1 Point Fortin S.D.A Primary School Standard 4 1st Term Test BIBLE 50 minutes Name____________________________________ Date_____________________________________ There have three section in your test. We had 50 minutes. HAVE FUN YOUR TEST Page 1|7 2 INTRODUCTION FOR BIBLE TEST SECTION 1- TRUE OR FALSE SECTION 2- MULTIPLE CHOICE SECTION 3- SHORT QUESTION There have 50 minutes only. Page 2|7 3 SECTION 1 TRUE OR FALSE 1. Baptism is like planting a seed. TRUE/FALSE 2. When we are baptized, we are buried in dirt TRUE/FALSE 3. During baptism, we are buried in water. TRUE/FALSE 4. Remission means forgiveness of sins. TRUE/FALSE 5. Asking forgiveness for our sins is one step we take before getting baptized. TRUE/FALSE 6. Jesus promised to give us the gift of the Holy Spirit after baptism. Page 3|7 4 TRUE/FALSE 7. When we get baptized we are telling everyone that we believe in Jesus. TRUE/FALSE (7 marks) SECTION 2 MULTIPLE CHOICE 8. World War 1 was from……. a) 1914-1918 b) 1939-1945 c) 1954-1975 d) 2018-2019 9. Which of these four individuals was a prophet called by God to direct His people? a) James White b) Prime Minister Keith Rowley c) President Donald Trump d) Ellen G. White 10. Which of these disciples betrayed Jesus. Page 4|7 5 a) James b) John c) Judas d) Peter 11. Which of these NOT a way Jesus communicated with His prophets. a) Visions b) Dreams c) God’s Voice d) Satan 12. How many categories of miracles did Jesus perform? a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5 13. The youngest disciple of Jesus was…… a) Matthew b) Mark c) Luke d) John (20 marks) Page 5|7 6 SECTION 3 SHORT ANSWER QUESTION 14. Jesus had one meal with His disciples before leaving them. What was that meal called? (2 marks) 15. Why do you think that this was Jesus’ last meal with disciples? (3 marks) 16. Who was Bartimaeus, and what did Jesus do for him. (2 marks) 17. State three facts about Lazarus. Page 6|7 7 i. ---------------------------------------------------------ii. ---------------------------------------------------------iii. ---------------------------------------------------------(3 marks) 18. What lesson was Jesus teaching his disciples when he raised Lazarus? (2 marks) THE END MERRY CHRISTMAS Page 7|7