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Grammar Test: Subjects & Predicates

Name: _____________________________ Date: ________________ Class: _______
Grammar Test: Subjects & Predicates
Complete Subjects & Complete Predicates
Read each sentence. Underline the complete subject once. Underline the complete predicate
Example: Soccer’s roots began in ancient China.
1. Chinese soldiers played tsu chu, a kicking game.
2. Elaborate games of tsu chu took place on the emperor’s birthday
3. Many early Chinese soccer balls were filled with feathers.
4. England is the birthplace of the modern game of soccer.
5. Early matches were played in the streets, not on fields.
Simple Subjects & Simple Predicates
Write the simple subject and simple predicate of each sentence. Label each.
Example: Have you seen an armadillo?
You (simple subject), have seen (simple predicate)
6. The animal’s most striking feature is its shell.
7. An armadillo’s bony shell covers its back.
8. Some armadillos can roll themselves into a ball.
9. Their diet includes insects, spiders, and little reptiles.
10. Do these mammals like hot weather?
Hard to Find Subjects
Read each sentence. If the underlined word is the subject write C (correct) on the line. If the
underlined word is not the subject, write the correct subject on the line.
Read this article about the Space Shuttle.
11. __________
There is detailed information about many astronauts.
12. __________
One of the biographies is of Guy Bluford.
13. __________
Have you ever heard of this air force veteran?
14. __________
On a rainy August morning in 1983, he made history.
15. __________
Bluford was the first African-American launched into space.
Compound Subjects
Read each sentence. Underline each compound subject
Example: Pam and Kathy have a birthday next week.
16. The house and the barn were painted red.
17. Apples, pears, and other fruits are grown on our farm.
18. On Saturday afternoon, my sister and I picked the fruit.
19. Zucchini and pumpkins are among the many crops we grow.
20. September and October are a beautiful time to visit our farm.
Compound Verbs
Read each sentence. Underline each compound verb
Example: We danced and sang at the party.
21. The quarterback will run or will pass on the play.
22. She sat on the couch and read her history book while her brothers watched football.
23. The noise of the game neither distracted nor annoyed her.
24. She ate a sandwich and drank a glass of milk while she studied.
25. Her dad, brothers, and sister jumped and cheered as their team won the game.
Complete the sentence
On questions 26-30, add a subject or predicate to the fragment. Record whether you added a
subject or a predicate.
Example: an apple a day
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. (predicate)
26. is the best policy
27. can move mountains
28. wasted time
29. must come to an end
30. the mighty oak tree
Combining Sentences
Remember that two related sentences with the same predicate can be combined. On
questions 31-34, first read the group of sentences then underline the two sentences that
can be combined. Use the conjunction in parenthesis to combine the subjects. Then write
the new sentence on the line.
Example: My friends walk places whenever possible. Saving energy is important. I walk
whenever possible. (and)
My friends and I walk places whenever possible.
31. Make your home energy efficient. Leaky faucets waste energy. Open windows waste
energy. (and)
32. Heating a house is expensive. Heavy drapes can lower heating costs. Clean furnace
ducts can lower heating costs. (or)
33. My parents turn off lights to save electricity. Most electricity comes from fossil fuels. I
turn off lights to save electricity. (or)
34. Heating water uses energy. Running full dishwashers saves hot water. Taking shorter
showers saves hot water. (and)
Combining Sentences
Remember that two related sentences with the same subject can be combined. On
questions 35-38, first read the group of sentences then underline the two sentences that
can be combined. Use the conjunction in parenthesis to combine the predicates. Then
write the new sentence on the line.
Example: Computers got smaller in the 1960s. Scientists invented computer chips.
Scientists installed computer chips. (and)
Scientists invented and installed computer chips.
35. Some companies designed desktop computers. Some companies sold desktop
computers. In the 1970s, businesses bought these smaller computers. (or)
36. Consumers leased small computers. Consumers bought the small computers. Popular
programs for “personal computers” appeared during the 1980s. (or)
37. The World Wide Web began in the 1990s. Home computers users liked the Web. Home
computer users used the Web. (and)
38. Computer experts designed tiny computers. Computer experts produced tiny
computers. These hand-held devices became immensely popular. (and)
Bonus! These questions can be answered to earn bonus points. If you do not know the
answer, they do not count against you.
39. What is the rhyme that Mrs. Thomson uses to help remember the definition of subject
and predicate?
40. Mrs. Thomson provided study materials for this test. Where were they located?
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