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TOK: Knowledge & Technology - AI, Ethics, & Definitions

TOK Unit 2 Knowledge and Technology
Let's first try to define what technology is and come up
with 10 examples of technology.
TASK 1: Define technology
TASK 2: List 10 examples of technology
How do we define technology, and what is its goal?
The ancient Greeks defined it as “the science or study of craft,” formed from two
Greek root words: (1) Techne - meaning “skill” or “art” & (2) Logos – study
The modern meaning of technology is “the application and study of scientific
knowledge for practical purposes, such as industrial arts, engineering, applied
science, and pure science.”
The GOAL of technology is to improve the lives of humans. Within this goal is an
inbuilt bias that we often put ourselves before all other life forms on the planet.
How do these definitions match yours? Is there more to the standard definition
that needs to be added? Discuss.
Some examples of technology used today:
• Cochlear hearing aid implants.
• The agitator in a washing machine.
• A robotic arm used to conduct bomb disarmament and disposal.
• The brakes on a bicycle (old tech – the original designs date back to the
• Video conference calls.
• Chat bots which take the initial diagnosis of a patient.
• Algorithms applied in determining the grade of a student (recent IB mishap).
Consider what the PURPOSE of these technologies are, and how they improve
the lives of humans: Are they time savers? Do they improve safety? Anything
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable
from magic." Arthur C. Clarke
Think about this famous quote for a moment and determine if you agree or disagree with it and
explain your stance. Write at least one paragraph. Support your viewpoint with a real-life
situation (RLS).
Read the following article and write a
short reflection on how it relates to the
Guiding questions (you can ignore, if not
Does this support your initial thoughts?
Did you think of it differently?
"Any sufficiently advanced technology
is indistinguishable from magic."Arthur C. Clarke
Task 5: British mathematician and computer scientist Alan Turing posed the
question: “Can a computer talk like a human?” to test for artificial intelligence. Watch
the video and be able to explain: (1) how the Turing Test was conducted (2) what
implicit biases are contained within the test.
Video 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wLqsRLvV-c
Task 6: Watch the following video. How comfortable do you feel with AI? Do you think that
it could present a threat to humans at any point of time? Can an artificial machine really
think, or does it just compute?
Video 2: Google’s Alpha Go:
Knowledge Questions – Methods and Tools
Is artificial intelligence restricted to information or can it also allow machines to
acquire knowledge?
What is the difference between computational thinking, algorithmic thinking and
critical thinking?
What is the difference between data, information and knowledge?
In what sense, if any, can a machine be said to know something?
Last but not least: How is technology changing our relationship with knowledge?