Uploaded by Lynel De Leon

Philosophy of Life & Education: A Teacher's Perspective

17 November 2020
Lynel B. De Leon
(written report )
Teachers must have their own philosophy. To become one of the professional
teachers out there you should start to write and compose your own
philosophy of life in education. You may start having a drafts of words that
soon will became a hope for every one, for every child that needs further
In writing, First to thing to be consider is the child who needs your guide and
learning. It will be needed to set your own goals to them. You seem to think of
a question like...
" How may this philosophy of mine can be able to help those child who really
needs education in their lives? "
" Will it be enough to guide them to reach out their own goals in life? "
Through the process of it... You should be motivated more to make your
philosophy effectively that can gives hope to everyone in the near future. It
may be hard to compose one but you will always starting from that so you
could be you in your taken profession.
And also as for me, This is the first step in reaching my own goals to be one
them. I will considered all, to make my own philosophy works well. Thinking
about all the possibilities that may happen. I will write and puts my heart and
love on it. My best motivation will be every child that needs me in the near
future. Starting to acknowledge them through my own philosophy. Give them
hope, love, appreciation and care through this.
Every child needs education. They have all the right to discover all the
learnings that they will encountered throughout their lives. Being a teacher is
not only a profession but also a family who gives the fullest support on every
child. Being a teacher is one of the toughest responsibility that every person
could have nor gain. But, the assurance of it will be worthful, the best thing
that every teacher could be proud of...
Teacher existence is so worthful itself. They give you all and bring out the best
in you. They could give you love, hope, appreciation and care and support that
every childs craving for. Education is the best treasure that they could give to
you. You'll learned through them and soon you'll be able to say to them the
words that was unspoken
" Thank You, Teacher! "