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Vocabulary List: Definitions & Examples

1. Zealot - fanatic; person who shows excessive zeal
2. .Whimsical-capricious; fanciful(existing only in the imagination){magical?)
3. Welter -turmoil;( a state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty.
"the country was in turmoil"
4. Wary- very cautious/ alert
5. Warranted -justified; authorized(the employees feel that industrial action is warranted")
6. Volatile- changeable; explosive; (of a substance) easily evaporated at normal
"volatile solvents such as petroleum ether, hexane, and benzene
7. Vituperative - abusive; bitter and abusive.
8. "a vituperative outburst
9. Viscous -sticky, gluey
10. Viable -practical or workable("the proposed investment was economically viable")
11. Verbose –wordy(using or expressed in more words than are needed.); talkative
12. Vacillate waver; fluctuate(I vacillated between teaching and journalism")be uncertain.
13. Venerate (regard with great respect; revere.
"Philip of Beverley was venerated as a saint"
14. Veracious ; vuh·rei·shuhs ;truthful
15. Truculence -aggressiveness; ferocity(ready for a fight)
16. Transgression- violation of a law; sin
17. Tractable- docile; easily managed; manageable
18. Tortuous -taw·choo·uhs winding; full of curves; full of twists and turns.
"the route is remote and tortuous
19. Torpor -taw·puh lethargy; sloth; inactivity
20. Tirade- a long, angry speech of criticism or accusation.
21. Tenuous- thin; rare; slim; weak
22. Tangential - peripheral;( outermost) only slightly connected
23. Tacit- understood; not put into words(your silence may be taken to mean tacit agreement"
24. Supposition hypothesis; surmise; theory/belief.
25. Supersede take the place of; take over from substitute for; replace
26. Substantiate establish by evidence; verify; support;prove
27. Subside settle down; descend; grow quiet