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NUS Principles of Marketing Course Syllabus

NUS Business School
Department of Marketing
Assoc Prof Doreen Kum
BIZ 1 08-18
Tel: 6516 7730
Email: bizdk@nus.edu.sg
Assoc Prof Doreen Kum (A1 – A4), bizdk@nus.edu.sg
Assoc Prof Lee Yih Hwai (B1 - B2), bizleeyh@nus.edu.sg
Ms Violet Lim (C1 – C3), bizlkpv@nus.edu.sg
Ms Janet Liau (D1 – D2), bizjlss@nus.edu.sg
Thursday 8.30am to 11.30am (A1, B1, C1)
Thursday 3.00pm to 6.00pm (A2, B2, C2)
Friday 8.30am to 11.30am (A3, D1)
Friday 3.00pm to 6.00pm (A4, D2, C3)
SEMESTER I, 2019/20
This foundation course in marketing equips students with the basic understanding and
applications of key marketing concepts. With this knowledge, students will be prepared to
develop deeper learning and analytical skills required of marketing managers in higher
level marketing modules.
This module is designed for students to learn contemporary applications of marketing in
today’s digital economy across industries. Students get the opportunity to learn how
businesses use marketing, data, and related technologies and tools to address market
opportunities and challenges. Students will also understand how prevalent and important
marketing is to businesses as a strategy to help organizations meet their goals. They will
benefit from the experience in problem-solving and business decision-making.
Students should also use this seminar style module as an opportunity to develop
communication skills – to present in a clear and concise manner, to participate actively in
class discussions not only by volunteering assignment answers, but to learn to critique
and build on others’ contributions.
A multimedia approach with online learning resources, data analysis and industry-led
exercises is used. Instructors will focus on managerially relevant and practical thinking.
This module is conducted with a flipped classroom approach. This means that students are
required to do the readings and assignments before each week’s lesson. Class sessions
are used for higher level learning such as applications of concepts in case studies or data
analyses exercises. Please refer to the weekly lesson plan in Luminus.
MKT1705 Principles of Marketing, Semester I, 2019/2020
A/P Doreen Kum
ConnectMaster Core Concepts for Marketing, McGraw-Hill Create.
Additional readings and case studies will be assigned during the semester.
1. Class Participation:
2. Online Assessment Tasks:
3. Group Project*:
4. Individual Presentation of Group Project
5. Final Test:
6. Subject Pool:
*subject to peer evaluation
1. Class Participation
Students are expected to read and prepare for the lessons and cases before coming to
class. Class participation will be assessed by voluntary, active, and informed contribution
to lectures, in-class exercises, as well as case discussions. Please note that attendance
does not constitute participation and does not carry any weight in this module’s
assessment. Only class participation does.
2. Online Assessment Tasks
Students are required to complete their readings, adaptive learning tasks, and a mini
simulation exercise online on the designated ConnectMaster platform. Online assessment
tasks consist of questions focused on concept checks. This online assessment works on an
adaptive learning algorithm which customizes the questions to each student’s level of
proficiency and understanding. Students will be prompted with other question(s) on the
concept they had answered wrongly and be directed to relevant readings, to ensure that
concepts are correctly understood. Marks are awarded based on punctual completion of
the learning tasks, which are required before each class (except for Week 1).
3. Group Project*
A four-part group project will be assigned. These assignments will develop students’
marketing research skills and provide them with information to make recommendations
for the final part of the project that involves developing a marketing strategy for an
assigned product category. Projects will be presented during Weeks 12 and 13.
4. Individual Presentation of Group Project
Each student is required to present part of the group project. Presentation is evaluated
based on clarity, and ability to address questions.
5. Final Test
A final test consisting of multiple-choice questions will be held on 2 Nov (Sat).
6. Subject Pool Participation
Students taking this course are requested to participate as respondents in research
projects conducted by professors, doctoral and honors year students. You will receive full
marks for this component with 3 hours of participation during the semester. We will
prorate the marks for students who serve less than the required number of hours.
Information about subject pool participation is available in Luminus (Week 1 Learning
Flow). Further enquiries about subject pool participation can be directed to Ms Wang Kim
MKT1705 Principles of Marketing, Semester I, 2019/2020
A/P Doreen Kum
Fong at mktwkf@nus.edu.sg. Registration for subject pool begins on 26 Aug (Mon) at
Students who do not wish to participate in Subject Pool need to email the coordinator at
bizdk@nus.edu.sg by 23 Aug (Fri) 12pm. You will be assigned to do a project that is
worth 10% in lieu of subject pool participation.
*Peer Evaluation
There will be peer evaluation for group assignments. Members of each group will
evaluate the contribution of other group members. An average score will be calculated
for each group member. Your score for the group assignment will be weighted by
this average peer evaluation score. As such, poor contribution to group work will
affect your grade adversely. For example, if your average peer evaluation score for the
term project is 50%, and your group scores 90%, your personal score for that
component is 45%.
The peer evaluation form can be downloaded from the course website, and is to be
submitted to your instructor latest by 16 Nov. Your evaluations will be treated
confidentially. Non-submissions would be assumed as 100% contributions for all group
Academic integrity and honesty is essential for the pursuit and acquisition of knowledge.
The University and School expect every student to uphold academic integrity & honesty at
all times. Academic dishonesty is any misrepresentation with the intent to deceive, or
failure to acknowledge the source, or falsification of information, or inaccuracy of
statements, or cheating at examinations/tests, or inappropriate use of resources.
Plagiarism is ‘the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as
one's own' (The New Oxford Dictionary of English). The University and School will not
condone plagiarism. Students should adopt this rule - You have the obligation to make
clear to the assessor which is your own work, and which is the work of others. Otherwise,
your assessor is entitled to assume that everything being presented for assessment is
being presented as entirely your own work. This is a minimum standard. In case of any
doubts, you should consult your instructor.
Additional guidance is available at:
Online Module on Plagiarism:
MKT1705 Principles of Marketing, Semester I, 2019/2020
A/P Doreen Kum
Aug 15, 16
Aug 22, 23
Aug 29, 30
Sep 5, 6
Sep 12, 13
Sep 19, 20
Understanding Marketing as a Strategy
Marketing in Today’s Economy
How Does Marketing Create Value?
The Marketing Process
Analyzing the Marketing Environment
Marketing Research and Analytics
Segmentation, Targeting, & Positioning
Introduction to Branding
Marketing Metrics
Understanding Consumers
Oct 3, 4
CRM and Managing Consumer Journeys
Oct 10, 11
Product and New Product Development Strategy
Oct 17, 18
Pricing and Place Strategy
Oct 24, 25
Promotion Strategy
Nov 2 (Sat)
Final Test
Nov 7, 8
Project Presentations
Nov 14, 15
Project Presentations
MKT1705 Principles of Marketing, Semester I, 2019/2020
A/P Doreen Kum