IRON—DEFICIENCY ANEMIA Anemia occurs when there’s a decreased level of hemoglobin in your red blood cells (RBCs). Hemoglobin is the protein in RBCs that is responsible for carrying oxygen to tissues. Iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia, and it occurs when the body doesn’t have enough of the mineral iron (Fe). The body needs iron to make hemoglobin. When there isn’t enough iron in the blood stream, the rest of the body can’t get the amount of oxygen it needs. When iron intake is chronically low, stores can become depleted, decreasing hemoglobin levels. There are three stages to iron deficiency: pre-latent, latent, and IDA When iron stores are exhausted, the condition is called Iron Depletion (Pre-latent). Further decreases may be called iron-deficient Erythropoiesis (Latent) and still further decreases produce Iron-Deficiency Anemia (IDA) NORMAL PHYSIOLOGY FUNCTIONS OF IRON Iron is very important in maintaining many body functions, including the production of hemoglobin, the molecule in your blood that carries oxygen. A normal iron concentration is required for maintaining healthy epidermis, dermis, hair and nails. Fe (II) and Fe (III) dimers, such as ferrous ferric chloride, are very important for regulating proliferation and differentiation of human skin cells. Ferrous ferric chloride is involved in regulating skin homeostasis through the regulation of the skin-cell turnover (skin cells production and shedding). Iron is a component of certain proteins, essential for respiration and energy metabolism, and as a component of enzymes involved in the synthesis of collagen and some neurotransmitters. IRON ABSORPTION AND STORAGE Iron absorption occurs predominantly in the duodenum and upper jejunum. Iron enters the stomach from the esophagus. Iron is oxidized to the Fe3+ state no matter its original form when taken in orally. Gastric acidity as well as solubilizing agents such as ascorbate prevent precipitation(solidifying) of the normally insoluble Fe3+. Intestinal mucosal cells in the duodenum and upper jejunum absorb the iron. The iron is coupled to transferrin (an iron-carrier produced by the liver) in the circulation. 1|IRON-DEFICIENCY ANEMIA About 70 percent of your body's iron is found in the red blood cells of the blood called hemoglobin and in muscle cells called myoglobin. Hemoglobin is essential for transferring oxygen in your blood from the lungs to the tissues. Myoglobin, in muscle cells, accepts, stores, transports and releases oxygen. About 6 percent of body iron is a component of certain proteins, essential for respiration and energy metabolism, and as a component of enzymes involved in the synthesis of collagen and some neurotransmitters. Iron also is needed for proper immune function. About 25 percent of the iron in the body is stored as ferritin, found in cells and circulates in the blood. The average adult stores about 1 to 3 grams of iron in his or her body. An exquisite balance between dietary uptake and loss maintains this balance. About 1 mg of iron is lost each day through sloughing of cells from skin and mucosal surfaces, including the lining of the gastrointestinal tract. Menstruation increases the average daily iron loss to about 2 mg per day in premenopausal female adult). No physiologic mechanism of iron excretion exists. Consequently, absorption alone regulates body iron stores. The augmentation of body mass during neonatal and childhood growth spurts transiently boosts iron requirements INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF RBC Although RBCs are considered cells, they lack a nucleus, nuclear DNA, and most organelles, including the endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria. RBCs therefore cannot divide or replicate like other labile cells of the body. They also lack the components to express genes and synthesize proteins. Hemoglobin molecules are the most important component of RBCs. Hemoglobin is a specialized protein that contains a binding site for the transport of oxygen and other molecules. The RBCs’ distinctive red color is due to the spectral properties of the binding of hemic iron ions in hemoglobin, each carrying four heme groups (individual proteins). This protein is responsible for the transport of more than 98% of the oxygen, while the rest travels as dissolved molecules through the plasma. 2|IRON-DEFICIENCY ANEMIA RBC PHYSIOLOGY The primary functions of red blood cells (RBCs) include carrying oxygen to all parts of the body, binding to hemoglobin, and removing carbon dioxide. The main RBC functions are facilitating gas exchange and regulating blood pH. Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, which contains four iron-binding heme groups. Oxygen binds the heme groups of hemoglobin. Each hemoglobin molecule can bind four oxygen molecules. The binding affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen is cooperative. It is increased by the oxygen saturation of the molecule. Binding of an initial oxygen molecule influences the shape of the other binding sites. This makes binding more favorable for additional oxygen molecules. Each hemoglobin molecule contains four iron-binding heme groups which are the site of oxygen binding. Oxygen-bound hemoglobin is called oxyhemoglobin. Red blood cells alter blood pH by catalyzing the reversible carbon dioxide to carbonic acid reaction through the enzyme carbonic anhydrase. pH is also controlled by carbon dioxide binding to hemoglobin instead of being converted to carbonic acid. RED BLOOD CELLS DEATH AND PRODUCTION (simultaneous) After about 100-120 days, RBCs are removed from circulation through a process called eryptosis (programmed death of RBC). Erythropoiesis is the process by which erythrocytes are produced. It is triggered by erythropoietin, a kidney hormone produced during hypoxia. Erythropoiesis takes place in the bone marrow, where hemopoietic stem cells differentiate and eventually shed their nuclei to become reticulocytes. Iron, vitamin B12, and folic acid are required for hemoglobin synthesis and normal RBC maturation. Reticulocytes (Late erythroblast with nucleus extruded) mature into normal, functional RBCs after 24 hours in the bloodstream. Following eryptosis, the liver breaks down old hemoglobin into heme and globin portion. The globin (protein portion) is used for synthesis of amino acids. The iron from heme is taken back to the bone marrow for reuse IN RBC production by transferrin, while heme without iron, (biliverdin) is broken down into bilirubin and excreted through digestive system bile. 3|IRON-DEFICIENCY ANEMIA ETIOLOGY OF IDA The cause of iron-deficiency anemia varies based on age, gender, and socioeconomic status. Iron deficiency may result from insufficient iron intake, decreased absorption, or blood loss. Iron-deficiency anemia is most often from blood loss, especially in older patients. It may also be seen with low dietary intake, increased systemic requirements for iron such as in pregnancy, and decreased iron absorption such as in celiac disease. In neonates, breastfeeding is protective against iron deficiency due to the higher bioavailability of iron in breast milk compared to cow's milk; iron deficiency anemia is the most common form of anemia in young children on cow's milk. In developing countries, a parasitic infestation is also a significant cause of irondeficiency anemia. RISK FACTORS These groups of people may have an increased risk of iron deficiency anemia: Women. Because women lose blood during menstruation, women in general are at greater risk of iron deficiency anemia. Infants and children. Infants, especially those who were low birth weight or born prematurely, who don't get enough iron from breast milk or formula may be at risk of iron deficiency. Children need extra iron during growth spurts Vegetarians. People who don't eat meat may have a greater risk of iron deficiency anemia if they don't eat other iron-rich foods. Frequent blood donors. People who routinely donate blood may have an increased risk of iron deficiency anemia since blood donation can deplete iron stores. Low hemoglobin related to blood donation may be a temporary problem remedied by eating more iron-rich foods. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Insufficient Iron intake. Decreased Absorption of Iron Blood Loss/Bleeding Depletion of Iron stores. Impaired hemoglobin (Hb) synthesis due to reduced Iron supply. 4|IRON-DEFICIENCY ANEMIA Decreased O2 transport to organs and tissues due to limited oxygen-binding iron in the heme group of hemoglobin. Manifestation of Signs and symptoms depending on the degree of severity of IDA. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS The signs and symptoms of moderate to severe iron deficiency anemia include: general fatigue weakness pale skin shortness of breath dizziness a tingling or crawling feeling in the legs tongue swelling or soreness cold hands and feet fast or irregular heartbeat brittle nails headaches COMPLICATIONS Mild iron deficiency anemia usually doesn't cause complications. However, left untreated, iron deficiency anemia can become severe and lead to health problems, including the following: Heart problems. Iron deficiency anemia may lead to a rapid or irregular heartbeat. The heart must pump more blood to compensate for the lack of oxygen carried in the blood when the person is anemic. This can lead to an enlarged heart or heart failure. Problems during pregnancy. In pregnant women, severe iron deficiency anemia has been linked to premature births and low birth weight babies. But the condition is preventable in pregnant women who receive iron supplements as part of their prenatal care. Growth problems. In infants and children, severe iron deficiency can lead to anemia as well as delayed growth and development. Additionally, iron deficiency anemia is associated with an increased susceptibility to infections. 5|IRON-DEFICIENCY ANEMIA DIAGNOSTIC EXAM COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT The CBC documents the severity of the anemia. In chronic iron deficiency anemia, the cellular indices show a microcytic and hypochromic erythropoiesis—that is, both the mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and the mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) have values below the normal range for the laboratory performing the test. Red blood cell size and color. With iron deficiency anemia, red blood cells are smaller and paler in color than normal. Hematocrit. A hematocrit level below the normal range. Normal levels are generally between 35.5 and 44.9 percent for adult women and 38.3 to 48.6 percent for adult men. These values may change depending on your age. Hemoglobin. Lower than normal hemoglobin levels indicate anemia. The normal hemoglobin range is generally defined as 13.2 to 16.6 grams (g) of hemoglobin per deciliter (dL) of blood for men and 11.6 to 15. g/dL for women. Peripheral smear. Examination of the erythrocytes shows microcytic and hypochromic red blood cells in chronic iron deficiency anemia; the microcytosis is apparent in the smear long before the MCV is decreased after an event producing iron deficiency. Total Iron-Binding Capacity (TIBC) & Serum Ferritin Ferritin. This protein helps store iron in your body, and a low level of ferritin usually indicates a low level of stored iron. Amount of Transferrin. Transferrin is an iron-carrier protein. Stool testing. Testing stool for the presence of hemoglobin is useful in establishing gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding as the etiology of iron deficiency anemia. Bone marrow aspiration. A bone marrow aspirate can be diagnostic of iron deficiency; the absence of stainable iron in a bone marrow aspirate that contains spicules and a simultaneous control specimen containing stainable iron permit establishment of a diagnosis of iron deficiency without other laboratory tests. Ultrasound. Women may also have a pelvic ultrasound to look for the cause of excess menstrual bleeding, such as uterine fibroids. Additional Diagnostic tests 6|IRON-DEFICIENCY ANEMIA If the bloodwork indicates iron deficiency anemia, the physician may order additional tests to identify the location of bleeding as an underlying cause, such as: Endoscopy. Doctors often check for bleeding from a hiatal hernia, an ulcer or the stomach with the aid of endoscopy. In this procedure, a thin, lighted tube equipped with a video camera is passed down your throat to your stomach. This the physician allows to view the tube that runs from mouth to stomach (esophagus) and stomach to look for sources of bleeding. Colonoscopy. To rule out lower intestinal sources of bleeding, the physician may recommend a procedure called a colonoscopy. A thin, flexible tube equipped with a video camera is inserted into the rectum and guided to the colon. The patient is usually sedated during this test. A colonoscopy allows the physician to view inside some or all of the colon and rectum to look for internal bleeding. TREATMENT/MANAGEMENT Medical Management Iron therapy. Oral ferrous iron salts are the most economical and effective medication for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia; of the various iron salts available, ferrous sulfate is the one most commonly used. Management of hemorrhage. Surgical treatment consists of stopping hemorrhage and correcting the underlying defect so that it does not recur; this may involve surgery for treatment of either neoplastic or nonneoplastic disease of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, the genitourinary (GU) tract, the uterus, and the lungs. Diet. The addition of nonheme iron to national diets has been initiated in some areas of the world. Pharmacologic Management Medications for iron deficiency anemia include: Iron products. These agents are used to provide adequate iron for hemoglobin synthesis and to replenish body stores of iron. Parenteral iron. Reserve parenteral iron for patients who are either unable to absorb oral iron or who have increasing anemia despite adequate doses of oral iron; it is expensive and has greater morbidity than oral preparations of iron. 7|IRON-DEFICIENCY ANEMIA