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Biology Exam Q&A: Fermentation & Antibiotic Resistance

1: a: constant temperature, to prevent denaturing of enzymes,
active site shape damaged, fungus respires so it releases heat,
so temperature in the fermenter increases that could kill
fungus.so no penicillin
(i): keeps the ph constant, enzymes work best at optimum ph so
it slows to give maximum yield
B(i): 40 to 80 hours
(ii): mitosis
(iii): limiting factors, nutrients are used up, waste products
C:(i) nutrients and fungus was added without penicillin so it
grows without the presence of penicillin.
(ii): Penicillin production stopped.
D: separating penicillin from waste and for maintaining
E: viruses are not cells, do not do metabolism.
2:a: a drug, which is a chemical substance used to kill bacteria
that is made by organisms.
B: (i): most was killed by the antibiotic
(ii): more resistant bacteria in c but in b less resistant bacteria
C: antibiotic cant kill resistant bacteria it kills non resistant
bacteria but if it is used too often bacteria become resistant
D: causes mutation which causes antibiotic resistance and
change in dna.