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ENG100 Assignment
Answer Sheet
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Academic Semester:
A. The Paragraph
(5 marks)
1. Running is an easy way to get needed exercise: it is inexpensive, can be
done almost anywhere, and requires few special skills.
Running is an easy way to get the needed exercise. It is inexpensive, can be done almost
anywhere, and requires few special skills. It can be seen as a full-body workout, and it is
something which is done by everyone since childhood. According to Blackburn et al. (2020),
running can be done at varying paces, as per one convenience, and can still reap the same
benefits. However, it is always better to practice running in open spaces close to trees such as
parks, gardens to get fresh air. When we run, our lungs pump out carbon dioxide and require
more oxygen, and the oxygenated blood actively runs throughout the body (Barnfield, 2016).
That is why it is encouraged to exercise in the morning or evening when there are less noise
and pollution and enjoy some peaceful time.
B. The Essay (5 marks)
iv) Parents should be more responsible for their kids’ healthy diet. Discuss.
Health is essential for one's wellness and happiness. Health refers to maintaining good mental
and physical well being. The healthier a person, the more active and productive they are. They
also have an excellent immune system and can deal effectively with stress. Children are in a
critical stage of growth and development. They have not matured fully and therefore need
essential nourishment to grow further. According to the 2019 edition of the "State of the
World's Children (SOWC) report, every 1 in 3 children is malnourished, undernourished, or
underweight. It also reported that around 40 million children are obese or overweight. This
goes to show that not much priority has been given to children's eating behavior. Research has
found that there can be long term implications for them. Malnourished and Obese children
have a higher rate of developing cardiovascular and other health issues into adulthood (Quirke,
2016). They also have a shorter life span than those children who grew up with a healthy
lifestyle. Their eating behaviors will continue into adulthood. Children who are obese will
remain obese into adulthood unless it is not stopped earlier.
Research has been trying to find some of the causes behind these unhealthy patterns. Some of
them include lack of information, poor economic conditions, poverty, neglectful parents, lack
of resources and facilities available, etc. Hendaus et al. (2020) research focused on parents'
attitudes towards health and eating behaviors and, in turn, the effects on children. They found
that parents who are not health conscious create unhealthy environments for their children
versus those who care about their health and well being. This research points to evidence that
parents play an essential role in their child's behavior.
Therefore, it is vital that parents need to make changes to their own beliefs, attitudes, and
behaviors and adopt a healthier lifestyle. They should educate their child about the adverse
effects of eating unhealthy food and encourage them to eat healthily. Since parents are the
one's spending the money, they can control what food enters the house. Nowadays, many
parents are adopting a healthy mode of living. As a result, one can find various healthy
alternatives to unhealthy food in the supermarket. If not then ensure, you cut down on the
intake of unhealthy food and limit it to a few times a week. It might be challenging, but with
love and patience, a child will learn to understand. Freiman (2018) found that positive parental
role models are the most effective in improving their child’s health and well being.
Parents have a responsibility to protect their children and ensure that their basic needs are met.
In the long run, their child's health is at risk. Healthy children are more active, optimistic, and
carefree. They perform better in academics and are more productive in life. What you eat
reflects on the outside. Therefore if you eat healthily, it will show in your attitudes and
behaviors in your life.
C. Summary of 'A Hanging,' by George Orwell (5 marks)
Write a summary of A Hanging by George Orwell.
A Hanging is a short essay written by George Orwell published in 1931 in the British literary
journal. This is about execution in Burma; no information is given to the condemned man, or
the crime committed is described. Malreddy (2019) affirmed that the inmate is marched and
bound to the gallows in the novel, he steps down to prevent treading in a puddle of rainwater,
and the author reflects that he had never known how a good thinking man could be killed. He
recalls that it is cutting a life short when it is in full tide.
A Hanging' at a first glance appears as the description of a minor event in the author's life in
Burma. At a deeper level, the essay uncovers the brutalities of British Raj in the small Asian
country. Orwell portrays a convict's hanging and the events associated with it. He disentangles
the complex web of British imperialism in Burma. A convict accepts death with calm
demeanour leaving Orwell perplexed and excited. The hindu convict walked to the hanging
spot like a king surrounded by his pages and others shiver when he chants his lord's name
'Ram, Ram, Ram' before being hanged. You will come across a lot of action captured in very
few words. Orwell has treated the event with balanced precision and lets readers investigate
the events of the day from various angles.
The author thought that the man was not dying; he was alive, just like we are all alive. Alam
(2020) reflected that he and we are a party of men walking together, seeing, hearing, feeling,
understanding the same world, and suddenly one of us would be gone, one mindless one world
less. George Orwell felt the wrongness of capital punishment and how dehumanizing it was.
The soldiers were relieved after the execution, and they were beginning to have a conversation
about the problematic executions with the sense of laughing. The abolitionist message is
conveyed through characters like prisoners, dogs, functionaries, and their actions, words, and
body language (Clarke, 2020). Thus, George Orwell argues that capital punishment is wrong
with some narrative evidence he experienced and described in the essay.
Alam, M. (2020). Continuous Relevance to ‘Unspeakable Wrongness' in Orwell's A Hanging:
A Transitivity Analysis. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 7(1), 492-518.
Barnfield, A. (2016). Physical exercise, health, and post-socialist landscapes—recreational
running in Sofia, Bulgaria. Landscape Research, 41(6), 628640.https://doi.org/10.1080/01426397.2016.1197193
Blackburn et al. (2020). Running on Empty: A Metabolomics Approach to Investigating
Changing Energy Metabolism during Fasted Exercise and Rest. Metabolites, 10(10), 399.
Clarke, B. (2020). “A Humanitarian is Always a Hypocrite”: George Orwell, Englishness, and
Empires. A Companion to World Literature, 1
11. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118635193.ctwl0278
Freiman, C. (2018). Why Parents Should Enhance Their Children. In The Ethics of Ability and
Enhancement (pp. 155-171). Palgrave Macmillan, New York.
Hendaus et al. (2020). Parental perceptions of a child's healthy diet: Evidence from a rapidly
developing country. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 9(9), 4949.
Malreddy, P. K. (2019). Imperialist shame and indigenous guilt: George Orwell’s writings on
Burma. European Journal of English Studies, 23(3), 311-325.
Quirke, L. (2016). Fat-proof your child”: Parenting advice and “child obesity. Fat Studies, 5(2),