able to
canned soan Application Server? (select three)
A. f the Applicant Server service is not started
B. If Firewall prevent the Application Server from receiving trafficon the appropriate port
C. If the Application Server is configured to use Transport Encryption but the certificatecannot be validated
D. Invalid user credentials
E. A user is logged into Blue Prism on the Application Server
Answer: B C D
Question #:19
What steps can be useful to identity why a Blue Pnsm Server service is la*ng to start' (select three)
A. Review the messages across a« labs within appropriate profile via BPServer exe
B. Review the device Windows Application Event Logs
C. Review the server status panel in Control Room
D. Use a configured 8lue Prism process to interrogate each connected serve in turn
E. Review messages when starting the service manually using BPServer.exe
F. Use BPDiagnostics to start out a Server Diagnostics and Repair task.
Answer: B E
Question #:20
Which ofthe following ate valid steps to create a Blue Prism database? (select two)
A. Using a Blue Prism device, create a directdatabase connection to connect to the server. use the
in-product "Create database" functionality
B. Using a Blue Prism device, connect to the Blue Prism Application Server, use the m-product"Create
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Database' functionality
C. Using SQL Management Studio create a database, manually run the CreateScript provided by Blue
Prism,then use the n-product"Configure Database' functionality
D. Using SQL Management Studio manually run theCreateScript provided by Blue Prism to generate the
database, then use the m-product 'configure Database* functionality.
Answer: A C
Question #:21
Which of me following are components within a Blue Prism Architecture? (select four)
A. Blue Prism Consolidation Prowler
B. Blue Prism Runtime Resource
C. Blue Prism Interactive Client
D. Blue Prism ApplicationServer
E. Blue Prism Database
Answer: B C D E
Question #:22
What permissions are recommended lot applying upgrade scripts to the Blue Prism Database? (select one)
A. Not Applicable - It is recommended that the Blue Prism client is used to apply the database upgrade
script and the is atomically entitled to make all changes
B. dbowner
C. datareader. datawrrier
D. datareader. datawnter. all roles named vrth a prefix of bp_dba
E. All of the above
Answer: B
Question #:23
What are benefits ofLogin Agent? (select four)
A. Provides a Login Agent Runtime Resource which can receive simple instructionsPriorbeingin a logged
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in state
B. Allows a Login Agent Runtime Resource lo immediately automatically login using saved credentials as
part ofa device reboot
C. Removes the requirement for locally stored device credentials
D. Provides the ability to manually instruct loginAgent Runtime Resource to login
E. Provides theabilityto schedule when aLogin Agent Runtime Resource willbe logged in
F. Allows processes whichinteract with locally installed applicationlo be executed without the device being
logged in
Answer: B C D E
Question #:24
What part doesa Runtime Resource use to receivecommunication? (select one)
A. It receives instructional information on port 6181 by default but this is configurable using- the /port
B. It receives instruction information on part 8199 fry default butthis is configurable by using the /inbound
C. It receives instructional information using the selected WCF connection method exclusivelyon port 443
D. It receives instructional formation usingselected WCF connection method exclusive^ on port 8080
Answer: B
Question #:25
When a Runtime Resource has been started using the /sslcert switch, whymight 4 not be able to receive
connections? (select three)
A. If the name on the certificate does not match the name being used to connect to the Runtime Resource
B. If the thumbprint of the certificateis not for a valid certificate on the local device
C. If the certificate has expired 01 been revoked
D. If the certificate has not been issued by a certification authority that is trusted by the device attempting
to connect
E. It the context user of the Runtime Resource does not have read-only access to the certificate's private
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Answer: A B D
Question #:26
Which of the following are steps that would normally be taken on the local device whenconfiguring a Runtime
Resource?(select four)
A. Configure a connection to a Blue Prism Application Server
B. Configure the database maintenance procedures
C. Configurethe Runtime Resource to start automatically when the device is logged on withappropriate
D. Optionally configure the Runtime Resource start-up procedure with the thumbprint of a local Certificate
E. Optionally install and configure LoginAgent
F. Ensure the- AutomateC exe isaccessible to the logged in user
G. Disable all domain policies
Answer: C E G
Question #:27
Whatare the options for configuring a Blue Prism Runtime ResourceCO toautomatically start when the device
is logged b? (select three)
A. As part of the installation, Blue Prism automatically configures the Runtime Resource 1o start when the
device is logged in
B. Use a scheduled task to start a Blue Prism Runtime Resource with appropriate parameters
C. Use a policy login start to start a start Prism RuntimeResource with approbate parameters
D. Put an appropriate batch (*.bat) in me approbate Start-up Program folder
Answer: A B D
Question #:28
Which of the followingcomponents responsible for executingthe automated processes? (select one)
A. Blue Prism Runtime Resource
B. Blue Prism ApplicationServer
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C. Blue Prism Database
D. All of the above
Answer: A
Question #:29
How can a login Agent Runtime Resources beinstructedto encrypt new inbounds connection
A. It can't- the Agent does not accept inbound connections
B. The configurations file for Login Agent can be manually updates to instruct it to specify the SSLCert
switch when it starts
C. Login Agent automatically enforces encrypted communication
D. The connection to the Blue Prism Server should be set to use a WCF mode that provides Encryption
Answer: A
Question #:30
It is possible configure an interactive Client to connect to multiple environments? (select one)
A. Yes, Before as user sign in they can select which environment they wish to connect to
B. Yes. Before a user signs in they can select all the environment’s which they will be able to control
C. No- interactive Client can only be configured to connect to a single environment
Answer: A
Question #:31
Is it possible to install a Runtime Resource, an Interactive Client, an Application Server and the Blue Prism
database on a single device? (select one)
A. No - components cannot co-exist and must be installed on separate devices
B. It is possible to instated the Runtime Resource and Interactive Client on the same device, but these
cannotshare a device with the Blue Prism Server
C. Only the Application Server and Blue Prism database can co-exist on a single device
D. Yes althoughthis not a recommended configuration
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Answer: D
Question #:32
Whichof the following are common reasons why a Blue Prism Runtime Resource is not be able to connect to
an Application Server? (select three)
A. Active directory has not been configured correctly
B. If firewalls prevent theApplication Server from receivingtraffic on the appropriate port
C. If the Applicator Server is configured to use Transport Encryption but the certificatecannot be validated
D. A user is to9ged into Blue Prism on the Application Server
E. If there is a mismatch between theConnection Mode setting on the Runtime Resource and Application
Answer: B C E
Question #:33
What are the stepsrequiredto create a Blue Prism database that will support Blue Prism Single Sign-on? (select
A. When using the m-product Create Database functionality select to create a database that will use Blue
Prism single sign-on
B. After using the m-product Create Database functionality, use the Configure Database functionality to
configure it for single sign-on
C. Use SQL ManagementStudio, usethe CreateScript that is specific to SSO environmentto create the
D. Using SQL Management Studio create a database, manually run theCreateScript provided by Blue
Prism. then use the m-product "Configure Database" functionality
Answer: B D
Question #:34
When starting a Runtime Resource using the /ssIcert switch, what reasons can prevent it from starting? (select
A. If the name- on the certificate does not match the name (or correct format) of the RuntimeResource
B. If the thumbprint of the certificate is not for a valid certificate on thelocal device
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C. If the certificate has expired or been revoked
D. If the certificate has not been issued by a certification authority that is trusted by device attempting to
Answer: A B
Question #:35
When should the Blue Prism setting Sun the process engineon this machine when users sign in be disabled?
(select one)
A. Not Applicable - This setting does not exist
B. When the Interactive Client wilt only be used for controlling and monitoring a Blue Prism environment
(rather than running automations locally)
C. When the interactive dent will be used to run automatons locally
D. It should always be disabled for all environments
Answer: A
Question #:36
Where isthe informationreported when a Blue Prism Server service fails to start? (select one)
A. In ControlPanel under Resource Management
B. Under System -> Server Management
C. In theevent logs on the local device.These can be accessed using Event Viewer
D. It is not reported butthe troubleshooting provides useful lips to diagnose the issue
Answer: C
Question #:37
How can we ensure that all Runtime Resources in the environment are configured lo only receiveinbound
INSTRUCTIONAL connections over SSL? (select two)
A. Use the /SSLCert switch m the Runtime Resource start up parameter
B. Under System -> Settings,enable the "Require secure resource connections' setting
C. Within the configuration for the Blue Prism Server select a Connection Mode that does not contain the
text insecure-
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D. Write an Application Server process which periodically polls an of the connected devices to evaluate the
encryption that is beingenforced
Answer: A
Question #:38
Which of the following features are only available when using a Blue Prism Application Server (select three)
A. Release manage'
B. Credential manager where the key encryption key is stored in the database
C. Credential manager whenthe key encryption key is stored m a tile
D. Single sign-on authentication for Blue Prism
E. Schedules
F. Database connection marshaling / proxy
Answer: B D E
Question #:39
Which if the following statements are true? (select two)
A. Allwork queue items are automatically encrypted using the mostcryptographicallystrong scheme that has
been configured within the environment
B. Only Work Queueitemsassociated with Work Queues thathave been associated with an Encryption
Scheme will be encrypted
C. WorkQueue Hems will be encrypted using the algorithm and Key on the EncryptionScheme associated
with the WorkQueue
D. Work Queue Items win be encrypted using the algorithm on the Encryption Scheme associated with the
E. Queue and a key thatis randomly generated when the Application Server restarts
F. WorkQueue Items cannot be encrypted
Answer: B C
Question #:40
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Blue Prism - AIE02
How can we ensure that at Runtime Resources in the environment are conjured to establish a secure
connection which the Blue Prism server? (select one)
A. Use the /SSLCert switch in the Runtime Resource start up parameters
B. Under System -> Settings. Enable the "Require secure resource connections" setting
C. Within the configurationfor the Blue Prism Server select aConnects Mode that does not contain the text
D. All of the above
Answer: A
Question #:41
Which of the following are steps that wouldnormally be taken on the local device when configuringa Blue
Prism Application Server?(select four)
A. Use the Blue Prism Client to configure a connection to a supported database server
B. Use BPServer exe to create and configure a connection lo a supported database server
C. Use BPServer.exe to create or configurea profile for the server servicethat uses a configured database
D. Use BPServer exe to select an appropriate connection mode and, if required, to select a certificate to use
E. Use BPServer exe to configure which users can log into Blue Prism
F. Use BPServer exe to configure all encryption schemes for the environment that willuse an Application
Server Key store
Answer: B D E F
Question #:42
Whatcan be done to prevent new or unexpected devices from registering as Runtime Resources? (Select one)
A. Implement firewall rules to prevent unexpected devices from establishing a connection with the
Application Server
B. Under System -> Settings, enable the "Prevent registration of new Resources '; Settings
C. All of the above
Answer: A
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Question #:43
Which of the following reasons would prevent the Blue Prism Server service from being started? (select four)
A. Itcan't (md a BPServer exe profile with the name that it expects
B. It the BPServer exe profile is not configured with the expected encryption schemes
C. If the user thatthe server service is attemptingto use cannot access the Blue Prism database
D. If there are no Blue Prism devices configured to connect to the server service.
E. There is a problem with the Blue Prism license Key in the environment
F. If the server service has nothing to process (eg if there are no schedules configured)
Answer: A B C D
Question #:44
Why can’t Blue Prism be configured to lock out users after5 failed attempts? (select one)
A. When using Blue Prism native authentication this is not necessary as the clientruns on a Windows
operating system
B. It can, When using Slue Prism native authentication password security and lock out options are
C. It is tweeted that at employments will use Single Sign on which negates this requirement
Answer: C
Question #:45
What settingsshould be used for the Connection Mode arid Server port when configuring a correction from the
Runtime Resource to the Application Server (select two)
A. The ConnectionMode en the .Runtime Resource shouldbe set to apply the appropriate encryptionsettings
based on the processes that will berun on the device
B. The Connection Mode on the Runtime Resource should be setto On to allow the device to be controlled
remotely. Set it to be off to allow local control and connections only
C. The Connection Mode on the Runtime Resource must match the Connection Mode configured on the
Blue Prism Server
D. TheServer mode on the Runtime Resource must matchthe Server Port configured on the Blue Prism
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E. The Server Port only needs to be set if a port other than 8181 will be used.
Answer: B D
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