Uploaded by Charmalyn Williams

Learning Kit 2 Parenthood and Conflict

Subject: Social Studies
November 2020
Humanities Department
Grade 10 __
Teachers : C. Walker-Williams 4J
S. Dwyer
B. Hanson
Y. Sutton-Facey 4E
Contact cwalker@msjchs.com
Contact sdwyer@msjchs.com
Contact bhanson@msjchs.com
Contact ysutton@msjchs.com
Name of Student: __________________________________________________
Section A: Individual, Family and Society
Sub-Topic: Effective Parent hood
At the End of this lesson you should be able to:
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
1) Outline ways parents prepare for their role in the family
2) Identify the role of a parent in the family/household
3) Identify the role of the child/children
4) Explain how conflicts can arise in the family
5) Complete Summary Activities.
Resources -Text book
 Ramsawak, Rampersad and Umraw Ralph (2010) Modules in Social Studies
with SBA Guide; Fifth Edition. Caribbean Educational Publishers, Trinidad
 Brathwaite, Gill and Wilson (2012)Caribbean Social Studies for CSEC. Leo
Paper Products Ltd. China
Activity 1: Review
Due: November 20, 2020
Instructions: Complete the following activities using information in your notebook.
A) Identify the type of family in each picture below.
( 5marks)
Created by C. Walker-Williams
Subject: Social Studies
November 2020
Humanities Department
Grade 10 __
B) Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
(4 marks)
1) Identify the family union of Jemma and Mohan. __________________________________
2) Identify the type of family in Jemma and Mohan’s household. ______________________
3) Describe the type of family which would result if they moved in with Mohan’s parents.
C) Look carefully at the family tree below.
(7 marks)
D) Explain how the economic function of a family is divided among its members.
(2 marks)
E) Explain why it is important for parents to mentally and financially stable before
having children.
(2 marks)
TOTAL 20 marks
Created by C. Walker-Williams
Subject: Social Studies
November 2020
Humanities Department
Grade 10 __
What is parenthood?
Parenthood or parenting is the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional,
social and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood. Parents usually display
a few common characteristics such as:
1) Affectionate
2) Positive role model
3) Ability to manage stress
4) maintaining disciplinary skills
5) knowledgeable
6) informed
Preparing for Parenthood
Effective parents use knowledge and skills to develop specific attributes and values within their
children. These parents often mentor other children at various stages. Parenthood not only
involve providing financial support but preparing a child/children to socialize outside of the
home. They have to interact with persons in other institutions. Parenting styles, knowledge and
stress management levels change or alter along with each stage of life for the child and for the
Parents have to consider if they have:
1) Adequate Income
Persons should pursue education to acquire skills to secure employment. A stable job
ensures the economic needs of the family are met.
2) Emotionally adjusted
Parents need to be emotionally prepared and adjusted to cope with challenges. The
parent needs patience to deal with sickness, behavioural issues and the psychological
needs of different ages of the child.
3) Mature physically and mentally
To ensure a safe pregnancy and in order to give birth without endangering the life of the
mother. A difficult birth have long lasting or permanent implications for the baby’s health,
well being along with affecting others mentally. Both parents needs to be mature and
healthy. This follows a balanced diet, vitamins and exercise.
4) Knowledge and skills in child rearing
Educated parents on child and family development. Studies in family life education
provides a comprehensive approach to family issues such as: human sexuality,
reproductive health and self-esteem. There is also emphasis placed on values,
relationships, parenting, family planning and contraception along with sexually
transmitted infections.
Parents should have knowledge of society’s values, mores and norms in order to pass then to the
younger generations. A parent also needs to understand and impart knowledge on nutrition,
health and fitness, education expectations and family planning methods to use resources
available and provide for all in the family.
What is family planning?
This is the education program offered within a country that informs a woman or a man on the
importance of preparing for a child/children. Most women consider the quality of life she would
like to acquire before starting a family. Most men are aware of important physical things a child
may need (diapers, nutrients, learning resources) but forget to prepare for the emotional
adjustments he may need to provide adequately.
Preparing for parenthood requires a lot of consideration such as:
1. Parental role - to provide physical, material and continuous guidance to the children in
order for them to become responsible members of the family and society
2. Emotional adjustment - to be emotionally prepared and adjusted to cope up with the
challenges of life
3. Family Relationship - to perform each role and create a harmonious relationship
Created by C. Walker-Williams
Subject: Social Studies
November 2020
Humanities Department
Grade 10 __
4. Knowledge in child rearing - educated parents are better prepared to face the
challenges of parenthood
Task: Consider the roles of parents in a family and list five of these activities that help to
make all members successful.
Parental Skills
Parental skills need to deal with various aspects of running a household and child rearing. These
1) Communication – expression by speaking clearly, listening to concerns and feelings in
the home.
2) Boundaries – fix/set guidelines for behavior, suitable discipline in a calm, firm manner.
3) Manage resources – income should be allocated to pay fixed costs and that sufficient
money is available to meet basic needs.
Individuals develop into healthy and fulfilled individuals when parents demonstrate a positive
attitude of caring, nurturing and encouragement.
Roles and Relationships/Responsibilities in Families
The Role of the Parent
Parenting is similar to an occupation. Peace and prosperity within society is largely dependent
on the quality of families. Parents give their children knowledge of values, norms and mores of
society. They need to be able to maintain a home, the various development stage of a child
and balance their needs. This leads many to believe that ‘the hands that rock the cradle, rules
the world’.
What do you think the term, ‘the hand that rock the cradle, rules the world’, means?
Answer: Parents produce citizens that build and develop a country.
Parents’ activities include and are not limited to the following:
1. Help children to develop healthy lifestyle ( hygiene practices, eating healthy meals,
advise to stay away from drugs)
2. Spend quality time with children ( play games, help with homework, have a
3. Provide basic economic needs (food, shelter, clothing, education, medical care)
4. Develop discipline ( stern principles, correct behavior when fail to comply with rules)
5. Cultivate a sense of responsibility ( household chores )
6. Teaching Values ( honesty, respect, being a role model)
7. Help develop positive self esteem ( praise accomplishments)
8. Create balance between work and play time
9. Develop a passion for learning ( provide educational toys, books, magazines age
Role of the Child/Children?
1) Respect parents and authority charged with their care ( listen to instructions, show respect
2) Assist with chores (help with household activities such as washing, cleaning, care siblings, etc)
3) Pursue Studies diligently (attempt all assignments, review work)
4) Practice Thrift ( care possessions, take lunch to school
Roles and responsibilities change as the child grows. Traditional responsibilities include:
Completing chores around the house
Completing errands or fetching supplies
Created by C. Walker-Williams
Subject: Social Studies
November 2020
Humanities Department
Grade 10 __
Older siblings providing, watching or caring for younger siblings
Gender based activities such as cooking and cleaning for girls, fixing gadgets for boys
Contribute to the economic function by selling goods/providing services associated with
the family (helping at the stall, shoe shiner, distributing produce/milk/newspapers)
Activity 2: Essay
Due: November 27,2020
The role of the child was often overlooked before the 1990’s. Children are to be seen and
not heard was often said among parents. They must have rules and be disciplined if they
break these rules. Today, this is not the golden rule. Children are free to express themselves
and often have no role in the family.
Do you agree with this claim? Justify your answer by outlining the role of the child and if
your family agrees with first perspective of children or the latter. Explain why roles and
responsibilities in a family help to create good citizens. Answer must be at least three
paragraphs long.
Total 20 marks
Roles are also assigned to family members according to the needs of the family. When these
activities were delegated and completed by the children parents are able to spend more
time on other activities.
Roles may not be fulfilled or adequately fulfilled when:
One role interferes with the performance of another
Lack of necessary knowledge or skills
Insufficient financial or other resources
A person is indifferent about performing their role
Another family member frustrates their attempts to fulfil the role.
Task: Discuss what would affect the function or role of a family.
What hinders the performance of a role by family members?
1) Lack of knowledge and skills
2) Insufficient finances or other resources
3) Indifference or refusal to carry out roles
4) Other family member obstruct the completion of duties or responsibilities.
How does conflict occur in a family?
Conflict between adults/parents
1) Both adults feel their partner is not adequately supporting them emotionally, financially
2) No assistance with the rearing of children.
3) Not effectively communicating with other adult family members.
4) Low financial assistance/ financial resources.
5) Low socialization or quality time among members.
6) Children are not adequately supervised or disciplined by partner/ adult in authority.
Conflict between adults/parents and children
7) Reduced quality time due to work or other activities.
8) Not being honest about activities or needs.
Created by C. Walker-Williams
Subject: Social Studies
November 2020
Humanities Department
Grade 10 __
9) Not obeying rules or boundaries.
10) Not completing household chores
11) Not conforming to society values, mores and laws
12) A generational gap
A generation gap
This is the various or different view parents have from their children on a variety of issues such as
clothes, friends, entertainment, music, courtship or love. The perspective is often determined by
the generations’ values. Parents have a different view or idea on ways things should be done or
values and attitudes of the child or children. For example, your grandparents believe music does
not require lyrics while you believe the lyrics in a song makes it more relatable and fun. The older
generation usually tries to impose their views or traditions or values.
Activity 3 – Summary questions
Due: December 4,2020
1) Explain two reasons for a generation gap within a family. ( 4 marks)
2) What can be done to bridge the generation gap? State three ways it can be done. (3 marks)
3) Do you think the generation gap eventually affects the wider society? Justify your answer. (3
4) Discuss three roles of the parent that you consider to be very important. ( 6 marks)
5) Explain the importance of setting or developing boundaries for children in the family. (2 marks)
6) List two traditional roles of children. (2 marks)
Total 20 marks
Conflict arise in the family due to changing roles
A change in the needs and economy of society affects the roles of family members. As society’s
ideals of equality changes, women are given more rights and traditional roles challenged.
Women are no longer solely responsible for the home and are able to seek gainful employment.
A single mother is often the sole breadwinner in a family. Traditional male occupations are
increasingly open to women. Technology has stimulated the need and desire for selfimprovement and advancement among women but migration of men. There has also been
labour saving devices to reduce household chores, computers, applications and programs
encourage women to be successful and powerful.
Educational opportunities have encouraged persons to increase their financial success, there
are more leisure activities to accessible. There has been an improvement in ‘family life
education’ programs and their accessibility to society. Family planning allows women to choose
to have fewer children. Men are able to prepare adequately for children and family
responsibilities. Children that are expected and planned for can be adequately provided for,
disciplined and preserve the values and norms of society. However, planning for children has led
to a decrease in the fertility rate of the Caribbean.
Other Challenges that cause conflict
1) Identity crisis
Challenges with relationships, sexuality and opportunity.
2) Marginalization of males
Males are less dominant as they are more dependent on males for meeting family and
society needs.
3) Development of self-esteem and confidence
Equal pay, balanced careers and decision-making in families.
Created by C. Walker-Williams
Subject: Social Studies
November 2020
Humanities Department
Grade 10 __
Task: List three reasons the government would need to intervene in family conflicts.
The Family and the Law
Governments create law to protect the interests of individual family members.
1) Childcare
Family law such as the Child Care and Protection Act seeks to establish in law
responsibilities of parents to provide for any children born. This law provides for any
children born to unwed couples. Parents should take care of children up to the age of
18. This can extend to 21 if the child needs support to complete education or they have
a mental or physical disability.
These laws ensure that single parents receive monies for child maintenance from the
other parent. It also provides punishment for parents who neglect/unattended for long
periods without making provisions for their safe keeping.
2) Protection of Children
a) A child born out of wedlock status – Children Bill 1981
This bill/law legitimize all children born within or outside a marriage. The father
acknowledges his paternity by registering the child with his surname(last name).
b) Incest Act 27 of 1986, Amended in 1994 & 2002
Persons are liable for conviction and imprisonment
c) Child Abuse – Act 4 of 1925, Amended in 2002
Any person who is over the age of 16 years who willingly or willfully assaults,
abandons, neglects or causes unnecessary suffering or injury to health to be fined
and imprisoned up to 2 years.
d) United Nations – Declaration of the right of a child.
Name and Nationality
Love, affection and attention
Adequate nutrition and health care
Education, play and recreation
Special care to the mentally and physically handicap
Children rights are violated if they are abandoned and expose to any form of abuse.
3) Inheritance
Inheritance is the money or property that passes from a deceased person to his/her
successors. This individual is known as a beneficiary and what each should receive is
outlined in a will. The will is usually to prevent dispute among family members. Inheritance
laws prevent relatives from taking money or property that rightfully belongs to the
intended beneficiary.
Laws have been amended to include children born in and out of wedlock along with a
range of unions such as common law to have the same rights to inheritance.
4) Legal Separation
Legal separation is where a married couple is separated by an order of the court. It is
often the step taken before the couple divorce. A legal separation doe not end the
marriage but gives married partners certain rights while they live separately. It may also
involves some legally binding agreements concerning monies due to both parties.
5) Domestic Violence
Governments have been introducing laws that prevent violence in family, particularly
against women and children. Member governments of the Orgainsation of Eastern
Caribbean States (OECS) have ratified the UN Convention on the Elimination of all forms
of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). It ensures individual in relationships are
equally protected.
Created by C. Walker-Williams
Subject: Social Studies
November 2020
Humanities Department
Grade 10 __
6) Divorce
This is the legal termination of a marriage and is the only way a marriage ends legally.
This is known as an annulment. Divorce occurs when there are matrimonial offences such
as adultery, cruelty or desertion.
A petitioner is a partner seeking a divorce. He/she must prove to the courts that the
marriage has broken down and the relationship is unlikely to improve. The couple must
have separated and lived apart for at least 12 months. Couples married for less than two
years will not be granted a divorce unless the courts are satisfied that all efforts have
been made (marriage council). A partner has to take care of a child under 18, a partner
with mental/physical condition that prevents them from earning or any other reasonable
Activity 4 – Past Paper Question 2006
Due: December 4,2020
1) a. (i) Define divorce
(ii) Define child abuse
(2 marks)
b. (i) State ONE condition other than child abuse within the
family that may lead to divorce.
(2 marks)
(ii) State ONE condition within the family that may lead
to child abuse.
( 2 marks)
c. Give THREE reasons why it is necessary to pass laws
to protect family members.
(6 marks)
d. Suggest ONE way by which parents and children may
work towards reducing indiscipline in the home. Write
a statement explaining why the way you have
suggested is likely to be successful.
(5 marks)
Total 17 marks
Created by C. Walker-Williams