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Strategic Management: External Environment & Competitive Analysis

Delfin, Norreen Jenn Y. AC303
Strategic Management
Prof. Maridel Casas
1. Why must managers be aware of a firm’s external environment?
One of the key roles of management is to keep the enterprise alive and as
resilient as possible. In business survival, knowing the external environmental
components is important. What if heavy rain is coming down and it cannot be handled
by the sewage. It could mean that, due to lack of electricity or other water issues,
activities are forced to halt. When management takes these external environmental
elements into consideration, the ability to proceed or start up as soon as possible would
undoubtedly be enhanced. In this way events will continue and the organization
remains focused on its core operations. And if they are still extending this thinking
about the well-being of their workers, they are really creating a resilient and productive
environment. When management begins to learn about resilience, it can save a lot of
money for the enterprise itself and its workers and create a more prosperous ecosystem.
In certain cases, customers' trends and desires can be predicted by the external
world, and managers must be able to identify market trends and adapt those
observations to the business. If customers are becoming dissatisfied with the brand
itself, becoming tired of competition (and thereby opening up future purchase power),
searching for a different product, or creating new complaints about the reputation of
the company, managers should understand the power of the customer to alter the
company's economy.
A population's sociocultural power will also affect the organization and
managers can consider that. Generally, goods are aimed at a very particular
sociocultural demographic, and each group's beliefs can evolve with time. Although a
certain demographic may initially embrace the company's logo or goods, management
should be in tune with the expectations and beliefs of this population to understand
where those values may begin to change.
2. What is gathering and analyzing competitive intelligence and why is it important
for firms to engage in it?
Competitive intelligence, sometimes referred to as corporate intelligence, refers
to the ability to gather, analyze, and use information collected on competitors,
customers, and other market factors that contribute to a business's competitive
advantage. Competitive intelligence (CI) lets firms understand their market and analyze
rivals' strengths and disadvantages. By gathering and analyzing data about rivals, CI
does this. CI improves the understanding of the external world of an organization, and
is also helpful in strategic management choices. It is important to participate in
competitive intelligence because it can help anticipate competitor trends, deter
surprises, and decrease response time. Competitive knowledge is important because it
allows organizations to consider their competitive climate and the challenges and
problems it poses. In order to build reliable and productive market processes,
companies evaluate data.
Competitive intelligence collects actionable knowledge obtained effectively
and ethically from numerous public and unpublished sources. Ideally, by cultivating an
adequately comprehensive portrait of the marketplace, a company effectively utilizes
strategic intelligence so that it can predict and adapt to threats and concerns before they
emerge. Competitive intelligence transcends the simplistic "know your enemy" cliché.
Instead it is a deep dive exercise, where companies reveal the finer points of the
marketing plans of competitors, including the clients they serve and the markets in
which they operate. CI frequently analyzes how competing firms are disrupted by a
large spectrum of activities. It also shows how marketers and other stakeholders will
be influenced, and it telegraphs how any belief can be invalidated easily by emerging
Competitive intelligence means different things to multiple entities and
divisions within any organization. For example, it may refer to tactical advice on how
best to bid for a lucrative contract with a sales representative. To top management, it
can involve developing new marketing insights used against a daunting rival to capture
market share.
3. Discuss and describe the six elements of the external environment.
The 6 elements of the general environment are the demographic segment, the
sociocultural segment, the political/legal segment, the technological segment, the
economic segment, and the global segment.
1. Demographic segment refers to the statistics of a population, such as age,
income characteristics, ethnic groups, and geographic distribution.
2. Sociocultural segment refers to the values, beliefs, and lifestyles of a
3. Political/Legal segment refers to the creation and use of power within a
country, including the effect of various regulations, including the areas of
environmental protection, employment discrimination protection, and
4. Technological segment refers to new products and services derived from
advances in engineering, applied science, and/or pure science. These new
products and services can change manufacturing processes, create new
industries, and alter the boundaries between industries.
5. Economic segment refers to the level and change in monetary and
macroeconomic factors such as unemployment, inflation, interest rates, and
economic growth.
6. Global segment refers to effects on a country's business environment from
abroad, and include factors such as competition, foreign market
opportunities, foreign supply opportunities, legal changes due to
international treaties, and regional economic integration.
4. Select one of these elements and describe some changes relating to it in an industry
that interests you.
Sociocultural segment: FASHION INDUSTRY. Usually, people try to
emulate their favorite stars as they see these new models. To do so they are looking for
the latest fashions to make themselves look like the people they want to be like: clothes,
shoes, jewelry, etc. In this way over time, fashions continually change. The current
trends in the fashion industry is the growing importance of Sustainability. Along with
digitalization, sustainability is another important factor in the fashion industry. More
customers are thinking about the future of the planet and are placing pressure on luxury
companies that are not eco-friendly.
The fashion apparel industry, especially over the last 20 years, has evolved
significantly. In order to maintain a profitable position in the increasingly demanding
market, the changing dynamics of the fashion industry have forced retailers to want
low cost and flexibility in design, quality and market speed, key strategies. Since then
the changing dynamics of the fashion industry, such as the fading of mass production,
the increase in the number of fashion seasons, and modified structural features in the
supply chain, have forced retailers to want low cost and flexibility in design, quality,
delivery and market speed.
5. Describe how the five forces can be used to determine the average expected
profitability in an industry.
It is important for your business survival to know who your competitor is and
how their goods, services and marketing tactics impact you. Porter's Five Powers model
is one way to evaluate your market and consider your standing in your business. The
five-force model looks at five unique variables that decide whether an organization will
be successful in comparison to other firms in the field or not. In combination with a
SWOT analysis, using Porter's Five Forces can help you understand where the market
or organization fits into the industry landscape.
Porter's Five Forces is called a macro method in market analytics, it looks at the
economy of the industry as a whole, whereas a microanalytical tool is a SWOT
analysis, focused on the data and analysis of a single organization. ‘’ Understanding the
competitive forces, and their underlying causes, reveals the roots of an industry's
current profitability while providing a framework for anticipating and influencing
competition (and profitability) over time’’. A healthy industry structure should be as
much a competitive concern to strategists as their company's own position.
Each force can be seen as a way in which the business environment limits the
ability of a company to earn profits by either raising prices or lowering costs. The threat
of new entrants limits the ability of a company to increase prices because a new entrant
may then decide to enter the sector and offer a lower price. Buyers' bargaining power
directly limits the ability of a firm to raise prices. Suppliers' bargaining power directly
limits the ability of a company to lower costs. The threat of substitute products and
services limits the ability of a company to increase prices because the substitutes would
then be purchased by customers. The level of competition in a market by rivals restricts
the ability of a business to increase rates since a rival will then purchase consumers.
6. What are some of the limitations (or caveats) in using five-forces analysis?
A widely used framework for analyzing industries is Porter's Five Forces
model. It refers to the competitive influences that are likely to be successful in shaping
corporate strategies. Over time, the framework has held up well and continues to be a
staple of business class coursework. However, there are some blind spots that you
should be mindful of.
In its composition, the first is. It provides a snapshot of the wider industry
at some point in the past, as a static model. This can be useful for informing short-term
strategy, but by rapidly changing external factors, the window of applicability for the
information coming from Porter's five forces has also been narrowed. These are trends
like globalization and rapid technological advances that when Porter devised his
framework were not as prominent.
The other weakness is that a lot of individuals use the five forces of Porter
in ways that were never intended. It is the most common mistake to try to apply Porter's
five forces to a particular company rather than an industry as a whole. The five forces
of Porter can provide information to illuminate strategic debates, but it is not an analysis
tool for individual companies.
Another challenge in applying Porter's five forces is to clearly define the
sector. Depending on their business lines, firms can straddle multiple industries. They
can't group businesses with similar lines of business and call it an industry. Instead, for
each business line, Porter's five forces would be executed and then amalgamated. This
is one reason why investors tend to frown on a business that is spreading too widely
because it is difficult for businesses to succeed in so many different sectors.
Lastly, paying equal attention to all five forces is the biggest mistake. There
will be one or two forces for most sectors that outweigh all the others. Looking back at
some of the industries that saw their Porter's five-force analysis shift drastically, it was
stuff like deregulation or the fall of trade barriers that suddenly caused the threat of
new entrants to spike. These external variables are not as explicit as they should be in
the analysis of Porter's five forces.
7. Explain how the general environment and industry environment are highly
related. How can such interrelationships affect the profitability of a firm or
The general environment can affect all of the 5 forces in various ways. A
growing economy can reduce the intensity of rivalry within the industry because firms
will be scrambling to meet growing demand.
For any organization, the environment consists of the set of external
conditions and forces that have the potential to influence the organization. It is useful
to break the concept of the environment down into two components. General
environment includes overall trends and events in society such as social trends,
technological trends, demographics, and economic conditions while Industry
environment consists of multiple organizations that collectively compete with one
another by providing similar goods, services, or both. Any action made by a company,
such as raising its costs or initiating a new plan, causes a degree of transition in the
world around it. The bulk of businesses are limited to influencing their business. A few
organizations wield such power and influence that they can shape some elements of the
general environment. Overall, the environment has a far greater influence on most
organizations than most organizations have on the environment. The major
consideration for a business is the environment it surrounds. The environment is the
center of services needed by organizations. It creates rewards and risks, and it impacts
the different strategic choices that managers need to make.
8. Explain the concept of strategic groups. What are the performance implications?
Strategic groups are groups of companies that share common objectives,
typically within a market. The success effects are that businesses are willing to group
themselves with near rivals. Additionally, it: 1) identify barriers between groups, 2)
identify positions within the industry that are marginal or tenuous, and 3) chart
directions for future strategic development. Strategic group analysis is a more finegrained way to conduct competitor analysis, as the competitive environment of an
industry may differ from the competitive environment of the strategic group.
Analyzing competitive groups, it becomes possible for a rival to dig into the
past of decision-making. The data will then anticipate what the competition's next
moves will be, allowing the company to be strategic in its reaction to such a move. It
helps identify who the most direct competitors are and on what basis they compete.
Raises the question of how likely or possible it is for another organization to move from
one strategic group to another. These competing businesses with common competitive
tactics and market shares are part of a strategic group. The identification of strategic
categories within a market makes it easier to redefine the industry's competitive
landscape and compare the tactics of different rivals for similarities and differences.