Development of STEM-Based Lesson Plan on GANS Researcher: Lyn Claire T. Booc Research Adviser: Edna B. Nabua ABSTRACT GANS (Gas in Nano Solid) is a state of matter formed in an alkaline medium due to the presence of copper nanocoated with carbon and a zinc metal immerse in the alkaline solution. The copper and zinc are made into a medium for attracting gas from the environment which will be chelated in the solution in a form of white precipitate. Upon contamination to copper metal complex, the white precipitate will turn into different colors depending on the presence of metal complex. Bringing GANS in the classroom would upskill the students ‘ pillars of STEM namely: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Hence, STEM-based approach was among the pedagogies adapted today in the academe. This study aimed to develop lesson plan on GANS production for classroom utilization in chemistry teaching using STEM – based approach. The lesson plan underwent series of revision with a number of consultations to STEM-Based approach experts. The said lesson plan was anchored on the stages of STEMbased lesson plan where social issues are addressed as a springboard in teaching chemistry, say, environmental contaminants in this contexts. An activity is built in this lesson plan where strategy on how to produce GANS, what colors of GANS are produce and what metals are to be used to obtain the desired GANS was comprehensively illustrated. Further, what solution is required to obtain the desired GANS and the applications of GANS were stressed in the activity for students. Results of the activity showed that, white GANS was produce using zinc metal and nanocoated copper metal immersed in an alkaline solution of sodium chloride. The production of GANS continue up until such condition when a contamination of metal from copper exist. The white GANS will be seen as colors from light blue to green appear which is an indication that there is a presence of complex metal in the GANS. The GANS is energetic in nature as it was formed by the interaction of a certain condition that allowed precipitation in an alkaline solution. It may be used as patch or made with health pen for muscular pain in humans body pain It can also be used to energize potable water. It is recommended that a clinical trial for potential applications of this GANS may be done by future researchers. The developed lesson plan was inter-rated by experts and classified it as a potential instructional material. It is also recommended that the said lesson plan may be utilized by future researchers in chemistry teaching to validate its efficacy. Keyword: GANS Production and Utilization, STEM Education