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Solar Power Plant Technical Specification at Azraq Refugee Camp

July 2015
1. The contractor shall quote for the complete design, supply, installation, training of local staff
and commissioning of photovoltaic solar power plants in Azraq Refugee Camp, as outlined in
the specification below. Azraq camp is located at 32°54’33”N; 36°35’10”E.
2. The current objective is to complete a photovoltaic solar power plant with total combined
nominal power output of 6,012kWp. The project will be implemented in separate phases
over a period of 3 years.
3. The implementation is foreseen in six phases, each of which shall have a nominal power
output of 1,002kWp and will be independent of all other phases. (i.e. each phase will have
its own net metering equipment, transformer, connection to EDCO grid etc.) .
Nevertheless, the actual size of each phase will depend on available funding and local
requirements, therefore phases may be larger or smaller than 1,002kWp. No phase shall
be smaller than 0.5MWp and could range in size up to a maximum of 1.5MWp. Separate
purchase orders shall be issued for each individual phase, depending on the available
funds. The UNHCR does not guarantee to issue purchase orders for any minimum amount
or for a minimum number of phases.
4. The contractor shall submit a proposal for the installation of a photovoltaic solar power
plant with a nominal power output of 1,002kWp which will be used as a base for the
purchase orders of each and every phase of the project depending on funds availability.
5. The solar power plant will be grid-connected via net metering agreements with the local
electricity distribution company EDCO.
6. The solar power plant installation shall include but is not limited to support structures,
foundations and fixings, PV modules, inverters, control systems, circuit combiners,
switchgear, metering equipment, transformers and cabling.
7. The contractor’s complete design shall be submitted along with the quotation to the UNHCR.
This design shall include all drawings, equipment and material specifications, in addition to
methods of installation, training plan and project programming for each element of the
8. The contractor shall provide details of the manufacturer and the technical specifications for
each item of equipment included in the design and quotation. This shall include separate
details for all components parts of each installation. Please provide only one
manufacturer/supplier for each item of equipment which shall be used as the minimum
standard for the installation.
9. All designs, installation works and equipment shall comply with local and international
regulations and standards including the laws of the Energy and Minerals Regulatory
Commission, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, local authorities and the
standards of the International Electro-technical Commission (IEC). The Contractor shall
include for all necessary equipment, materials and work practices in order to comply with
these standards and regulations, even where not precisely specified in this outline
10. All designs must be agreed with the UNHCR Project Manager prior to commencement of the
contract. Notwithstanding this agreement, the contractor shall be responsible for all design
works and ensuring that all installations function correctly in accordance with these designs.
The contractor shall be responsible for any systems that do not function correctly as a result
of improper design and/or improper workmanship.
11. All installations shall be designed and installed to facilitate inspection, cleaning and
maintenance and to ensure continued operation under conditions prevailing at the site, and
under such voltage and load variations encountered in operating the systems.
12. All equipment shall be suitable for use from -5°C to 40°C and all external equipment shall be
13. Any changes to these designs and specifications during the contract works shall be agreed
with the UNHCR representative prior to the commencement of these installations. No
payments shall be made for any additional works or changes to any aspect of the contract
without prior written agreement.
14. Precise locations of all equipment shall be agreed on site with the UNHCR Project Manager
prior to installation.
15. The contractor shall supply and erect all necessary work signs, fencing, warning signs,
lighting, safety barriers etc. required to ensure the safety of the public and workers on the
16. The contractor shall include for full site investigations in their system designs, including
route surveys, ground testing, geo-technical, hydrological and any other testing necessary to
properly design and complete the installations. The contractor shall be responsible for any
difficulties encountered in site conditions that could reasonably have been foreseen or
17. All working methods employed and all plant and apparatus under this contract shall be
subject to approval by the UNHCR.
18. The Contractor shall include for all associated civil and construction works necessary for the
complete installation of all equipment, including but not limited to excavations, concrete
works, backfilling, earth ramming, foundations, building alterations and repairs. Pricing,
designs and specifications for these works shall also be fully detailed in the quotation.
19. The contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that all areas of the site are left in the same
condition as prior to the commencement of these works.
20. Water is not available on site and the contractor shall provide an adequate water supply for
all installations.
21. The contractor shall maintain respect for all residents and workers in the camp. Legal action
may be taken against the contractor should they threaten, coerce or otherwise behave in a
manner which negatively affects the refugee population.
22. Should any incidents arise within the site that affects the work of the contractor, the
contractor shall first advise the UNHCR for resolution of the issue. Should any serious
incidents arise which could result in the injury of persons or damage to property, the
contractor shall contact the Syrian Refugee Affairs Directorate (SRAD) and UNHCR
immediately. The UNHCR will contact the Syrian Refugee Affairs Directorate, (SRAD)
UNHCR’s primary government counterpart in Azraq if necessary.
23. The UNHCR reserves the right to assign individual contracts to separate parts of the works or
to omit any section of the works detailed below from the overall contract. The UNHCR is not
bound to accept any tender or to award a contract to the lowest bidder.
24. The UNHCR may receive donations of specific items of equipment (e.g. transformers,
inverters, solar modules). The contractor shall agree to accept these items supplied by
UNHCR for installation as part of the contract, provided the equipment is of a suitable,
approved standard and does not affect the integrity of the operation of the overall system.
This shall be agreed in advance prior to the issue of any purchase orders.
25. Following the RFP process, the UNHCR will present the selected contractor with copies of
Government permissions to use the land for the purpose of constructing and operating a
solar power plant on this specific site within the refugee camp.
26. Specific contract details regarding penalties, incentive payments, programming, delays, bank
guarantees, advance payments etc. shall be agreed at a later date. The contractor should
highlight any concerns in this regard in their tender submission.
The Contractor might employ workers from the refugee population within the camp to carry out the
installations and in maintenance operations. The contractor might also employ workers from the
local area – i.e. Azraq Town.
There are many qualified electricians, engineers, builders and labourers living in the camp and
suitable workers might be selected by cooperation between the UNHCR and the contractor.
Candidates for skilled positions shall be subject to tests and interviews to evaluate their level of
In case the Contractor decides to employ refugees, the following minimum wages are to be taken
into consideration:
Unskilled labourers shall be paid 1 Jordanian Dinar per hour; skilled labourers 1.5JD/hour and
qualified tradesmen/professionals shall be paid 2JD/hour. Unskilled labourers shall be alternated
every month to allow work opportunities for the maximum number of people in the camp.
Local labourers and electricians shall be paid at normal national rates.
The contractor shall undertake to train 20 skilled labourers in the installation, operation and
maintenance of solar PV plant and equipment each year. Each person should receive certification for
successfully completed training.
Contractor is to propose a training plan of labourers as part of the technical proposal
All packaging and wastes associated with the installations shall be carefully disposed of in
accordance with the laws or Jordan.
The contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that waste materials, packaging, and any other
items associated with these installations, do not get blown or otherwise distributed around the site.
They shall also be careful not to create excessive dust or debris in any area. Any costs incurred in
cleaning wastes or debris generated by the contractor shall be charged to the contractor.
The contractor shall be responsible for repairing and/or replacing anything which has been damaged
by the contractor or their sub-contractors within the site. They shall also be responsible for the
cleaning of any debris, wastes or other items created during these works.
1. The contractor shall submit details of previous similar projects completed by the contractor
(and for any proposed subcontractor), outlining the suitability and capacity of their
operation to carry out these works. The Contractor shall also provide details of the
experience and qualifications of the key personnel proposed for the project.
2. The contractor must have completed at least two solar photovoltaic power generation
plants with single project size of 10MWp or greater, which must be in operation for at least
2 years, and at least 1MW project in the region, preferably in Jordan.
3. The contractor must have experience in the operation and maintenance of a solar power
plant of minimum 10MWp for at least 2 years.
4. The Contractor must have a registered operation in Jordan or an established partnership
with suitable Jordanian sub-contractor/implementation partner.
5. Any local subcontractor/ implementation partner proposed by the contractor, must be in
operation for a minimum of 2 years in the supply, installation and maintenance of solar PV
systems or related systems (MEP, solar thermal )within Jordan, and preferably also within
the region.
6. The contractor and or sub-contractor must have adequate full-time employees with
demonstrated relevant experience and expertise to implement this solar PV project. They
should be registered with the social security corporation and minimum number of 5 staff
registered with the Engineering Association.
7. The contractor and/or subcontractor must have a single solar PV project of minimum size
5MW for which they have taken through the required government, Electricity and Minerals
Regulatory Commission, National Electric Power Company and/or electrical distribution
company approval processes in Jordan. The contractor shall provide an outline of the steps
required to obtain all necessary permissions and approvals for the solar power plant.
1. The Contractor shall allow for connecting the solar power plant to the Electricity Distribution
Company (EDCO) 33kV grid which runs from the Azraq highway along the main service ring
road in the camp. This shall include all necessary junctions, transformers, insulators and any
other items required by EDCO to facilitate these connections.
2. All equipment to be supplied and installed by the contractor in the power plant shall be
subject to approval by EDCO. The contractor shall confirm that their proposed equipment
meets EDCO minimum standards.
3. All necessary permits, load impact studies, environmental impact studies, geo-structural
surveys, and any other required studies, certificates and licences shall be organised and
coordinated by the contractor as part of this project. These shall be detailed in the
contractor’s offer and separately priced in the BOQ. All fees payable to EDCO shall be made
by the UNHCR, all other charges shall be paid for by the contractor.
4. The contractor shall provide details of the steps required in this process and any evidence of
previous experience in taking a Solar PV project through this regulatory process.
The Contractor shall prepare a complete Bill of Quantities (BOQ) for a phase of 1MW detailing all
individual items necessary to carry out the installations. A sample BOQ is provided as Annex C of the
Tender. Contractor shall provide the reviewed and completed BOQ by adding items which are
deemed necessary (if any) and removing item which are deemed unnecessary (if any). The BOQ shall
be submitted the following way:
The first BOQ for a complete phase of 1 MW has to be submitted as part of the technical proposal. It
has to include all the items, goods and services that are needed for the turnkey construction of a
phase of a single1 MW solar PV power plant. This first BOQ shall not contain any price information
since it will be considered for the technical evaluation of the proposal only.
Second BOQ for a complete phase of 1 MW has to be submitted as the Financial Offer. The second
BOQ shall be identical to the first BOQ with the addition of all pricing information. Individual prices
shall be shown for all separate items of equipment in calculating the totals. Unit rates shall be
deemed to include all direct and indirect costs. The item costs, labour and overheads should be
separately detailed in calculating the total for each item.
The contractor shall provide full details of all insurances and any other expenses necessary to
complete the installation of a 1 MW power plant.
The contractor shall include for the operation and maintenance of a 1 MW power plant and shall
separately price for the first 2 years of operation, maintenance and security of this power plant as
detailed in the BOQ.
The contractor shall also include cost of training of 20 people each year in in the installation,
operation and maintenance of solar PV plant and equipment, as outlined in the refugee & local
labour section above.
These costs will be added to the Financial Offer (BOQ with pricing information) and will be
considered as the final, all inclusive turnkey price offered by the contractor. That will be the
contractor’s final price to be considered for the financial evaluation! Prices in the BOQ will be used in
as a basis for any purchase orders for each and every phase of the project should UNHCR decide to
issue purchase orders.
The contractor shall allow for 5% of the value of the works to be retained by the UNHCR for 1 year
after completion of the works as a guarantee against faulty equipment or poor workmanship. Should
any equipment require replacement or repair during this time, the costs shall be deducted from this
retention amount.
REMINDER: The Bill of Quantities without pricing information shall be submitted as part of the
The contractor shall provide all design calculations for the output of the proposed installation. This
shall include the following:
 Solar irradiation at the site, detailing the average and monthly the Global Horizontal
Irradiance and Direct Normal Irradiance
 Output of each module and total number of modules required
 Module type, performance specifications and warranties
 Mounting arrangements, inclination and orientation of modules
 Area of land required for total installation of 6MWp
 PV system losses
 Electrical system losses
 Temperature co-efficients
 Total Energy Produced
 Performance Ratio
 Total Energy output in kWh to EDCO grid per year for power plant with nominal power
output of 1,002kWp.
2.1The contractor shall supply and install all support structures or housings necessary for the
installation of PV modules, transformers, inverters, switchgear and all other items of equipment
necessary to complete the installation.
2.2This shall include all necessary concrete bases, support pads, building constructions,
weatherproofing, access etc. including all excavations, backfilling and making good of the site.
2.3The contractor shall submit design drawings and specifications for all buildings, support
structures, bases, and connections with the quotation.
2.4The contractor shall provide a minimum warranty of 10 years on the support structure.
3.1 The contractor shall supply and install all transformers necessary for the connection from the PC
plant to the 33kV electrical network located along the Main Service ring road, close to the SRAD
main building. This shall include all mountings, fittings, bushings, taps, connectors, glands, insulators,
terminals, rating plate, 33kV switching devices and lightning arrestors. Transformers shall be
connected to the 33kV overhead line by means of 33kV fuse switches.
3.2 Transformers shall be liquid filled, low loss units capable of continuous operation in outdoor
location with temperatures between -5°C and 40°C.
3.3 The transformers shall be located within the perimeter fencing of the solar power plant with any
support structures / foundations etc. to be supplied and installed by the contractor, as approved.
3.4 The contractor shall provide full specification sheets and certificates, including details of the
rated reactance, no-load and full-load losses, temperature rise, winding resistances, insulation
characteristics, efficiencies, regulation and impedance.
3.5 The contractor shall also provide drawings detailing the transformer, cabling and switchgear
installation layouts including all necessary support steelwork etc.
3.7 Transformers shall be located as close to the load as possible to minimise distribution losses.
Exact transformer locations will be as approved on site.
3.8 The neutral point of transformer should be connected to earth by not less than two separate and
distinct connections with its own earth electrode.
3.9 The transformer shall be free from abnormal hum or vibration. The design shall be such as not to
cause any undesirable interference with radio or communication circuits.
3.10 The Contractor shall provide details of quantities and pricing for the supply and installation of
each type and size of transformer proposed.
4.1The Contractor shall design, supply and install all cabling and connectors, including all supports,
fittings, terminators, junctions, connectors, shackles, support stays, clamps, insulator strings and
any other items necessary to complete the installation.
4.2Cabling shall be sized to minimise voltage drop and losses in the system and in order to properly
the balance the loads across the system.
4.3Design drawings shall clearly show cable routes, types and sizes for each section of the
installation. Technical specifications and standards certificates shall be provided for all elements
of the installation including current ratings, short circuit ratings, maximum resistances, reactance,
impedance, capacitance, maximum charging currents, withstand ratings, neutral earthing
arrangements and mechanical properties.
4.4The Contractor shall also detail the installation methods to include phase rotation, conductor
stringing, tensioning, sagging, joints, steelwork and pole numbering system.
4.5The contractor shall design and install the cabling system to withstand the climatic conditions
with temperature ranges from -5°C to 40°C and winds up to 140kmh. All low voltage cabling shall
be in accordance with IEC 60085/IEC 60228 / IEC 60502.
4.6All cable sizes, specifications and routes shall be agreed onsite with the UNHCR Electrical
Engineer prior to installation.
5.1 The contractor shall supply and install all necessary inverters for the correct operation of the
system and which allow for future expansion of the PV power plant in phases. This shall include all
foundations, supports, housings and enclosures with all necessary cooling and dust protection
equipment. The contractor shall also include for all ancillary cabling, switchgear, metering etc.
necessary for the installation of the system.
5.2 The contractor shall provide details of the following characteristics for each inverter:
 Max input power
 Max output power
 Efficiency Rating
 Protection features
 Voltage, current and power ratings
 Communication capabilities
 Operating parameters
 Controls and displays
 Standards and certificates
5.3 The Contractor shall provide all controls for the operation of the inverters. This shall include
master-slave with rotating-master functions for multiple inverters at varying PV outputs.
5.4 The contractor shall supply install and commission a system to allow the remote monitoring of
system performance via internet/4G connection.
5.5 The contractor shall include a weather station to monitor wind speed, insolation, ambient
temperature and module temperature.
6.1 The contractor shall supply all distribution boards and switchgear necessary for the protection of
cabling and equipment within the solar power plant installation in accordance with IEC 62271 and
IP65-rated. This shall include for all necessary supports, steelworks, concrete etc. to properly
complete the installation of these boards and connecting cabling.
6.2 Design drawings shall clearly show distribution board locations with separate detailed drawings
for each board in each section of the installation. Technical specifications and standards certificates
shall be provided for all boards including voltage and current ratings, insulation levels, withstand
voltage and current ratings, short-circuit current ratings, busbar capacities and earthing.
Specifications shall also be provided for all switchgear within each distribution board, detailing all
compulsory rated characteristics,
7.1The Contractor shall design and install a complete public lighting system with LED luminaires in
the Solar PV compound for the security of the installation.
7.2This shall include all necessary poles (see above), supports, fittings, connections, switchgear and
cabling necessary to complete the lighting installation. Materials shall be corrosion resistant for
the life of the complete system (i.e. 10 years). All parts shall be suitable for the conditions of the
site in which they shall be installed.
7.3The contractor shall provide a minimum warranty of 10 years for supports, fittings, housings etc.
and 1 year warranty for luminaire components.
7.4The Contractor shall provide a complete design for each system with their quotation. This shall
include all drawings detailing pole and lamp position, minimum lux levels in each area, and also,
specifications of lamp performance, colour temperature levels, photometric charts and standards
compliance certificates for each lighting system.
7.5Pricing shall detail the individual costs of each type of light fitting, lighting controls, cabling, poles
and labour.
7.6The contractor shall supply and install smart astronomic electronic time switches for the control
of the public lighting circuits. These shall be 365-day programmable timers with USB port for
uploading, downloading and transferring of control programs, and shall be mounted within the
distribution boards.
7.7 The lamps shall be installed at a minimum height of 5m above ground level.
8.1 There are no storage areas provided within the camp for equipment, tools, offices etc. The
contractor shall allow for the supply and installation of all necessary rub halls, office caravans, WC’s,
electrical connections etc. close to the main SRAD Police location marked PS on the drawing. Exact
locations will be agreed on site.
8.2 The contractor shall also allow for the supply and installation of fencing and gates around these
storage areas.
8.3 The contractor shall store all tools, equipment, vehicles etc. at this location and shall also locate
any administrative personnel, offices etc. at these points. The contractor shall also allow for
providing security for all property and personnel at these locations to protect their property.
8.4 The UNHCR shall not be responsible for any damage, theft or other security issues arising at
these storage areas and the contractor shall liaise directly with the SRAD should any assistance be
required in this regard.
8.5 The contractor shall indicate the approximate area required for storage, vehicles and
administration buildings.
8.6 The Contractor shall be responsible for organising all necessary permissions to enter the site
from the Syrian Refugee Affairs Directorate (SRAD), Amman for the duration of the contract. This
shall include access passes for vehicles, equipment, personnel and all other items necessary to
complete the contract.
9.1 The contractor shall design and install a complete earthing & grounding system for the complete
solar PV installation.
9.2 The contractor shall test the earthing system according to EN 50522 to prove that touch and step
voltages do not exceed the values given in EN 50522.
10.1 The Contractor shall supply and install perimeter fencing to surround and secure the complete
solar power plant and all associated equipment.
10.2 This shall include all necessary foundations, fixings, supports and access gates to facilitate the
operation and maintenance of the plant.
10.3 The contractor shall provide specifications and working drawings for the proposed fencing
installation and for the complete site layout, indicating locations of all items of equipment.
11.1 The contractor shall include the cost for the operation and maintenance of a 1 MW power plant
and shall separately price for the first 2 years of operation, maintenance and security of this
power plant. The contractor might employ local and refugee labour in the operation and
maintenance of the plant.
11.2 Equipment damaged during this period as a result of improper operations, inadequate
maintenance or poor security measures shall be replaced or repaired by the contractor at their
11.3 The contractor shall detail all personnel requirements, security measures, scheduled
equipment replacements, maintenance schedules and operational procedures for each year.
11.4 The contractor shall include a guarantee of annual minimum energy output for the PV power
plant quoted. Any shortfall in output below this guaranteed minimum shall be paid by the
contractor to the UNHCR at rates charged by EDCO per kWh at the time of the shortfall. This
minimum energy output shall be detailed by the contractor in their proposal by completing the
table below :
Size of PV Plant
Total energy output in kWh to
EDCO grid per year
Guaranteed minimum annual output to
the EDCO grid (kWh)
12.1 The contractor shall test and commission each and every completed phase, including all
individual items of equipment within the system, providing certificates for each item.
12.2. The contractor shall also allow for any independent testing and commissioning of the system
for each and every phase of the plant, as required by EDCO or MEMR.
12.3 The Contractor shall supply as built drawings, specifications and operation guides for each and
every phase of the project.