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Grade 8 Religion: Understanding the Trinity

Grade 8 Religion
Unit 2
Big Ideas for
the Unit
The Trinity (God as
Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit) is revealed to us
in Scripture
The Nicene Creed is a
summary of Catholic Faith
The Liturgical calendar
is based on the 4 marks
of the Church from the
Creed (One, Holy,
Catholic, Apostolic)
Gr 8 Religion
Unit 2
Part 1
Understanding the
The Trinity as
Revealed in
The Holy Trinity (God the
Father, God the Son, God the
Holy Spirit) is the basis of
Catholic Faith.
God the Father is
revealed to us in the Old
The New Testament speaks
about the life of Christ,
God the Son. The Gospels
(Matthew, Mark, Luke, and
John) tell the stories of
Christ s life
The New Testament
fulfills the promises of
the Old Testament (the
Messiah is coming)
The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is revealed by the
The Son Jesus pours out God s
love on the church.
It is after Christ s death when the
Holy Spirit appears to the apostles
(the first members of the Church)
at Pentecost.
The Holy Spirit reveals and ensures
the presence of Christ in the
church on earth, just like it did
to the apostles when it appeared at
When we discover the reality of God
in us, we are dealing with the
working of the Holy Spirit.
The Trinity Revealed through The
Story of Christmas
The Gospels (books of Matthew, Mark,
Luke, and John) all tell different
versions of the birth of Christ.
They reveal that in Jesus birth the
promise made by God the Father in the
Old Testament is fulfilled.
During story, the Holy Spirit is
present in the angels, the shepherds,
and the wise men.
Create a Powtoon about the
Nativity story.
(See Next Page)