Uploaded by Evana Patterson

Fluorescent Protein Purification Lab Report

Evana Patterson
Sylvie Bardin
Lab #2 Purification of Fluorescent Proteins
Evana Patterson
Sylvie Bardin
Evana Patterson
Sylvie Bardin
Lab #2- Purification of Florescent Proteins
Transformation of Plasmid into E.coli 1.5μl of unknown plasmid DNA (pRSET vectorfp9) contained in a 1.5 mL micro tube was used for the transformation of the unknown plasmid
into bacterial strain E.coliJM109-DE3 and placed on ice. After the E.coliJM109-DE3 cells
thawed, a pipette was used to extract 50μl of E.coliJM109-DE3 and placed into the microtube
containing the plasma DNA (pRSET vector-FP9) and mixed with tip of pipette tip. The remaining
E.coliJM109-DE3 was placed back on ice. The resulting mixture was placed on the ice for 30 minutes
followed by the heat shock by placing the microtube in a bath of 42◦C for 45 seconds. The microtube was
then placed of ice for 2 minutes and 800μl of the LB medium (LB Broth | Biocompare, n.d) was then
added to the microtube and the transferred to incubation in a 37◦C hot bath for 45 minutes. The microtube
is centrifuged at 8,000rpm for 2 minutes and the supernatant is discarded from the microtube into another
microtube. The cells that are re-suspended from the transformation were spread across an LBAmp100
plates (contain the antibiotic ampicillin 100μg/mL). The LBAmp100 plate is then overturned on incubation
shelf at 37◦C is kept for 24 hours.
Extraction of Protein Using a centrifuge, cytoplasmic proteins (with the fluorescent
proteins) resulting in the separation of the cytoplasmic proteins from the cellular debris. 1.4mL
of the LBAmp100 kept overnight was placed into a new microtube and then centrifuged. The
supernatant is then discarded into beaker. The tube was placed back in the centrifuge at
13,200rpm for 10 seconds, the remaining supernatant was removed. 650 μl of Lysis Buffer (50 mM
monobasic sodium phosphate, Lab manual) was added and dissolved in solution by stirring and agitating.
Evana Patterson
Sylvie Bardin
10% SDS was added and mixed with Lysis Buffer (650 μl). The microtube was then rotated for 30
minutes at room temperature. Lysate supernatant was transferred to new microtube (XI).
Purification of Protein Proteins were purified using Nickel-NTA resin affinity
chromatography from other cytoplasmic proteins. 130 μl of lysate supernatant (XI) was ultimately
transferred to the microtube and kept on ice. -30 μl of the remaining supernatant was stored in freezer at 20◦C. The microtube was then placed on a rotating wheel for 30 minutes and centrifuged at 10,000rpm for
two minutes, vortexed. The protein was washed when 60 μl of elution buffer was transferred. The
microtube is placed on a rotating wheel for 5 minutes and then centrifuged at 13,200rpm. The new
microtube is put into freezer.
Identification Using Spectrophotometry 100 μl of Lysis buffer was pipetted into a
microplate. . 100 μl of CL sample was placed into the microplate in the well next to the base line buffer.
The location of samples is then recorded. A scanning spectrophotometer (Bio-Tek Synergy HT plate
reader) read the absorbance of the fluorescent protein in the microtube. Absorption was read over a range
of 400nm to 700nm scanned in intervals of 2nm.