Credit Inquiry Explanation Letter Template

Credit Inquiry Explanation Letter Template, Example
Ana Brown
ABC Finances
New York
Date: November 13th, 2020
Ronald Smith
54, Richard Road
New York
Dear Mr. Smith,
We are writing this letter in relation with your loan application for car. After going through your income
statements and your loan application, we have found that you have a decent credit rating which makes
you eligible for the loan amount of $5,000.
It is the policy of our bank to check the credit score of every candidate who applies for a loan with us.
And if the score is positive then the application as approved and if the score is negative then the
application is not approved as per our policy.
We hope that you will understand that it is a standard procedure for our bank to check the credit score
and therefore, we would appreciate you to be patient. We request you to collect the required
documents from the concerned person at our office.
Ana Brown
ABC Finances
New York