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Korean Entry Strategies to Philippine Market: Advantages & Disadvantages

From Korea to Philippines: A Study of Advantages and Disadvantages of Various
Entry Strategies to Philippine Market
Ayman I. Kour
Ayra O. Albao
Bridgette Blythe E. Tadlangan
Cristine Juliana C. Larena
Erwin J. Nieva
Janna Marie M. Sangalang
Rainey Ann S. Omampo
Trizia O. Casas
11 ABM 01
Research Paper in Practical Research 1
Senior High School Department
Adamson University, Ermita, Manila, Philippines
Mr.Juvenal Dalimeg
Research Adviser
Mr.Juvenal Dalimeg
Content Adviser
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Keywords: Most used/ Important Terms in your Research/ max of 6 keywords
South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan
are considered to be The Four Asian Tigers or
also known as the Asian Dragons. They are
regarded as fast-growing economies of the world.
The four Asian nations have consistently
sustained high-growth economic rate since the
1960s, charged by rapid industrialization and
exports, which facilitated these economies to be
in line with the world’s wealthiest nations.
According to Docurex (2017), in 2015 South
Korea officially overtook Japan in GDP terms
moving second place to China in terms of
financial feasibility. The country is considered as
a gateway to Asia and the market culture.
Expanding Korean Market had reached in
particular the Philippines. In fact, Philippine
Imports from the Republic of Korea as Top 10
Market Destination is about $291.17. (PSA May
08, 2019). More and more Korean products, such
as food and cosmetics are finding their way to the
Philippines with brands like Etude House, The
Face Shop, Nature Republic, Tonymoly, Missha
and Skin Food opening stores to take advantage
of the country’s growing market for beauty
products. On data, Skin Food now has 14 stores
in the Philippines since it opened its first branch
in July 2006, while Etude House has 37 branches
since launching in 2010.
The interest in Korean beauty brands is an offshoot of the current “Korean wave,” as many
young Filipino girls want to look like their
favorite Korean singers and actors.
Through locally dubbed Korean soap operas,
Filipinos have developed an interest in Korean
culture, which has extended to products.
It also helps that Korean cosmetic brands use
famous K-pop stars to advertise their products in
the Philippines. Etude House has Sandara Park,
and Shinee, while Tonymoly features JYJ.
According to Linda L. Yu of the Philippine
Society of Cosmetic Science (PSCS), Korean
cosmetics are popular among Filipino customers
who want to appear young with “clean and white”
Moreover, many Filipino customers are curious
about Korean cosmetic brands as they are quite
“unconventional” compared to other local
products despite their higher price points. Korean
cosmetics are perceived as the high-end products
with their high quality and great efficacy.
Interest in Korean beauty products have led to
other fields such as Korean dermatology and
cosmetic surgery.
These facts and figures is a notable indicator that
Korea had entered the mainstream of the
Philippine Market. This is attributed to the
Korean Market Strategy focusing on establishing
and maintaining a strong business relationship
where Korea is at its best. Korea is set to be
capitalizing on visiting countries like the
Philippines and building business relationships
among entrepreneurs leading to business
partnerships and promoting products and services
through agents. (www.trade.gov.ph Oct. 2019).
Materials and Methodology
This study is qualitative, for it is focused for indepth understanding of lived experiences and
opinions of the respondents. The researchers
used phenomenology method design where in
participants experiences a specific event.
The population of the study was the workers of
Korean stores located in Pedro Gil St., Malate,
1000 Metro Manila area. The chosen area has
dominant population of Korean stores, stalls and
This paper facilitates the purposive sampling
technique, a non-probability/non-random
sampling technique was applied to create a
sample that the respondents are accessible,
available and ready to take part of the research
easily. The reason why the researchers have
designated the high-ranking workers of Korean
stores is that it is believed that the respondents
are available and are experienced enough to be
able to give data. The researchers disregard the
owners of the stores, for it will take a very long
process to have time with them. This way, the
researchers are assured safer and easier to
administer with the professional respondents.
The researchers settled standards of respondents
as follows:
Must be 18+ years of age (Legal Age)
Male or Female
Must be at least 6 months of service in
 Store manager or Reseller/Distributor or
Company/Store Representative
The researchers utilized a semi-structured survey
questionnaire. Those were carefully chosen with
the help of the researchers' Practical Research I
Teacher, and content adviser, Mr. Juvenal
Dalimeg, who helped the researchers to come up
with a safe and valid content of the questions.
The data was collected by interviewing the
participants face-to-face. For the reason that
besides of it is time convenient, it is the easiest
possible way to understand the answers given
for follow up questions of the researchers may
be asked on the spot. In this way,
misinterpretation of data will be avoided during
the analyzing of data.
The data gathered were critically analyzed by
identifying the theme of each answers of the
respondents, and in relation with journals and
existing researches.
Choi, C. (2013). Why Korean cosmetics are
popular in PH. ABS-CBN Corporation.
Retrieved from:https://news.abs-
PSA. (2019). Highlights of the Philippine Export
and Import Statistics: March 2019. Retrieved
Capistrano, E.P. (2018). Hallyu and corporate
performance: The case of South Korean skin
care companies in the Philippines. Retrieved
Lisa & Yaine. (2018). “[FEATURE] 5
Korean Beauty Brands for Filipino Beauty
Enthusiasts”. Retrieved from:
Sanchez, M.J. (2019). Share of Korean
beauty products in skincare routine among
consumers Philippines 2019. Statista.
Retrieved from:
Interaksyon. (2019). Reasons why Filipinos
love Korean culture and products. Philstar
Global Corporation. Retrieved from:
From Korea to Philippines: A Study of Advantages and
Disadvantages of Various Entry Strategies to Philippine Market
1. What are the Marketing entry strategies used by Korea to enter the
Philippine Market?
2. What are the advantages of the strategy used?
3. What are the disadvantages of the market strategy used?
4. What are the possible effects of the strategy to the Philippine
5. How does the strategy impact the lifestyle of the Filipinos?
6. Is there any effect to education or knowledge formation of
7. What impact it has created to the local business?
8. What products or services are being introduced to the market?
9. How are Filipino values influenced by Korean market?
10. In general, what can you say about competing with other
countries to enter the Philippine market?