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Marketing Principles: Concepts and Management

Marketing is managing profitable customer relationships. The two fold goal of
marketing is to attract new customers by promising superior value and to
keep and grow current customers by delivering satisfaction.
Thus we can say that marketing is a process by which companies create value
for the customers and build strong customer relationships in order to
capture value from customers in return.
Marketing management orientations/principles
There are six concepts under which organizations design and carry out their
marketing strategies as the production, product, selling, marketing, societal
marketing and holistic marketing concepts.
• Production concept: The production concept says that the customers favor only
those products that are available and highly affordable. The management only
wants to increase the production and distribution. This is one of the oldest
concepts of marketing that is made with the supply side only. This concept has
not focused on the demand side of the customers and only claims that the
customers will accept any products that are available and affordable. Even though
it is one of the oldest concepts but this concept is still useful in some situations as
in monopoly markets where there is only one seller and many buyers. For
example Nepal Electricity, Nepal Petroleum etc
• Product concept: This is also one of the old philosophies which portrays that the
sales of the product can increase if an organization will focus highly on quality,
performance and features. The organization should always focus on the
continuous product improvement and it should consider that customers are highly
quality conscious. This concept has also focused on the supply side only as the
production concept but it has totally left the demand side of the product. The
concept has one of the biggest shortcoming that in this concept, the organizations
develop products without considering the demand of the customers from the
Selling concept: The selling concept portrays that the consumers will not purchase
the products of the organization unless it undertakes a large scale selling and
promotion efforts.
• This concept holds true mainly for the unsought products when customers do
not think of buying the products as insurance. As there will be aggressive
selling, the production cost decreases and the company can sell the products at
lower costs.
• The company just wants to create the sales rather than making a long term
profitable relationships with the customers. This concept has also focused on
the supply side of the market.
• The sellers assume that the buyers will like the product that is offered in the
market by them. They have not also considered about the demand and desires of
the customers.
• They believe that even if the customers don’t like the product, they will
possibly forget their dis-appointment and finally purchase the product. Thus, we
can say that the concept is based on false assumptions.
Marketing concept: The marketing concept says that the organization should at
first understand the needs, wants and desires of the customers in the marketplace
and finally they should provide the goods and services to the customers to fulfill
their needs and desires than any of the other competitors do.
It is a customer centered approach that is based on ‘sense and respond’ philosophy.
The concept just says that the organization should not find right customers for
the product but it should find the right products for the customers.
This concept has at first focused on the demand side of the market and finally it
says that the supply should be done in accordance with the demand of the
The marketing concept starts with a well-defined market, focuses on customer
needs, and integrates all the marketing activities that affect customers. In turn, it
yields profits by creating lasting relationships with the right customers based on
customer value and satisfaction.
Societal marketing concept: The societal marketing concept says that the
organization should at first understand the needs, wants and desires of the
customers in the marketplace and finally they should provide the goods and
services to the customers to fulfill their needs and desires than any of the
other competitors do and finally they should work of the long run interest
of the society.
This concept has focused on the process of maintaining long run relationships
with the customers and the society in which they operate.
The societal marketing concept holds that marketing strategy should deliver
value to customers in a way that maintains or improves both the
consumer’s and society’s wellbeing.
The companies should balance three considerations in setting their marketing
strategies as company profits, consumer wants and society’s interests.
Holistic marketing concept: The holistic marketing concept is the latest
development in marketing thought emerged in 21st century.
According to Philips Kotler, “the holistic marketing concept is based on the
development, design, and implementation of marketing programs,
processes, and activities that recognizes their breadth and
This concept is the integration of marketing concept and societal marketing
concept with a focus on relationship marketing. This concept is based on
four important themes as follows:
• Relationship marketing: This concept has emerged from the 1980s and widely
accepted by the organizations in this contemporary world. This concept focuses
that an organization should not work for short term benefits (transaction
marketing) but it should always focus on building long term profitable relation
with the key customers. Relationship marketing never focuses on immediate
sales; rather it is directed at building a large group of satisfied and loyal
customers. Besides it focuses on the customer retention and winning back the
lost customers. Finally, this concept has given emphasis on building win-win
relationship with the valued customers, dealers, distributors, suppliers and other
• Integrated marketing: This concept focuses that an organization must
integrate the activities of 4Ps i.e. Product, Price, Place and Promotion with the
different components of communication mix i.e. advertising, personal selling,
sales promotion, public relations and direct marketing to achieve the goals of
marketing i.e. profit and customer satisfaction
• Internal marketing: This concept views that everybody inside the organization
is a marketer for the organization. An organization must hire good employees,
train them properly and motivate them to serve the customers properly. At first
an organization should launch customer oriented philosophy and then internal
marketing should be implemented at two levels as follows:
Marketing department level: All the activities related to marketing like
advertising, customer services, product management etc. should be customers’
Other department level: The customer oriented philosophy must be embraced by
all other departments within the organization. Every other departments should
think that the organization can get success only by satisfied and loyal customers.
• Performance marketing: This concept focus on two important concepts as
financial accountability and social responsibility marketing as follows:
Financial accountability: Marketing activities like promotion, brand building,
sales force management etc involve huge costs and thus they must be justified
with long term profit for the organization
Social Responsibility marketing: Same as social marketing concept given above
Marketing management
• The use of management principles and activities to achieve the goals of
marketing as profit generation and maintaining long term profitable relation
with the key customers is called marketing management. Marketing
management is the process of scanning the environment, analyzing market
opportunities, designing marketing strategies, and then effectively
implementing and controlling marketing practices. Marketing management
can be taken as a science and art of choosing the target market and build
profitable exchange relationship with them.
There are different objective of marketing management as follows:
• Creation of new customers
• Satisfying the need of customers and retaining them
• Sustain and enhance the profitability of business
• Upgrade the living standard of customers
Tasks of marketing management
There are three important tasks of marketing management described as follows:
Marketing planning: Planning simply means ‘thinking before doing’. It refers to a strategic
planning of a marketing organization, formulated for achieving the desired goals in the
long run. It involve various jobs as follows:
• Scanning the environment and analyzing the changes in the environment for situational
• Conduction SWOT analysis
• Establishing the marketing goals to be achieved in a certain time period
• Designing different marketing programs like product design, price mechanism etc
• Allocation of human, financial, physical and informational resources to the departments
• Determining supervising style and setting performance standards
Implementing the marketing plans and programs: Bringing the plans into reality is
called implementation of marketing plans and programs. Different steps must be
followed by an organization for proper implementation of marketing plans and programs
as follows:
• Develop marketing organization structure
• Recruitment and selection of appropriate manpower and assign them the right jobs
• Create efficient work teams and assign them tasks properly
• Develop effective communication system in an organization
• Develop effective leadership style and maintain good motivation techniques
Marketing control: Standards or goals are set during the planning process. Reality
is achieved during the implementation phase. During the control phase,
expectations are matched with the reality. If E>R, then corrective actions are
taken by an organization called marketing control. Marketing control is done
through the monitoring and evaluation of marketing performance during and
after the plan period. The key methods of marketing control are as follows:
• Annual Plan Control: The annual plans related with sales, market share,
marketing expenses etc are controlled by an organization
• Profitability control: Measure and control long term profits of the company in
terms of products, territories, customer group etc
• Efficiency control: Measure and control the effectiveness of sales force,
advertising and sales promotion, distribution system etc in making desired level
of output
• Strategic control: Measure and evaluate the entire marketing system within the
given environmental problems and threats.
Marketing challenges in the new millennium
Due to the cause of rapid development in the technology and globalization, the
world is changing quickly. The dynamic nature of the external environment has
created a lot of challenges for the marketer. A marketer must understand these
challenges and work properly to cope with them. Some of the marketing
challenges are as follows:
• Digital age: Technology has rapidly changed in this modern world. There is
huge development in the communication, information and other digital
technologies give a change to the companies to create more value for the
customers. We can be easily connected with everyone around the world due to
this technological growth. Marketers can understand about the customers and
their purchasing behavior easily and quickly. There are basically two important
things that have emerged and totally changed the world. They are mobile
phones and internet. The internet is a vast public web of computer networks that
connects users of all types all around the world to each other and to an
amazingly large information repository. The managers that cannot adapt
themselves according to this technological change cannot sustain the business.
So, to understand the modern technology and adapt according to it is a
challenge for the marketers.
Rapid globalization: Globalization is a process of making the goods
and services available to the whole world. If we would recall the
classical world, there are no system of globalization. The products
and services available to one location could not be easily found in
another location. But now the system has totally changed. The
products available in one corner of the world can easily be ordered
and achieved from another corner by the help of good transport,
internet and mobile phones. The rapid globalization has created
extra burden to the managers. The marketing managers should not
only compete with the competitors of their locality or country but
they will have to compete with everyone in the world. If they cannot
be competitive then they can be easily thrown out from the business.
So it is an issue for the marketing managers.
Ethics and social responsibility: Ethics are the moral principles or personal boundaries
where as social responsibilities are the obligations that an organization must follow for
the betterment of r the society. Now a days, people are always making an issue for the
ethics and social responsibility. If a marketing manager is not ethical or he is not socially
responsible then he will be totally discarded by the society. For example, the Nike was
rejected in the western society due to the exploitation of child labors in Vietnam.
Similarly Nepali Gudhpak of New Road was rejected by the Neplese society due to
unethical practices. If the organization is ethical and responsible for the society, then it
will also make free publicity for the organization. For example, Maayos environmental
cleaning program.
The growth of Not for profit organizations: Not for profit organizations are those
organizations that have a major objective of providing the services to the customers but
not to make the profits. Such type of organizations are as schools, hospitals etc. Now a
days there are excessive amount of such organization. A marketing manager working in
such organizations should not work with a profit motive. He should work for the sake of
public benefit. But now a days, such organizations have also concentrated in achieving
the profit. A marketing manager should be able to show the people that they are working
for the betterment of the society and also generate some profit for the sustainability of
the organization. This is big challenge of the marketing manager.
Firm’s responses to the challenges
There are different responses shown by the organization to overcome the
challenges as follows:
• Develop marketing plans that are designed to build long run profitability
• Try to protect or increase the investment in marketing activities
• Develop marketing strategy that balances the needs of customers with the
• Develop marketing strategies to involve other firms that are crucial to
deliver the promise made by an organization to the customers
• Develop strategy to monitor progress and provide accountability
• Motivating others to be passionate about data quality
Rural marketing
Rural marketing is a process of understanding the needs, wants and demand of the
rural customers for specific goods and services. Afterwards, the organization
will transfer these goods and services to the rural market to satisfy the needs of
customers. They try to satisfy the customers and provide them better standard of
living. The rural market is slowly expanding in the case of Nepal and thus many
marketers have started to expand their market in that area.
There are three different approaches in rural marketing as follows:
• Urban to Rural: Selling goods and services like FMCG products, pesticides,
consumer durables etc from the urban area to the rural area
• Rural to Urban: It is also known as agricultural marketing. In this approach,
the products like fruits, vegetables, forest products, dairy products etc are sold
from the rural market to the urban market
• Rural to Rural: Products are sold between two rural areas. For example,
pottery, agricultural tools, handicrafts etc.
Characteristics of Rural marketing
• Large population: Population comprises to about 83% of the overall population
in Rural market. This means that there is huge population and a large market in
the rural area
• Diverse and heterogeneous market: There are different people of different
religion, culture, age group etc in the rural market. This means that the rural
market has a market for all kinds of goods and services
• Socio-economic pattern: Majority of the people in the rural areas have low per
capita income and low purchasing power
• Literacy level: Rural area has literacy rate of 38% while urban area has literacy
rate of 64% in the case of Nepal
• Standard of living: Due to the cause of low literacy rate, low per capita income
and low purchasing power, the customers in rural market have a very low
standard of living
• Cost: The cost incurred for the promotion of the product will be much lower in
rural market than in the urban market.
Relationship marketing
Relationship marketing is a process of building long run profitable relationship with the
key customers in the business. The key customers are those customers that generate
maximum revenue for an organization. It has an aim of building mutually satisfying
long term relationship with key parties in order to earn and retain their business.
The operating principle of relationship marketing is simple: “build a healthy
network of relationships with key stakeholders and profits will follow”.
Relationship building process: Draw figure from book (Page number 26); Shyam K.
Relationship marketing consists of the following steps as follows:
• Suspects: Suspects can be every individual who might purchase the product but
may lack real need for the company’s product.
• Prospects: Prospects are the people who have a substantial potential interest in the
product and the ability to pay for it.
• Disqualified prospects: Some of the suspects become disqualified prospects when
they have no interest on the product or they don’t have any money to spend. They
may also be rejected on the basis of their poor credit profile.
Qualified prospects: When prospects are well equipped to buy the product, they
become qualified prospects. If such prospects are motivated properly then they can
be the first time customers for an organization.
First time customers: When the qualified prospects purchase the product for the
first time then they are called first time customers.
Repeat customers: The customers who purchase the products on a continuous or
repeated basis are called repeat customers.
Clients: Clients are the customers who buy the products only form the company in
the relevant product categories.
Members: The satisfied clients purchase the products on a regular basis and they
become members for the organization.
• Advocates: When customers are fully satisfied then they purchase the
products and become loyal to the company. They spread positive word of
mouth and motivate others to purchase the products too.
• Partners: The advocates can even help the marketers actively to achieve a
common goal called partners.
• In-actives or drop outs: In every stage of relationship building process,
some of the customers may be in-actives and stop purchasing the products
from the organization called in-actives. Some common reasons for inactives can be bankruptcy, move to other locations, dis-satisfaction etc.
Level of company investment in
customer relationship building
In order to increase customer’s revenue, an organization has to spend more on building
greater customer loyalty. There can be five different levels of company investment
in customer’s relationship building process as follows:
• Basic marketing: The sales person just sells the product in such marketing. They
do not care about other aspects of the customers.
• Reactive marketing: The sales person sells the product and encourage the
customers to call if he or she has any questions, comments or complaints
• Accountable marketing: The sales person collects feedback from the customers
after making the sales. The feedback can be positive or negative in the form of disappointments or suggestions. These negative feedbacks can be used for improving
the company’s performance.
• Proactive marketing: The sales-person contacts the customer time to time with
suggestions about improved product uses new products available with the company.
• Partnership marketing: The Company works continuously with the customer to
find out the ways to affect customer savings or help the customer perform better.
Importance of Relationship marketing
The importance of relationship marketing is described as follows:
• It helps build harmonious relationship not only with the customers, but also
with the distributors, stakeholders, and other segments of the society.
• Relationship marketing encourages understanding the complaints and
dissatisfactions of the customers and makes all the salespeople accountable
to satisfy the customers
• It can help to understand the actual need and desire of the customers
• It can help to develop committed customers for the marketer.
Green marketing
Green marketing is the marketing of products that are presumed to be
environmentally safe. It is a process of selling products and services based
on their environmental benefits. Such products should be environmentally
safe or produced and packaged in an environmentally friendly way.
Ecological issues have not only become the concerns of society but also of the
corporate world. The business firms should not affect the ecological
balance when performing their business activities. Marketing of products
taking into considerations the ecological issues is popularly known as green
marketing. Companies that consider green marketing are Toyota, P&G etc.
The green marketing campaign highlights the
• Superior environmental protection characteristics of a company’s products
• Whether those benefits take the form of reduced waste in packaging
• Increased energy efficiency in the product use
• Decreased release of toxic emissions and other pollutants in production
Reasons for adopting green marketing
There are different reasons for adopting the green marketing concept described
as follows:
• To enjoy opportunities or competitive advantage as customers now are
more environment conscious and prefer environment friendly products
• To fulfill corporate social responsibilities as it is a best way to tell society
that “Yes we care for environment”
• To follow government pressure as different laws compel companies to
abide particular environment related instructions
• To avoid and minimize competitive pressure and increase profit
E-marketing is also known as online marketing. It is conducted through interactive online
computer systems. The online systems link buyers with sellers electronically. It can be
defined as a process of applying marketing principles and techniques using various forms
of electronic media, primarily the internet.
• Provides opportunity of global marketing
• Less expensive in comparison to traditional marketing tools
• Buying and selling can be done from anywhere making the commercial purpose more
• Marketers can reach its target customers in a broad range of way
• Buyers will have maximum choices for purchase
• Information can be easily obtained for both the buyers and sellers
• Interaction can be easily done between the sellers and buyers
Classification: The e-marketing can be easily classified in three types as follows:
• B2C e-marketing: Hilltake.com.np
• B2B e-marketing: Milpro.com
• C2C e-marketing: Hamrobazar.com
Pyramid marketing
Pyramid marketing is a process in which an organization doesn’t sell their products through
a conventional distribution system and retail outlets but through individual people selling
to their friends, acquaintances and strangers. This concept was initiated by two business
partners Jay and Rich. This concept says that sales force are compensated in two terms
• For every sales they generate
• For every sales generated by the sales representation they recruit
• The recruited sales representative can be anyone i.e. relative, friends or some strangers
• The multilevel marketing company recruits sales representative with the option to
become a manager. These sales representatives are paid commission on their sales. They
are not given any salaries for their work. The company gets benefits due to the rapid
expansion by the addition of number of trained sales representatives at each level. Sales
representatives are also in a position of benefits mainly for two reasons:
• Income is not limited to their selling ability and
• They can earn commission from sales generated by sales representatives they trained
Marketing mix
• The set of controllable tactical marketing tools- product, price, place and
promotion that the firm blends to produce the response it wants in the target
market is called marketing mix.
• The marketing mix consists of everything that a firm can do to increase the
demand of its product in the market. There are different possibilities to increase
the demand but we classify it into four ways as product, price, place and
1. Product: Product means the goods and services combination the company
offers to the target market. It consists of
• Product design (shape, color, size)
• Product variety (line and items)
• Quality (standardization and grading)
• Features
• Branding, trademarks, packaging, services, warranties, product planning and
2. Price: Price is the amount of money that the customers must pay to obtain the
product. It includes
• List price
• Credit terms
• Discount
• Allowances
• Payment period etc.
3. Place: Place includes company activities that make the product available to
target customers. It consists of
• Types of channels/ middleman
• Store/ distributor location
• Storage
• Transportation
• Inventory
• Logistics etc
4. Promotion: Promotion means the activities that communicate the merits of
the product and persuade the target customers to buy it. It includes
• Advertising
• Personal selling
• Sales promotion
• Public relation
Other P’s as People, Process and Physical evidence is described in Unit
Marketing environment
The actors and forces outside marketing that affect marketing management’s
ability to build and maintain successful relationships with target customers
is called marketing environment. We study about two types of environment
Micro-environment and Macro environment
• Micro environment: The actors close to the company that affect its ability
to serve its customers- the company, suppliers, marketing intermediaries,
customer markets, competitors and publics etc is called micro environment.
The company: The marketing managers must work in proper coordination
with the top managers, and other department as finance, R&D, purchasing,
operation etc. Top managers make missions, visions, objectives and
strategies for the whole company and marketing manager must work as per
the strategies made by top management. But they must think about the
customers before fulfilling the strategies.
• Suppliers: Suppliers provide resources to the company to produce goods
and services. Supplier’s problems directly harm over marketing. Supply
shortages, or delays, labor strikes and other events can cost sales in short
run and damage customer’s satisfaction in long run. Rising supply prices
harm the company’s sales volume directly.
• Marketing intermediaries: The marketing intermediaries help to promote,
sell and distribute its products to final buyers. It includes resellers, physical
distribution firms, marketing services agencies and financial intermediaries.
• Resellers: Distribution channels ( resellers, whole sellers etc)
• Physical distribution firms help the company to take goods from the point
of origin to the point of sales)
• Marketing services agencies includes research firms, advertising agencies
• Financial institutions include banks, financial institutions etc
• Competitors: The marketing concept states that to be successful, a company
must provide greater customer value and satisfaction that its competitors do.
Thus, marketers must do more than simply adapt to the needs of target
consumers. They also must gain strategic advantage by positioning their offering
strongly against competitors’ offerings in the minds of consumers.
• Publics: Publics are the interested groups that impact the organization to achieve
its objectives. There are different types of publics as follows
• Financial publics: Banks, investment houses etc.
• Media publics: News papers, TV, radio, etc.
• Government publics: Taxation policy and other rules
• Citizen action publics: Consumer organizations, environment groups etc
• General public: People attitude towards the product
• Internal public: Workers, managers, volunteers etc.
Macro environment
The external environment that operates outside the organization and cannot be controlled
by the organization is called macro environment. It shapes opportunities and poses
threats to the company. The macro environment of the marketing consists of
• Demographic environment: The study of human population in terms of age, gender,
size, density, location, race, occupation and other statistics is called demography. The
demographic factors that directly affect over the marketing are as follows:
• Population size: Increased population size results in the increased market size. For
example large market is achieved in India, China etc.
• Population growth: It the population growth rate is higher, size of the market will be
larger resulting in increased marketing opportunities.
• Population migration: It affects over the marketing directly. For example the increase
Indian population in Nepal has resulted in the demand for wheat in Nepalese market.
• Urbanization: When people migrate from the rural areas to the urban areas then
they will follow the life style of urban people. This increases the opportunity of
fashionable, durable and furnishing goods.
Changing family system: The change in the family system has been observed in the past
few decades. Basically, in the case of developing countries like Nepal, the change has
led to various outcomes. Due to the cause of attraction toward western civilization,
development rate or enhancement in the education rate the family system is changing.
The changed family system has changed the family from joint to nuclear system.
Besides, it split rate is also increasing in the urban sectors. i.e. the society is becoming
more and more individualistic. The work of the male and female in the family has also
changed. Both of the people work in the office to earn money and both have their own
needs and demand. The changing family system can create opportunity for a marketer.
For eg. Since both male and female works, the marketer can sell the products like bikes;
cars etc. or more focus can be given on readymade products.
Changing role of woman: The role of woman is rapidly changing since the past few
decades. This is mainly due to the cause of increase in the educational rate in the women
or women empowerment. Long time ago, people used to see women as slaves. They
could not go out and they should look at the home and the family only. Now the situation
has totally changed. The increase in the educational rate in the women has made then
independent and highly ambitious. They have their own needs and demand and they
directly involve in the family decision making. Due to this cause, the marketers can sell
such products that are designed especially for them. For example sales of scooty pept are
very high and it is in the increasing trend.
Economic factor: Economic factor is always considered as one of the most significant
force of the macro environmental factor. It directly affects over the consumers buying
power and spending patterns. The economic factor is always affected by the general
economic condition of the country i.e. whether the country is in the condition of
prosperity, recession, depression or recovery. If the country is in prosperity the heavy
priced goods can be marketed but if the country is in the condition of recession then
lower priced goods are mostly sold. The buying power of the consumers is an integral
part of economic environment. The buying power of the consumers is determined by the
inflation rate of the country and consumers income. Marketers should also be aware of
the changing income distribution and spending patterns because income distribution and
consumption pattern displays which good has a potential market and which good has no
Natural factor: Natural resources are very important for the production process. The
depletion in the natural resources will cause the increase in price and the decrease in
consumption. Marketers must be aware of the several trends in the natural environment as
Shortages of raw materials: Raw materials can be in the form of renewable or non
renewable resources. Organizations that are working with non renewable resources as oil,
petroleum products etc. may face problems of raw materials availability.
• Increased pollution: The raw materials are being depleted due to the increase in
the pollution as air pollution, water pollution; land pollution, sound pollution
etc. The main causes of the pollution are the industries themselves.
• Increased government intervention: The governments of different countries
have shown keen interest in the natural resource management. The government
exerts pressure on the industries to reduce the pollution rate and work for the
environmental sustainability.
Technological factor: Forces that create new technologies, creating new product
and market opportunities constitute the technological factor. Technological
environment changes rapidly and the organization must work in proper
coordination with the new technology to reduce the cost of production and
increase the sales. New technologies create new market and new opportunities
for the marketer. A marketer must understand the level of technology, pace of
technology, Research and Development etc. to market such products that are
practical and affordable.
• Socio-cultural factors: Society is a group of people having distinct beliefs,
knowledge, habits, tastes, values, culture and life cycle. Culture is the shared
beliefs, values and attitudes within the members of the society. Society changes
rapidly due to the change in technology. For eg. Roads (transportation), IT etc.
In the case of Nepal, people are attracted with western culture. They are focusing
on individualism, small families and loose relationships. The changes are also
seen in the values, beliefs and attitudes. Similarly, changes are observed in the
dressing, housing, food, education and entertainment. This has directly created
opportunity for the marketers. The examples of such opportunities are
community housing projects, increment in the usage of bikes, cars, jewelry,
mobile phones etc.
• Political and legal factors: Political environment consists of laws, government
agencies and pressure groups that influence and limit various organizations and
individuals in a given society. It constitutes of
• Laws- legal provision: For fair trade, competition, environment protection,
product safety, advertising etc.
• Government policies: Government policies are ways of doing things. They are
made by the government to protect the companies and the consumers.
Reactive and Proactive marketing
Reactive and proactive marketing holds major significance in marketing decision
• Reactive marketing: Marketers use various tactics when opportunities and
challenges arise in marketing environment. The marketing environmental forces
are unpredictable and uncontrollable for an organization. Thus an organization
tries to change itself according to the changes in the external marketing. It is
mainly done by an organization due to extreme competition in the market. For
example, there is a lot of consideration on the issue of MSG (Mono Sodium
Glutamate) in noodle industry. Mayos noodles then gave an advertisement on
this issue by displaying that “No added MSG” as a response of the issue.
Features of Reactive marketing: There are different features of reactive marketing
listed as follows:
• There are no written marketing strategies. Reaction takes place as problems arise
• Referrals occur whenever the customer decides to call
• The approach used in marketing is inconsistent and weak
• It depends on bottom of the barrel approach like group on
• When marketing is done, it is usually a “let’s try this latest fad
Proactive marketing: In the case of proactive approach, marketer will analyze the
environment properly to understand what the customer is really seeking. It is a
form of marketing that allows the marketers to be agile, real time, data driven
and adaptable to the ever changing space of what their customers could be
seeking. Even though the environmental forces are very hard to predict and
understand, but their changes can be predicted if proper planning is done. There
will be a lot of scanning and predicting work in proactive marketing but the
results will be very influential to the customers. For example, Kantipur
Publication understood the importance internet in the customers and developed
e-kantipur to fulfill their needs
Features of Proactive marketing:
• Creating a written marketing plan based on the analysis and research conducted
in the environment
• It is viewed and treated as a manageable business process
• It is not done when crisis arises but it is a process of planning before the
problem can arise
• Referrals are regularly generated through incentive programs, social media and
other means
Marketing environment in Nepal
The marketing environment in Nepal can be described under the following
• Economic environment: Nepal is an agriculture based country with a per capita
income of about US$ 700. There is mixed economy in the country and high
poverty rate with unbalanced income distribution. High rate of inflation is
observed in the country. Private sectors have insufficient role in the development
and the country depends upon the foreign traders from imports of necessary
goods. The development in the service sector is good in the recent years with the
demand for luxury, communication and service related items like motorcycles,
cars, mobiles, laptops, banking and insurance services etc.
• Demographic environment: According to the 2011 census, Nepal has 26.6
million people with annual growth rate of 2.25% annually. Male and female are
equally distributed and about 83.1% people are living in the rural areas. Even
though maximum people live in the rural areas but the marketing activities are
concentrated in the urban areas. Due to this immigration is seen maximum from
the hilly region to Terai and village to city areas every year.
• Socio-cultural environment: People from different culture, different religion
and different ethnic groups live together inside Nepal. The society and culture
in Nepal is highly influenced by the western culture. Our food, dressing, dances,
music, education etc. are westernized creating a big market for the western
products. There are different salient features that explains the dynamic sociocultural environment in Nepal as rise in middle class, shifts in lifestyle, growth
in nuclear family, change in working culture, change in attitude, shift in
shopping –culture etc.
• Political-Legal environment: Nepal has changed into a politically disturbed
country. After the Maoists insurgency, stability is never seen in the country.
Frequent changes are seen in the policies and laws affecting the business sectors
both nationally and internationally. Different types of bundhs and chakka jams
etc are predominant in the country. The consumer protection laws are only in
the legal books proving that the country has a hostile political and legal
marketing environment.
• Technological environment: Labors have cheap wage rate in the country
and many organizations are using these labors for the work. Industrial
development is weak and modern technology is not adopted by them. Some
modern technologies are used by them but it is not in abundant amount.
Even rural farmers are using traditional methods for production. Advanced
technologies are used by the multinationals but the pace of technological
change is unsatisfactory. New innovations are not seen in the technology
but now a day information technology is gaining momentum.
• Natural resources: Nepal is very rich in natural resources as herbs, water
resources, forests etc. These resources raise opportunity for the
development and also attract the tourists. In the recent years, over pollution,
exploitation of natural resources for commercial purposes, deforestation
and increasing population is causing environmental degradation.
• Competitive environment: Size of the market is small and thus the
domestic producers can’t easily compete with the foreign investors.
Majority of the raw materials are not available in the country and we have
to depend upon the imported raw materials for the production. People are
extremely price sensitive and they prefer the international products more
than the national products. The market is seller-oriented with less
bargaining power of the customers. Both product and market specialization
is lacking in the country however competition is seen in some products as
noodles, alcohol, tobacco, banking, insurance, telecommunication etc.