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Star|JACKPOTS Functional Description

Functional Description
© Atronic Systems 2010
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1 About This Manual
1.1 Chapter Overview ..................................................................................................... 5
2 Overview
2.1 General ..................................................................................................................... 6
2.1.1 Different Legislations ................................................................................... 6
2.2 Product Overview ..................................................................................................... 7
2.2.1 Star|JACKPOTS System Architecture......................................................... 7
2.2.2 Supported Jackpot Types............................................................................ 8
2.2.3 Hardware Options ....................................................................................... 9
3 Functional Description
3.1 CRYSTAL WEB Floor Network .............................................................................. 10
3.1.1 Gaming Machine Connection .................................................................... 10
3.1.2 Floorserver ................................................................................................ 10
3.1.3 Integrated Operation ................................................................................. 10
3.1.4 Stand-alone Operation .............................................................................. 10
3.1.5 Local Area Progressive Jackpots .............................................................. 11
3.1.6 Local Area "Mystery" Jackpots .................................................................. 13
3.1.7 Wide Area Progressive Jackpots .............................................................. 14
3.1.8 Wide Area "Mystery" Jackpots .................................................................. 15
Star|JACKPOTS Functional Description
Contents • 3
4 • Contents
Star|JACKPOTS Functional Description
1 About This Manual
This manual describes the components and functions of the Atronic Systems
Star|JACKPOTS product.
Target Audience
The reader is assumed to be familiar with the architecture of the CRYSTAL WEB™ floor
network, therefore CRYSTAL WEB functionality is only described where relevant in
conjunction with Star|JACKPOTS.
We at Atronic Systems constantly strive to ensure the high quality of our products. This
includes our documentation. You can help us in our effort. If you find any mistakes or
omissions in one of our manuals, please send an e-mail to Atronic Systems support.
Document Information
Star|JACKPOTS Functional Description
Revision History
Initial release
Pricing examples and custom themes added. Trigger device corrected.
WAP Mysteries added
Update (version 3.02.*)
Update (version 3.04.*), new company address
New ATRONIC logo
CI update.
1.1 Chapter Overview
This chapter gives an overview on the product.
Functional Description
This chapter describes the functionality of the Star|JACKPOTS product.
Star|JACKPOTS Functional Description
About This Manual • 5
2 Overview
2.1 General
Star|JACKPOTS can be operated in a stand-alone mode or in conjunction with other
GALAXIS modules.
When operated in the stand-alone mode, the product comprises a CRYSTAL WEB network,
a database for storing jackpot configurations and historical jackpot data, a set of reports to
view the data, and applications for configuring and monitoring the jackpots.
Several sites can be linked via a Wide Area Network, providing the operation of a Wide Area
Progressive jackpot.
If operated in the integrated mode, additional advantage is taken of all other GALAXIS
• In conjunction with Star|CASHLESS, enhanced jackpot features like paying mystery
wins to card can be provided.
• The Star|CAGE program provides seamless integration of jackpot-related transactions
to the cashdesk.
• The Star|SLOTS accounting system integrates all necessary jackpot-related data.
2.1.1 Different Legislations
The configuration possibilities of Star|JACKPOTS are very comprehensive. However, in
various legislations, some of these possibilities might not be permitted. Different installation
schemes allow this requirement to be fulfilled without changing the underlying software
product. Therefore all our customers take advantage of software updates, no matter in which
legislation they operate.
If you have regulatory requirements not yet covered, as a special service we evaluate your
regulatory demands and create specific installation schemes. Hence the number of
supported legislations is constantly growing.
6 • Overview
Star|JACKPOTS Functional Description
2.2 Product Overview
2.2.1 Star|JACKPOTS System Architecture
Figure 1: System Architecture
The Star|JACKPOTS system comprises a database and an application for configuring the
jackpots. The configuration is downloaded to the Jackpot Engine, which is a Floorserver
extension. The Jackpot Engine communicates with the MDCs of the gaming machines which
contribute to the configured jackpots. Each contribution is registered by the Jackpot Engine
and leads to a recalculation of the current jackpot value.
The current jackpot value is sent to the connected display devices, e.g. the Atronic Systems'
When a jackpot hit occurs, the Jackpot Engine calculates the jackpot hit value and the restart
value of the next cycle. Depending on the configuration, machines are disabled during hit
processing. Alternatively, the next jackpot cycle can start immediately after the hit. The hit
may trigger sound devices and hit animations on the connected displays.
For surveillance, a Jackpot Monitor is provided, displaying the state and current values of all
configured jackpots. The monitor also provides emergency functions like forcing a manual hit
in the case where there was no gaming machines' hit signal received.
A comprehensive set of reports shows jackpot-related data as needed for accounting,
statistics and regulations.
All applications are secured by a personal, configurable login. All changes in the system
(alter configuration, call emergency function …) are audited, including the logged user name.
Star|JACKPOTS Functional Description
Overview • 7
2.2.2 Supported Jackpot Types
If a jackpot is operated only in one casino, we call it a Local Area Jackpot. If several sites are
linked together to operate a single jackpot, we call this a Wide Area Jackpot. Local Area Progressive Jackpots
In case of a Local Area Progressive Jackpot, the gaming machine generates the hit event
(i.e. a specific combination of win symbols). This event is forwarded to the Jackpot Engine,
which calculates the final jackpot hit value. Typically, all other participating gaming machines
are disabled. When the jackpot on the hit machine is reset, all machines are enabled and the
next cycle of the jackpot is started. Local Area "Mystery" Jackpots
The Local Area "Mystery" Jackpot is provided by the same software and hardware
architecture as the Local Area Progressive Jackpot. The main difference is that the Jackpot
Engine generates the hit instead of the gaming machine. The hit is triggered when the
jackpot value reaches the mystery threshold. The contributing game (respectively gaming
machine), which increases the jackpot to or over this value, wins the jackpot.
The threshold is randomly generated by the Jackpot Engine when a new mystery jackpot
cycle is started. Each single game played on a gaming machine contributing to a mystery
jackpot is sent to the Jackpot Engine. When a game's contribution increases the jackpot
above this threshold, the respective gaming machine is disabled. If the CRYSTAL WEB
Player Insert is in use, winning messages are displayed to inform the player about his win. Wide Area Progressive Jackpots
Wide Area Progressive Jackpots are progressive jackpots, where the hit is generated by a
gaming machine, but the connected gaming machines can be distributed over several sites.
A typical Wide Area Progressive Jackpot architecture comprises a central "Head Office"
version of the database and applications. The head office takes care of the correct wide area
configuration and calculation of the jackpots: It distributes the jackpot parameters to all
connected sites; it collects the contributions from all sites, calculates a new overall jackpot
value and redistributes this information to all sites to update the displays accordingly.
There are also "Head Office" versions of Jackpot Monitoring and Reporting: The Jackpot
Monitor provides additional emergency features in the case that a site was offline during a hit
(remote hit generation, manual contribution entry etc.). The head office reporting shows
jackpot data for all sites, whereas the site reporting displays only the site-related data. Wide Area "Mystery" Jackpots
The Local Area Mystery Jackpot can also be operated in a wide area mode. In this case, at
the site only the Floorserver is installed to operate the local CRYSTAL WEB floor network.
The Jackpot Engine, database and applications run in the "Head Office", to which each site
is connected by means of a Wide Area Network.
A prerequisite is that the customer provides a fast and reliable WAN connection which must
have a quality comparable to a LAN.
8 • Overview
Star|JACKPOTS Functional Description
2.2.3 Hardware Options
To show the current jackpot values to the players, displays are required. The CRYSTAL
WEB system provides drivers for various jackpot displays of many manufacturers (Atronic
Systems, Mikohn, Paltronics, Ataka, etc.).
An advanced possibility is to use our DisplayEvolution to present jackpot values in an
attractive graphical way on wide displays like TFT, plasma etc. This solution is specifically
designed for easy maintenance and flexible usage. Moreover, Atronic Systems can offer to
create your personalized display theme.
Using the Jackpot Trigger Device, the MDC can trigger any multimedia devices generating
sound, light etc. in the case of a hit.
If you want to disable all machines in the case of a hit, but the gaming machine type
(protocol) does not support a disable command, the Lockout Option must be used. This
device disables all gaming machine buttons until the jackpot is restarted.
The In-Machine Display Option can be used to display jackpot information on displays which
are integrated in a gaming machine.
Star|JACKPOTS Functional Description
Overview • 9
3 Functional Description
3.1 CRYSTAL WEB Floor Network
3.1.1 Gaming Machine Connection
Each gaming machine must be equipped with an Atronic Systems MDC (Machine Data
Controller). This is an interface board, which communicates with the gaming machine. Each
MDC is connected through the CRYSTAL WEB Ethernet floor network to a central
Floorserver (see section 3.1.2). The MDC keeps the Floorserver informed about all relevant
data like machine events, meter changes, jackpot hits etc.
3.1.2 Floorserver
The Floorserver operates the CRYSTAL WEB floor. It configures the connected MDCs and
provides an online view of all floor data. However, it does not hold any historical data; for
storage the data has to be sent to a database.
3.1.3 Integrated Operation
The CRYSTAL WEB configuration is provided by GALAXIS Star|SLOTS.
If there is also Star|MARKETING or CHIP CASH™ in operation, additionally a Player Insert
is installed in each gaming machine. From Star|JACKPOTS point of view the only difference
is that in this case a display is available where e.g. hit messages can be displayed.
3.1.4 Stand-alone Operation
If Star|JACKPOTS is operated in stand-alone mode, instead of GALAXIS Star|SLOTS the
CRYSTAL WEB Floor Management toolset is used for floor configuration.
The floor configuration is done via an application (also known as "MiniCWeb") used to define
the configuration for the floor (e.g. gaming machine denomination, gaming machine location,
and model).
The floor operation tool is the Query Builder (QB). This tool is used for two purposes. First, it
is a viewer for the Floorserver. E.g. it displays current meter values, currently inserted cards,
the current gaming machine configuration etc.
10 • Functional Description
Star|JACKPOTS Functional Description
Second, it is used to perform certain functions necessary when operating the CRYSTAL
WEB cashless floor. Among others, these are: Reset an MDC, download a new firmware to
the MDC, disable a machine etc.
3.1.5 Local Area Progressive Jackpots Configuration
With the jackpot configuration software, you can create multiple jackpots. For each jackpot a
different configuration can be defined:
• Define a contribution percentage and a restart value.
• Define machines to participate in a jackpot. One machine can contribute to multiple
• Define hit handling
o Restart conditions
o Disable all machines or just the hit machine
• Define jackpot value update intervals, low gaming displays (idle messages) and
intervals for tracing historical values.
To ease the correct accounting of the restart value, you can configure a backup ("hidden")
jackpot accompanying a Local Area Progressive jackpot. The backup jackpot collects
contributions similar to a normal jackpot. The collected contribution is used to calculate the
next restart value. There are various calculation possibilities, including definition of a
minimum and maximum restart value, fixed backup amount to add to the restart value etc.
There is the possibility to handle contribution percentages with more flexibility: Based on
predefined jackpot value thresholds (edge values), different percentages can be defined for
distributing the contributions between main and backup jackpot. Using this feature, you can
e.g. define a jackpot growing faster at the beginning.
Another feature is to configure an "overflow" jackpot, receiving all contributions over a
configured jackpot maximum. With this function, you can cap your jackpot value, which is a
regulatory requirement in some countries.
Extensive auditing is provided: Each configuration change is audited with user name and
timestamp. Monitoring
The Monitoring tool provides the following functionality:
Jackpot Overview
Number of running or erroneous jackpots, number of connected machines, state of software
Jackpot Information
Constantly updated list of all configured jackpots [name and type, current value and cycle
number, last hit time and state (all machines online?)]. Filtering and sorting is provided in the
case that the number of jackpots is too high to be displayed on a single page.
Star|JACKPOTS Functional Description
Functional Description • 11
Hit Overview
List of the active hits (time, jackpot name, hit machine, hit value, hit cycle number).
Communication Status
Monitor communication between various system modules.
Jackpot Details
For a selected jackpot, the configuration details can be displayed.
Emergency functions
• Manual hit: Enter hit in the case that it was not detected by the system.
• Manual Jackpot Reset: Reset a jackpot in the case that the jackpot reset at the
machine was not detected by the system.
• Value Correction: In the case that a calculation problem (e.g. contributions of a
machine missed, machine meter jumps) occurred, correct the jackpot value.
• Cancel Active Hit: Cancel the hit stage of a jackpot in the case that a hit was
incorrectly triggered.
• Suspend and reactivate a jackpot. Reporting
Configuration Reports
• Jackpot parameters
• Machine assignments
• User permissions
Monitoring Reports
• Hit report
• Current jackpot values and contributions
• Event log
History Reports
• Jackpot value history (details and summary)
• Jackpot hit history
• Contribution history (details per machine and summary)
Auditing Reports
• Login history
• Configuration changes
12 • Functional Description
Star|JACKPOTS Functional Description
• Usage of application functions
• Usage of emergency functions
3.1.6 Local Area "Mystery" Jackpots
From user point of view, a Local Area "Mystery" Jackpot is just a jackpot of a different type,
so all functions listed in 3.1.5, "Local Area Progressive Jackpots" are also available with
Mystery Jackpots (except edge values and manual hit generation).
The main difference to a Local Area Progressive Jackpot is the calculation and hit generation
by the Jackpot Engine; therefore there is the additional possibility to define the lower and
upper limit of the hit value. Within this range, the Jackpot Engine randomly chooses the hit
threshold for each cycle.
The Jackpot Monitor handles Mystery Jackpots in the same way as Progressive Jackpots.
However, some of the emergency functions are not available with Mystery Jackpots to
prevent manipulation (e.g. "Manual hit").
If you operate your CRYSTAL WEB floor with Player Inserts, you can choose the option to
reset the Mystery hit directly on the hit machine rather than in the Jackpot Monitor. In this
case the Jackpot Engine issues a unique Mystery Reset PIN, which is displayed together
with the hit information in the Jackpot Monitor. When this PIN is entered at the hit machine's
Player Insert, the jackpot hit is considered as finished and the machine is enabled. Advanced Configuration
Jackpot Scheduler
This feature allows defining time periods during those a jackpot is active. As an example,
you can define a jackpot running only two hours a day during low gaming periods.
Hit Delimiter
Define a maximum number of hits, after which the jackpot is automatically suspended. This
is a handy feature to give away a predefined number of fixed prizes (e.g. show tickets).
Minimum Bet
Define that only players placing a minimum bet are eligible to participate in the jackpot. This
is comparable to some machine-triggered progressives where the player must play maxbet
to participate.
Mystery Win Transfer
There is a set of configurations available to define the transfer of a mystery win to a CHIP
CASH card or to a gaming machine.
• Destination: CHIP CASH card or gaming machine.
• Win transfer limit: If the win is below this limit, it is paid to the card or gaming
machine. If the win is above this limit, it is paid by the attendant or cage as usual.
• Celebration limit: If the win is below this limit, it is automatically transferred to the
card or the gaming machine. The player only gets a notification message at the Player
Insert. If the win is above this limit, the gaming machine is disabled, and the win is
only transferred to the card after an attendant has entered the celebration lockup PIN.
Star|JACKPOTS Functional Description
Functional Description • 13
3.1.7 Wide Area Progressive Jackpots
The system architecture assumes that there is a Wide Area Network available which can be
addressed by IP addresses; ISDN bandwidth (56/48 Kbit) is required. It is the responsibility
of the operator to provide the respective infrastructure (leased lines, routers/modems with
backup lines etc.).
All participating sites are connected to a central head office. The head office collects all
contributions and distributes the consolidated value to all sites. Configuration
The basic configuration of the jackpot is done in the same way as a Local Area Progressive
Jackpot. The main difference is that the Wide Area Progressive Jackpot is configured in the
head office.
The machines can be assigned by each site.
In the head office, there is the possibility to define which casinos will take part in the jackpot.
For each casino site, the following parameters can be defined:
• Minimum and maximum number of gaming machines that can be assigned
• Timeout after which an alarm message is sent when the site goes offline
• Timeout after which all gaming machines of the jackpot will be disabled when the site
goes offline Monitoring
For a Wide Area Progressive Jackpot, the following additional emergency functions are
available at the site:
• Manual Wide Area Update: To be used if a hit occurred in the local site and the local
site is offline. Contributions of the other casinos must be entered to calculate the
correct hit value.
• Remote Hit: To be used if a hit occurred in another site and the local site is offline.
Information about the remote hit must be entered and the hit must be generated
• Head Office Hit Value Correction: To be used if a hit occurred and the head office is
offline. In this case, the hit value is calculated manually and each site must enter the
correct hit value.
The following head office emergency functions are provided:
• Wide Area Site Contribution: To be used if a site is offline when a hit occurred in an
online site. The sites' local contribution must be entered to calculate the correct hit
• Remote Site Hit: To be used if the hit site is offline. The hit information must be
entered and is transmitted to all sites which are online.
• Site Hit Value Correction: To be used if the hit site is offline. The hit value
information must be entered and is transmitted to all online sites.
14 • Functional Description
Star|JACKPOTS Functional Description Reporting
All reports can display Wide Area information. If the reports are printed in a site, the Wide
Area Progressive Jackpot is displayed as if it was a Local Area Progressive Jackpot. When
you run the report in the head office, information collected from all sites is displayed.
Note that machine-based information (machine contribution) can only be displayed in the
site. This information is not transferred to the head office.
3.1.8 Wide Area "Mystery" Jackpots
This jackpot type can be achieved by a slightly different installation of the Star|JACKPOTS
All jackpot modules are installed in the head office. In the sites, only the Floorserver is
installed to operate the floor locally. From a jackpot configuration point of view it looks like
having multiple floors inside a large casino.
Note that for this architecture you need LAN quality for your WAN connections.
The configuration options available for Local Area Mystery Jackpots are also available in this
wide area configuration, for example Jackpot Scheduler, Hit Delimiter, Minimum Bet and
Mystery Win Transfer.
Star|JACKPOTS Functional Description
Functional Description • 15
16 • Functional Description
Star|JACKPOTS Functional Description
Abbreviation for Base Socket. Box which is mounted inside the base of a gaming machine. It
contains an EEPROM which identifies the position where the gaming machine is located. It
remains in the base when a gaming machine is moved to another location.
Atronic Systems payment solution for casinos.
Abbreviation for Local Area Network.
Abbreviation for Machine Data Controller. A device built into an electronic gaming machine.
It collects and transmits machine data, player tracking data and cashless data.
Abbreviation for power feeding unit. It supplies the power for a gaming machine bank and is
the interface between the hubs and the Æ MDCs.
Abbreviation for Wide Area Network.
Star|JACKPOTS Functional Description
Glossary • 17
18 • Glossary
Star|JACKPOTS Functional Description
about this manual 5
accounting 7, 11
alarm message 14
auditing 11
backup jackpot 11
BS 17
calculation 11
cashdesk 6
site 6, 8, 14
celebration limit 13
CHIP CASH 10, 17
communication status 12
details 12
floor 10
gaming machine 10
jackpot 11
possibilities 6
connected sites 8
contribution 11, 12, 15
percentage 11
current value 7
cycle 7
database 6, 7, 10
denomination 10
disable machines 8, 9, 11, 14
display 9
device 7
Star|JACKPOTS Functional Description
DisplayEvolution 7, 9
download firmware 11
edge value 11, 13
emergency functions 7, 8, 13, 14
manual hit 7
enable machines 8
fixed prize 13
configuration 10
operation 10
Floorserver 7, 10, 15
GALAXIS modules 6
gaming machine
contribution 8
type 9
head office 8, 14
head office hit value correction 14
animations 7
delimiter 13
event 8
handling 11
messages 10
overview 12
processing 7
signal 7
hit stage
cancel 12
hit value
limits 13
Index • 19
installation schemes 6
integrated mode 6
backup 11
configuration 6, 7, 11, 14
contribution 7
current values 9
cycle 7
displays 9
historical data 6
hit 7, 10
hit history 12
hit value 7, 8
maximum 11
monitoring 6
reports 6
reset 8, 12
restart 9
restart value 7
state 7
suspend and activate 12
type 8
value 7, 8
value history 12
value update 11
Jackpot Engine 7, 8, 13
jackpot monitor 7, 8, 13
jackpot scheduler 13
LAN 17
LAN connection 8
legislation 6
local area jackpot 8
location 10
lockout option 9
login 7
low gaming 11
Machine Data Controller 10
machine events 10
manual hit 7, 12
generation 13
manual wide area update 14
MDC 7, 9, 10, 17
reset 11
changes 10
jumps 12
values 10
minimum bet 13
20 • Index
integrated 6
stand-alone 6
model 10
monitoring 11
multimedia devices 9
multiple jackpots 11
mystery win transfer 13
network 6, 10
wide area 6
percentage 11
personalized display theme 9
PFU 17
plasma display 9
Player Insert 8, 10, 13
protocol 9
Query Builder 10
regulations 7
remote site hit 14
reports 7, 8
auditing 12
configuration 12
history 12
monitoring 12
wide area 15
restart 11
restart value 11
revision history 5
scope 5
site 6, 14
contributions 8
offline 8
software updates 6
sound devices 7
specific installation schemes 6
stand-alone mode 6
Star|CAGE 6
Star|SLOTS 6, 10
statistics 7
surveillance 7
system architecture 7
Star|JACKPOTS Functional Description
target audience 5
thresholds 11
timestamp 11
WAN 17
WAN connection 8
wide area jackpot 8
wide area network 8, 14
wide area site contribution 14
win symbols 8
winning message 8
user name 11
value correction 12
Star|JACKPOTS Functional Description
Index • 21
22 • Index
Star|JACKPOTS Functional Description