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Phonics lesson plan

Grade level: 2nd grade
Literacy skill: Nouns singular and plural
This Phonics lesson plan for Sarah will focus on the Phonics skill of writing singular nouns in
their plural form.
Lesson Objective: Given 4 singular nouns Sarah will be able to rewrite the words in plural form
with 80% accuracy.
I do:
We know that a noun is a person, animal, place or thing. For example: girl, dog, school, toy.
We are talking about one girl, one dog, a single school, one toy. A noun that names one person,
animal, place, or thing is called a singular noun. A noun that means more than one person,
animal, place, or thing is called a plural noun. Rule #1 is to add “s” to the end of a singular
noun, and it turns it into a plural noun. For example, girls, dogs, schools and toys.
Rule #2 is to add -es to singular nouns that end in ch, sh, s, ss, x, z and zz, to get their plural
forms. For example, ostrich, bush, box, kiss, and bus, to make these singular nouns plural under
Rule #2 we would add -es to make them plural. Ostriches, bushes, boxes, kisses, and buses.
Rule #3 is to drop the y and add -ies. Singular nouns that end in a consonant followed by “y”
change into plural form by changing the “y” to “I” then adding -es. For example, city, cities,
country, countries.
We do: Now using the rules lets change these singular nouns into plural nouns. Get out a piece
of paper and fold it in half. One column label it “Singular” and the second column label it
“plural”. Now write 1. Witch, 2. City, 3. Truck, 4. Dish. Look at the first word “witch” and
underline the “ch” now look at the word “city” and underline the “y”, now look at the word
“truck” and underline “k”, lastly, underline the “sh.” We underlined the “ch” in the singular
noun “witch”. Let’s look at the rules and see what rule we need to use to make this word into a
plural noun. Rule #2 says if the word ends in “ch” then we need to add “es to the end of the
word. So in plural column, write “witches.” Now the word “city”, rule #3 says we need to drop
the “y” and add “ies”. We’ll write “cities”, in the second column. Now the word “truck,” we
look at rule #1, that says we add “s”, to the end of the word, we get “trucks.” The last word
“dish” we underlined “sh” so that tells us that we should use rule #2. We will add “es” to get
the plural noun, “dishes.”
Check: Now I am going to give you 4 more words and I want you to look at the rules and then
see which one works with each word. So, let’s get started. Let’s write 5. dog, 6. branch, 7.
baby, 8. ax. I want you to look at the rules and then write the plural form of each word. If you
have any questions let me know.
Assessment: As Sarah is writing the words down in the column, I will make sure she is looking
at and reading the rules. If she appears to get frustrated or taking too long, I will go over the
rules again and use examples for that rule. When Sarah is done I will ask her about each of the 4
words. I will ask her what rule she used and why she chose to use that rule.