Uploaded by Ali Jobeili

Supply Chain Optimization Assignment

Please find attached a case study about Proctor and Gamble. the study saved 200 million dollars in
pre-tax costs.
you will be asked to prepare a presentation that summarizes the paper, build a mathematical model
that is relevant to what was done in this case study and then run it on LINGO using the data below.
good luck. (you will be divided in groups of 2-3 students.)
Model Building:
please build a model that will minimize the overall cost of supplying customers.
you can consider the following data:
10 customers: each customer demand will be a uniform [500, 1000]
5 DC candidate locations: we have to choose only 2
5 DC: the cost of opening a DC follows a UN[10000,20000]
DC capacity: each DC will supply a max of 10000.
cost of supplying 1 unit from DC i to customer j will be uniform [1, 10]