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5 Ways to Use Blogs for Link Building | SEO Tips

Guest Post| 5 Ways to Use Blogs for
Link Building
When blogs were initially started, they were alleged to be personal diaries of people maintaining
them. But because the technology evolved, blogs become one of the few early platforms
following web 2.0 technology. And these days' blogs are used for several motives like personal
diaries, professional blogs, and for promoting our main websites and services. Today's article is
about using them for building many quality backlinks for our website’s home and internal pages.
Here are my top 10 ways to use blogs for doing massive link building our websites:
1. Do Guest Post
The concept of​ ​guest post​ ​is getting popular day by day. But still, it's limited to technology
blogs, I rarely see the usage of Guest Post in other industries like health, travel, education, etc.
The basic idea behind Guest Post is, creating an inventory of popular blogs in your niche with
their contact details. Now approach these bloggers together with your guest posts. Most
bloggers will accept your guest post if they're of top quality and relevant to their topics, they're
covering on their blogs. Acceptance of a guest post means you'll be receiving some quality
backlinks for your website from that​ ​guest post services​.
2. Create Blogs
So it is a good idea to make some blogs on popular platforms that provide free blog creation
facilities. a number of popular platforms that permit the creation of free blogs are blogger.com,
WordPress.com, thoughts.com, livejournal.com, and weebly.com. So you've got to make blogs
specific to your website niche on these blogging platforms and update them with fresh and
unique content. you ought to link back to your website home and internal pages with targeted
keywords within your blog posts. This way, you'll be ready to create many top quality contextual
backlinks for your website from these blogging websites.
3. Blog Commenting
A few months back, we only mention do-follow blog commenting. But lately, SEO’s and link
builders aren't worrying much about dofollow or nofollow blog commenting, because lately,
Google seems to be giving some weightage to nofollow links on related domains. therefore the
idea behind blog commenting is gathering an inventory of popular blogs in your niche and begin
leaving comments with valuable information on them. Please don't attempt to spam blogs for the
sake of few links. Most bloggers keep their comments moderated, therefore the blog owner will
read whatever you write in your comment. So you ought to be leaving an honest impression for
your website within the eyes of blog owners. If you're adding valuable comments on blogs,
they're going to surely be approved by blog owners and thus many valuable links for your
website from blog commenting activities.
4. Do Blogroll Exchange
Get in-tuned with some popular blogger in your niche and approach them for blogroll exchange.
If you've got a decent website, there's every chance, they're going to love doing blogroll
exchange together with your website. Blogroll links are wont to be available on all pages of a
blog, so you'll gather thousands of links from one blog albeit it's a blog with thousands of pages
cached in search engines.
5. Do Links Exchange within Content
It is again calling other bloggers in your niche and asking for links for your website from their
current or future posts. And return, you'll be giving similar benefits to those bloggers from your
website articles or blog posts. Are you ready to do link building using blogs in several ways
aside from what I discussed above, please share them within the comments section below in
order that other members within the community also can get the benefit?