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Strategic Management Course Plan - Spring 2020

Strategic Management
PAF KIET, College of Management Sciences
Faculty: Dr. Hanif Mohammed
Semester: Spring 2020
Course Plan
Topic Areas
Assignment and
1 Introduction to the Course (three stage None
to divide the course in details and
strategy making)
Introduction to Strategy
Strategic Management and Corporate
Perspectives on Strategy
2 Strategic Management Model
Strategic Landscape
Environments and their Relationships
(Internal, Task, National and Global)
Henry Mintzberg’s Emergent Strategy
and Corporate dynamism.
Forming Learning
Teams to chose a
company to carry
forward the
Review and discussion
on relationship and
influence of one
environment to the
Input Stage
3 External Factors Influencing Strategy
External Factor Evaluation
External Environment of
the organization and its
influence on the
External Factor
4 Industrial Analysis
5 forces model
Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM)
Industrial factors using
five forces model.
Using cross sectional
analysis using CPM
Developing CPM
5 Understand internal Environment of
the Organization
Relationship of Structure to Strategy
Relationship of Culture to the
Internal Factor Evaluation
Understanding Internal
Factors that effect
Developing Internal
Factor Evaluation.
Topic Areas
6 Understanding Major Corporate
Intensive Strategies
Vertical Integration Strategies
Mergers and Acquisitions
Legal issues with Mergers and
Diversification Strategies
Defensive Strategies
Growth Strategies (Organic and with
Outsourcing and Joint-ventures.
Michael Porter Generic Strategies.
Assignment and
corporate strategies, its
application and usages.
Matching Stage
7 SWOT Analysis
Based on 9 quadrants
to strategies the
organizations internal
and external factors
while using SO, WO, ST
and WT Strategies.
Develop a SWOT
analysis while
strategizing for
company providing
8 Looking at an organization’s Strategic
Position using Action Evaluation
Understanding SPACE
Matrix using negative
and positive feedback
on four quadrants
analyzing organization
and suggesting the
strategies that might be
applicable based on the
legend of the vector
Develop a SPACE
Matrix and plot the
vector. Suggest
strategies based on the
directional vector.
9 Boston Consulting Group Matrix
Two variables driving the Matrix
Relative Market Share along with
Industry Growth Rate.
Understand contribution made by
each SBU while being able to plot the
portfolios and strategizing them as per
their quadrants.
Understanding the
tabular form and
contributions of each
SBU in the Matrix
creating strategies for
each Unit.
Develop BCG Matrix
qualify them plot 5
SBUs and suggest
Dividing the matrix on 9
quadrants combining
strengths and
weaknesses to make
decisions on strategies
to be used based on
plot of each Strategic
Business Unit.
Develop an IE Matrix
and suggest strategies.
Develop a table giving
details of each SBU.
10 Internal-External Matrix
Portfolio analysis based on Internal
and external evaluation using three
types of strategies Hold and Maintain,
Grow and Build and the last
Harvesting and Divesting. The logic to
build on combinations of strengths
and weaknesses.
Topic Areas
11 Grand Strategy Matrix
Combining 4 Matrices understand the
generating of strategies based on the
quadrant the organization is falling.
Assignment and
Generating strategies
using Matching stage
Develop GSM and plot
the organization on the
quadrant. Suggest at
least three strategies
best suitable based on
Decision Stage
12 Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix
Understanding the Matrix
Place and Plot strategies
Rate and Quantify strategies
Decide on the best strategy based on
Based on analysis of
the quantification used
in this matrix learn to
make decision on the
best strategy suitable
for the organization.
Develop a QSPM and
suggest the best
strategy for the
13 Strategy Implementation Issues
Based on Harvard Article Turning
Great Strategy into Great Performance
Review the research findings to
implement strategy. Understanding
the gaps and solutions.
By understanding the
research findings and
how to use strategy
implementation the
reach is discussed in
detail based on findings
in 197 organizations.
Read the Article and
discuss during class.
14 Strategy Evaluation Matrix
Understand the Last area of the
Strategic Management Model, i.e.
Strategy Evaluation.
a. A Strategy Evaluation and
Assessment Matrix
b. A Strategy Evaluation Framework
The last stage where
students understand
how to evaluate the
strategy. The Matrix
shows a comparative
analysis of using the
quantification to
evaluate the past and
the present
Project to Warp-up all
the learning.