Muscle Test Review Muscle Test Review: Muscular/Body Movements: Origin/Insertion Flexion/Extension Rotation Circumduction Abduction/Adduction Inversion/Eversion Supination/Pronation Vocab: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Muscle fibers Striated muscle Voluntary muscle Tendons Smooth muscle Aerobic respiration Lactic acid Anaerobic glycolysis Muscle fatigue Oxygen deficit Muscle tone Endurance exercise Flaccid Atrophy Sarcomere Basic Characteristics of the 3 Muscle Type: Skeletal Smooth Cardiac What are the 5 major functions of the skeletal muscle? How does your brain control the force your muscles apply? How are muscles organized with fascia? (Fibers to fascicles to muscle) Also describe how that fascia becomes tendon and know what the origin and insertion of the major muscle groups are (based on the bones to which they attach). Exercise: Aerobic versus Resistance What is Rigor Mortis? Know the following muscle groups, where they are located, what they move, and how you exercise them Trapezius Deltoids Pectoralis Biceps Triceps Rectus abdominis External obliques Latissimus dorsi Quadraceps Hamstrings Gastrocnemius Gluteus maximus Cardiac Muscle: How does the interconnected nature of the cardiac muscle cells both keep the heart and beat and present a problem when one cell or one group of cells goes out of beat? Smooth Muscle: Where is smooth muscle found? Is it voluntary or involuntary? What is peristalsis? What are twitch and tetanus?