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Journal Article Critique Guide (PH210D)

Guide for Journal Article Critique (PH210D)
Your Name:
Article Title:
1) Abstract: Does the abstract accurately reflect the results and conclusions?
2) Intro: Is it clear why they did the study?
Is the review of the literature (in background or discussion) adequate?
3) Research Question: Are specific research questions stated? What are they?
Were the observations originally recorded as part of another study? If yes, was the study
designed to answer the research questions?
Do the research questions make sense? Are they scientifically relevant?
4) Study Design: What is the study design? Is it appropriate?
5) Sample: What is the study sample? What population is it supposed to represent?
Was the sample selected in such a way that it reflects this population?
Do they have a high refusal or loss to follow-up?
Are the comparison groups clearly defined?
6) Exposure: Was the primary exposure of interest clearly defined? Was it accurately measured?
Has the measurement been validated? How much misclassification is likely?
7) Outcome: Was the primary outcome of interest clearly defined? Was it accurately measured?
Has the measurement been validated? How much misclassification is likely?
8) Bias: What biases can you identify? Could there have been bias in the selection of subjects?
Could there have been bias in the collection of information? How likely are these biases?
9) Data Analysis: Are the data analyzed appropriately?
What methods were used to control confounding? Were these sufficient?
Did they consider effect modification (differential or subgroup effects)?
10) Conclusions: Are the authors’ conclusions supported by the data?
11) Weaknesses: Could you the overall design be improved? If necessary, suggest an alternative
design. What would be the ideal or “gold standard” for answering this general research