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bonding tutorial

1. a. An ammonium ion, made by the reaction between ammonia molecule and a
hydrogen ion, can be represented as shown in the diagram below.
Name the type of bond represented in the diagram N-H
Covalent bonding
Name the type of bond represented in the diagram by N→H
Co-ordinate bond
In terms of electrons, explain why an arrow is used to represent this N → H
It’s because both electrons used in the bonding come from nitrogen.
In terms of electron pairs, explain why the bond angles in the NH4+ ion are all
109O 28’?
It’s because the bonding electron pairs they repel equally therefore they
will be apart as far as possible to experience little repulsion between them
hence forming the tetrahedral shape.
Define electronegativity?
This is the ability of an atom or element to attract an electron in a
covalent bond.
A bond between nitrogen and hydrogen can be represented as δN - δH
(i) In this representation, what is the meaning of the symbol δ +?
It means electron deficient
(ii) From this bond representation, what can be deduced about the
electronegativity of hydrogen relative to that of nitrogen?
Electronegativity of hydrogen is less than that of Nitrogen.
2. a) Both HF and HCl are molecules having a polar covalent bond. Their boiling points
are 293 K and 188 K respectively.
State which property of the atoms involved causes a bond to be polar.
This is the electronegativity difference between the atoms.
Explain, in terms of the intermolecular forces present in each compound, why
HF has a higher boiling point than HCl.
This is because HF has hydrogen bonding and HCl has van der waals’
forces hence the hydrogen bond is stronger and more energy is required
to break the bonds.
b) When aluminium chloride reacts with chloride ions, as shown by the equation
below, a co-ordinate bond is formed.
AlCl3 + Cl-  AlCl-4
Explain how this co-ordinate bond is formed.
In a co-ordinate bond both shared electrons are donated by the same atom
hence the electron lone pair is donated from the chloride ion to the
aluminium atom.
c) Draw the shape of the PCl5 molecule and of the PCl4+ ion. State the values of the
bond angles.
PCl5 has a bond angle of 90O and 120O and PCl4+ has a bond angle of 109.5O
3. Lithium hydride, LiH, is an ionic compound containing the hydride ion, H- The
reaction between LiH and aluminium chloride, AlCl3, produces the ionic compound
a) Balance the equation below which represents the reaction between LiH and AlCl3
4LiH + AlCl3  LiAlH4 + 3LiCl
b) Give the electronic configuration of the hydride ion, HH- = 1s2
c) Predict the shape of the AlH4- ion. Explain why it has this shape.
It has a tetrahedral shape since there is equal repulsion between the bonding
d) A bond can be represented by H  Al, Name this type of bond and explain how it is
This is a co-ordinate bond and the lone pair of electrons both they are donated
from H- to Al.
4. The table below shows some values of melting points and some heat energies needed
for melting
point/ K
energy for
a) Name three types of intermolecular forces
Hydrogen bonding, van der waals’ and dipole – dipole forces.
b) (i) Describe the bonding in a crystal of iodine
There is covalent bonding within the molecule and there are van der
waals’ forces between the molecules
(ii) Name the crystal type which describes an iodine crystal
Molecular structure
(iii) Explain why heat energy is required to melt an iodine crystal.
This is because the van der waals’ forces between the molecules must
be weakened or broken.
c) In terms of intermolecular forces involved, suggest why
(i) Hydrogen fluoride requires more heat energy for melting than does of
hydrogen chloride.
This is because HF has hydrogen bonding between its molecules
and HCl has van der waals’ forces hence the hydrogen bond is
stronger than van der waals’
(ii) Hydrogen iodide requires more heat energy for melting than does
hydrogen chloride.
This is because Hydrogen iodide is a larger molecule than
hydrogen chloride and so has more electrons in its structure. This
means that it has stronger van der waals’ forces between its
molecules hence more heat energy is required.
d) Explain why the :
(i) heat energy required to melt sodium chloride is large
This is because it has an ionic structure therefore has strong forces
between its ions hence heat energy required is high.
(ii) The heat energy needed to vaporise one mole of sodium chloride
(171KJ mol-1) is much greater than the heat energy required to melt
one mole of sodium chloride.
This is because when vaporising all bonds they must be broken
whereas as melting it only breaks the structure and leave a liquid
form hence much greater energy required when vaporising.
e) In terms of structure and bonding, suggest why graphite has a very high
melting and boiling point
Its’ because graphite has a giant covalent structure and has strong
covalent bonds between its carbon atoms hence large energy required to
break the bonds.
5. The diagram below represents a section of a crystal of silicon dioxide
a) Name an element which has a structure similar to this.
b) Name the type of bonding between silicon and oxygen in this crystal
Covalent bonding
c) Name the type of structure illustrated by this diagram.
Macromolecule structure.
d) Describe the motion of the atoms in this crystalline solid
They vibrate about a fixed position.
e) In terms of structure and bonding, describe what happens to the atoms in this crystal
when it melts
The bonds they break and the molecules or atoms they then become mobile being
able to move about.
f) Explain why this crystal is a non-conductor of electricity in the solid state and why
graphite is a good conductor.
This is because electrons are not free in silicon dioxide whereas there are
delocalised electrons in graphite therefore it can easily conduct electricity.
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