Uploaded by Brady Nelson

Anime Tropes

91100hAnime Tropes!
I’m trying to list a number of annoying anime tropes. If you can think of some that I didn’t list, feel free to
comment and add a suggestion. If you think that you can clarify the definition/explanation of a currently
listed trope, please comment to suggest an edit! Thanks for your help! All of these will be on a poll so that we
can all know which anime trope annoys us the most.
1. Anime Girls eating 1 square millimeter of food every 30 seconds
2. The "They aren't technically related" bit so that people can ship siblings.
The characters shown are step-sisters in the show.
3. The "I'll accidentally grab your boob and squeeze it four times before realizing and being
4. The "Born Sexy Yesterday" where grown men/women have mature and sexually appealing
bodies, but also have the minds of children/infants.
5. "Shower Scenes"
6. Where are the fucking parents?
7. Eating disorders for action protagonists.
8. Harem characters, especially the ones too dense to know that seventy six girls are all over
9. The "Boobfall" when you accidentally fall on someone and your face lands directly in the
10. Child soldiers. When a fight is near or there is a huge monster, you don't need a military or
special forces, you just need a few highschool teenagers.
11. The "Hot Springs" episode. If you are watching a travel/adventure anime, there will
inevitably be a hot spring and there will inevitably be sexualization of the female characters in
the show, with the male characters peeping.
12. Everybody is a track star.
13. I'm an elite tactician, because that last second plan we put together will work flawlessly.
14. Orders? Who needs orders?
15. The Tsundere, because every girl needs to have a love interest with the protagonist.
16. Queer-baiting, making two same sex characters in a near-romantic relationship, but never
making it canon so that you can string along LGBTQ+ people without upsetting conservative
17. The "Wow, cousin, since when did you get so hot?" aka incest.
18. The "I just have to go 110%"
19. The "I don't need a therapist" because you can totally shoulder the death of an entire
civilization on your shoulders without talking about it to other people.
20. Everybody has breast implants. Whether this means that every main girl in the show has D
cups or larger, or that they seem to defy gravity.
21. Boob Pockets. It would appear that your shirt has a separate pocket for each boob because I
can see the exact outline of your breast.
22. We only go to the beach once. There is going to be a beach scene, but it only happens once to
show characters in revealing swimsuits and bond over misadventures.
23. Our school teachers are all models.
24. Blood Loss=Power=More likely to win
25. The talking animal/fairy comic relief
26. The character who is always happy, even after they just saw their entire squad eaten by
titans*Cough* Sasha *Cough*
27. 4 episodes about falling, one fight scene lasting three episodes and just drawing out things for
stupidly long times by talking/flashbacking/Nani??ing throughout it.
28. My glasses make me pretentious.
29. Lolitas. Nothing like some light child porn in your everyday anime.
30. "You just kicked my ass in battle after twenty years of hating each other, I am going to
graciously accept defeat, realize I was wrong, and become your friend." lol, what?+
31. Love? What's that? We aren't in love. I don't know what love is. How ridiculous. Fake news.
32. "It's the second to last episode in the season, and I'm losing the final fight so the whole
season is going to flash before my eyes, oh wait it's the end of the episode? Okay"
33. Boner=Nosebleed
34. You know that really cool character that you bonded with in the first episode? RIP their
screen time after we introduce the generic love interest.
35. Generic love interests.
36. "You'll grow to love me"
37. Every girl's traumatic backstory is rape, sex slave, molestation, etc.
38. Smart Bad Guys who close their eyes and laugh when they talk to protagonist.
39. He's a pervert and that's funny.
40. Love and Friendship>Established Rules
41. They became a couple! The End.
42. Overly shy characters who can't talk to people... and it's sexy??????
43. Armor that isn't armor.
44. Gender specific versions of the same outfit.
45. The absurdly powerful student council/student upper class. Who needs
teachers/faculty/administrators when you have the P4?
46. Starting as "Just your average middle/high schooler" then getting a demon arm 10 minutes
into the pilot.
47. Childhood promises. Who tf remembers that shit we said on some random ass spring
afternoon twelve years ago?
48. "You're a girl, so you must like guys/You're a guy, so you must like girls"
49. "____ is a (gender here)'s duty/job"
50. "But, I thought you were dead!" "No, I was only nine hundred and forty seven thousandths
dead, I was brought back with a life scroll from the goddess Marachia so that I can fulfill my
destiny" Boi bringing ppl back is cheap af. Stop it.
51. Monster of the week! No need for a plot or story since we have a new monster to fight! Oh,
you beat the last one? Well here is a new one! Maybe you can unlock some arbitrary power so
that we can feign character development!
52. "I don't have a paying job, but I can afford 10 billion dollar fighting gear and it's
repair/upkeep costs"
53. Sexualizing children. Saying a character is roughly around X<16 age but showing them with
a mature body/figure.
54. "I'm ugly/unattractive, til I take off my glasses and pull my hair down"
56. Ranking systems
57. 500 years old but still a child
58. Deus ex Machina
59. Finger Suck Healing
60. The Cavalry
61. Toast mouth
62. Cat ears. Neko-chan. Furry bait. etc.
63. Transformation Sequences with no transformation.
64. Transformation sequences that are too damn long.
65. What did you say?
66. We hate each other but also love each other!
67. Villain Procrastination
68. “You aren’t qualified, but you are actually overqualified”
69. “I made a promise, therefore I have to win”
70. “I died before I could tell you this secret”
71. “This isn’t even my final form”
72. “I’m a genius/the greatest” -fails immediately
73. Group performs the best show in their lives unknowingly to an empty audience.
74. Orphan is child of main villain
75. Monologuing
76. “All according to plan”
77. “Your random hobby that you somehow exceed at saved our club/lives/squad”
78. Manly tears
79. Best girl turns out not to be a girl, and is no longer love interest
80. “Sorry to interrupt”
81. “I’ll just sit here and wait while you power up/transform, its all good” -Villain.
82. “I'm gonna become the next [insert powerful position here]!”
83. “My blood pressure is over 9000/7000”
84. “Here is my special move!” [Attacks] “[Yells name of attack]”
85. Spot the protagonist
86. The best healthcare in the world.
87. Scars collect all their lives… unless they’re in anime.
88. Not serious=Little detail Very serious=Lotta detail
89. All evil rich girls have the same laugh. I know you’re imagining it right now.
90. “That random friend you made is actually really famous/powerful/rich and will help you
91. “I have gigantic disproportionate boobs but no back pain! It's a miracle!”
92. “I don’t care if I live or die, as long as I defeat you”
93. “I will slay all[Insert race/species/animal/monster here]” or “All[Insert
race/species/animal/monster here] are evil/bad/abominations!”
94. “These windows need some windex”
95. Not needing to work out to carry a weapon 8x your body size.
97. “Oh my god, everyone has breast implants but meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee”
98. Long glorious hair not getting in the way of fighting.
99. Rain during sad scenes
100. Main character is friends with everyone.