A Schedule of Boundaries: An Exploration, Launched from the Water-Clock, of Athenian Time Author(s): Danielle Allen Source: Greece & Rome, Second Series, Vol. 43, No. 2 (Oct., 1996), pp. 157-168 Published by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of The Classical Association Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/643092 . Accessed: 12/02/2014 10:46 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor.org. . Cambridge University Press and The Classical Association are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Greece &Rome. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded from on Wed, 12 Feb 2014 10:46:58 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Greece& Rome, Vol. xliii, No. 2, October,1996 A SCHEDULE OF BOUNDARIES: AN EXPLORATION, LAUNCHED FROM THE WATER-CLOCK, OF ATHENIAN TIME By DANIELLE ALLEN Have you ever stopped to think what life would be like without your alarm clock, without church bells ringing out the hour, without clocks in lecture rooms? How differently would you understandthe world? Time measurements serve to order and to regulate human activity. An examination of the origination and workings of temporal orders in a given society can tell us much about the organization,conceptual and otherwise, of that society. In relation to Athens, such explorationmust begin from the klepsydra,or water-clock, the most prominent time-measure used by the Athenians. Klepsydrai were of two sorts, the first being small ceramic vessels, resembling pottery flower pots in the words of Homer Thompson, and used to enforce time limits on speeches in the courts of judgementand, later, to measure out night watches for the military.'The pots were filled to a specific level, and as the water drained from a hole near the bottom, marked off the required amount of time. The first extant reference to this kind of water-clock appears in Aristophanes' Acharnians of 426/5, and Xenophon refers to the klepsydraas used in the Arginusaetrial of 406 B.C.2 In the second half of the fourth century, the Athenianserected their second sort of klepsydra,a stone water-clock with a capacity of 1000 litres that requiredseventeen hours (as we measure them today) to drain and to mark the passing day.3Examination of both sorts of klepsydra,timer and clock, reveals an interesting relation between politics and time in Athens and provides some clues as to how, in that democracy, politics and time affected one another. I A Boundary between the Political and Philosophical In the fifth century A.D., the lexicographer Hesychius glossed dvadyK7q (necessity)as: 7) LKaaUTLKq KAE0•8pa (a judicialwater-clock).Hesychius' gloss requires that we understand not just the relation between time and necessity (a question to which Bernard Williams's Shame and Necessity This content downloaded from on Wed, 12 Feb 2014 10:46:58 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 158 ATHENIAN TIME contributes) but, more specifically, the relation between dikastic time and necessity. That is, Hesychius claims a relationship between time as specifically political and necessity. In the Acharnians, Aristophanes uses klepsydraas a metonym for the court itself, describinga lawsuit thus: How is it fitting to destroy an old man, a grey-headed man, beside the water-clock (Err~pI KAEOVflpav)?' In the Wasps(422 B.C.),Aristophanestwice names the water-clock as one of the defining features of the courts: I'll tell you what disease your master has. He is a lawcourt lover, no man as much so.... If he should doze a blink, His soul flies in the night around the waterclock r7v KAEO~tSpav).5 (ITEppi Where two characterspreparea mock trial, the water-clockis the final item that they say they need, and come up with, to make things realistic.6In the Birds, Aristophanes again uses klepsydrametonymically.7Attributed to Aesop is the statement that orators are just like frogs, but one is in water while one is by the water-clock. And later Eubulus, a poet of Middle Comedy, has two characters draw up a list of things to be bought in the market, one character listing typical market produce such as roses and lambs, etc., the other listing political wares such as law suits and laws and water clocks.8 Athenian time-keeping is indeed specifically political; but what is its relation to necessity? Our most extensive description of klepsydraiand their function in the courts of judgement appears in the Athenaion Politeia attributed to Aristotle.9Three jurorswere appointed by lot to take charge of the waterclock; one particulartool was used to fill the clock every time, and water in clocks was apportionedaccordingto the type of speech so that equal jars of time were distributedto the citizens involved in a judicial case, whoever they might have been. Certain suits were given a full day, the day being divided into the different portions of the trial.The divisions from the shortest day of the year were used for these divisions in order that the time lengths might fit any other day of the year, and this temporal organization of the day came to be known as the measured out day or the divided day: e L-pa SatiquETp77uEl-rp q. The passage in the AthenaionPoliteia gives few clues as to the source of ?. the equation between dvdyKtq and 8LKaeUTLK7 KAEb&8pa. But the oratorical corpus proves more generous. Demosthenes uses dvdyKq when This content downloaded from on Wed, 12 Feb 2014 10:46:58 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions ATHENIAN TIME 159 he makes the comment: how much of the money has been wasted, it is impossible to tell within the time allotted by the present water; it is necessary (dvdyK7q)to discuss each question separately.'0He also remarks: You know everything as it happened, unless I have left something out because I have been forced (dvayKdigojat) to speak with but little water;" and:I have many other fearful things to tell, things that this man has done wrongly to me and to some of you, but I am forced (dvayKao 6jEvos ) to leave them aside because there is only a little water left me.12In the action of the courts, time is involved in the process of making known - as that which threatens to keep in darkness.And this political role of time stands in great contrast to its tragic role. In tragedy, time creates necessity by bringing to light what has been hidden.13 By limiting the time allowed a trial, the Athenians were accepting that judgements would be incomplete, imperfect; they were accepting the principle of the fallibility of human judgement.A tyrant claiming absolute wisdom needs no water-clock.He gives the answer when 'he knows'. Once having accepted the fallibility of human judgement, the Athenians had in the time-limits a method of providing themselves with judgement of consistent quality. Thus, the democratic nature of the Athenian distributionof time and judgement did not lie primarilyin the equality of the portions of water but rather in the acceptance of fallibility. Plato shows well that the klepsydra, as marker of dikastic necessity, marks human fallibility.Socrates argues that to compare the man who has been hanging about the lawcourts to the philosopher is to compare the slave to the free. Soc: The one man always has what you mentioned just now - plenty of time. When he talks, he talks in peace and quiet, and his time is his own. It is so with us now. Here we are beginning on our third new discussion;and he can do the same, if he is like us, and prefers the new-comer to the question in hand. It doesnot matterto such men whetherthey talkfor a day ora year, ifonly theymay hit uponthatwhichis. But the other - the man of the law-courts - is always in a hurry when he is talking;he has to speak with one eye on the clock. Besides, he can't make his speeches on any subject he likes, he has his adversarystanding over him. ... Such conditions make him keen and highly-strung,skilled in flattering the master and working his way into favour; but cause his soul to be small and warped.'4 The philosopher refuses to accept principles of egalitarian judgement. Socrates will have the best judgementpossible no matter what time it takes and no matter what quality judgement others accept. This content downloaded from on Wed, 12 Feb 2014 10:46:58 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 160 ATHENIAN TIME II A Boundary between Citizen and Other Did the powerful associationbetween politics and the water-clock as timer affect time as a concept in its own right in Athens? Study of the temporal divisions and orders used by the Athenians and Greeks before them indicates that politics did have much to do with the development of time as a concept in its own right and indicates, also, that Athenian time measurements, as tightly involved with the political, can inform our understanding of the place of the citizen in relation to the other. In what follows, I will use the following two terms to describe two different categories of words used to talk about time. 'Derivative vocabulary'describesthose words that are used first of all to describenatural phenomena or human activities and only secondly to describetemporal points or durations. 'Dawn' and 'milking-time' would be examples. The term 'primaryvocabulary' describes those words that are used first (and usually only) to describe temporal points or durations - 6:00 a.m., for instance. The vocabularyfor time measurementsin the Homeric epics and hymns and in Hesiod is a derivativevocabulary.The longest periodsof time in the Iliad and Odysseyseem to be generationsand years understoodseasonally. 'EvTavr6s, meaning year and appearingboth as a point or unit of time or one of a series'5 and as a space of time,'6 probablyderives from 'the time when the heavens are again 'vtaO-rc, in the same position'.'7No names for months as such are found in Homer.'8 In the epics, most time spans are measuredby dawns or 7j/ipal, the time from rising to setting of the sun or from rising to rising.19The HomericHymns and Worksand Days of Hesiod reveal an elementarycalendarorderedaccordingto the waxing and waning portions of the twenty-nine 'middle days of the month'.20 To mark specific points in the day, the Iliad uses dawn, noon, and afternoon;21fovAvr6v8E, meaningthe time the cows head home;22and meal times.23In the Odyssey, one specific time is described as that time when a man rises from the market place to go home to a meal after having judged many quarrels.24 At night, in the epics, times are determined according to the position of the stars and the approach of dawn.25This means two things. The earlier Greeks seem to have followed existing temporal orders and patterns (whether natural or customary) rather than to have created a temporal order. And the early Greeks could only talk about specific periods of time in relation to the length of certain occurrences or activities. This content downloaded from on Wed, 12 Feb 2014 10:46:58 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions ATHENIAN TIME 161 Examination of Athenian temporal divisions longer than day divisions shows that the Athenians, unlike their predecessors, created temporal orders. And examination of day divisions shows that the Athenians eventually do separate time from the duration of activities; that is, they create a primarytemporal vocabulary. On, then, to their longer temporal divisions. The Athenians used two calendars. The first was the bouleutic calendar. This was organized accordingto prytanies,or the ten portions of the 354 day year, during each of which a different tribe presidedin the boule or council.26In this calendar, the Athenians had a temporal order of their own political creation rather than a natural order to be followed. The second calendar was the festival calendar. This calendar was organized according to lunar months and the year-long course of the sun, and marked religious holidays.27With the festival calendar, then, the Athenians accepted that there were certain immutable temporal orders (here the temporal order of the gods) prior to democraticpolitics.28Certain days had to have certain festivals held during them. That the nominal date for a festival was pre-ordained,however, did not prevent the Athenians from deciding to which particularperiod of daylight they would assign that date. At the end of the fourth century, in order to allow Demetrius Poliorcetes to participate in the Eleusinian Mystery initiation rites, the Athenians renamed the month of Mounichion first Anthesterion, the assigned time for the lesser mysteries, and then Boedromion, the assigned time for the greater mysteries.29Aristophanescould joke that the Athenians sent their gods to bed hungry by failing to hold festivals and sacrifices on the astronomical day originally assigned to a certain festival. Also, the festival calendar required adjustmentfor the partial days of the solar year (which we do with Leap Year), but the Athenians had no regular formula for carrying out this adjustment. Instead, the adult male citizens in the assembly added days and/or months as they saw fit.30 For instance, circa 420 B.C., the democratic assembly decreed that the archon of the coming year should insert the month of Hekatombaion.31 The disjunctionbetween the created order and the followed order appears in the language that the Atheniansused to talk about their calendars.Because coordinationwith the moon was lost, the Greeks considered vovjirvita to be the civil new moon it fromvovpvrviaKa'rdorEAvrlqv,the actualnew moon.32 distinguishing theAthenians created Thus,evenin respectto the'preordained' calendar, their orders and temporal democratically temporal descriptions. all the Greekcity-states hadtheirowncalendars so that Furthermore, Aristoxenus (born 375-360 B.C.) could say: 'The tenth day of the month This content downloaded from on Wed, 12 Feb 2014 10:46:58 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 162 ATHENIAN TIME for the Corinthians is the fifth for the Athenians, and the eighth somewhere else.'33Temporal definition contributedto polis definition. By manipulating the created temporal vocabulary and system of temporal description and thereby constructing the temporal orders for their citystate, the adult male citizens of Athens were together defining themselves as Athenians separate from members of other city-states. Simultaneously, the construction of the temporal order of days and months for the polis bound the politically disempoweredto the politically powerful, removing both sets from their equivalent groups in other poleis. 'The tampering with the calendar could also play into the hands of the politicians.'34The political bodies of the city seem by tradition(though not law) to have shut down on feast dates and dates determinedto be officially unlucky.35Thus, the citizens of Athens had a political tool in their abilityto manipulate temporal measurements and descriptors.Because during the democracy there existed a vocabulary and system of measurements intendedprimarilyto describetime, time descriptionwas no longer entirely derivative from the regular patterns of life. Nonetheless, the organization of the new vocabularywas still very much concerned with human activity (particularly political activity) insofar as the new vocabulary regulated such activity. But the patterns of life from which earlier temporal descriptorsderived did not disappearin the democracy, and neither did the descriptorstypical of this followed order. Thus, as we move to the day divisions,we must note the use, through the fourth century, of expressions such as 'when the agora is full' and 'before the agora is emptied'.36The Atheniansalso gauged time of day accordingto their shadows.37Nonetheless, a primaryvocabularyfor time seems to have appeared at the end of the fifth century. Meton, an astronomer working with time measurement in the 430s, erected a sundial on the Pnyx, the hill where the assembly met.38It is, however, important to rememberthat the sundial would only have been accessible and useful to those attending the assemby.(Although it would have been of little use even to those since the assembly took place from sunrise to sunset and a clock was not needed.) Near the same time, the Athenians started using water-clocksin the courts. As a measure of the whole day, the water-clocks were significant during this period only in their generation of the divided or measured out day Nonetheless, the introductionof the sundial and (jiLpa la(E•IETrpqLLulw). means the water-clock to mark specific temporalpoints in the day provided with a primary vocabulary. Time measurement was becoming a concept independentof human activity, and the passage of time, an event in its own right. These time measurements,however, were not yet entirely separated This content downloaded from on Wed, 12 Feb 2014 10:46:58 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions ATHENIAN TIME 163 in the assemblyand fromthe durationof certainactivities(proceedings time At this measurement, independent, becoming though point, courts). wasa politicalconcept,andonlythoseinvolvedinpoliticshadaccessto the was a Withinthe polis,therefore,timeas measured measures. primarily in andprivilege Athens,separating markof citizenship powerful politically frompowerless. seemalsoto havebeentrying Earlyin thefourthcenturytheAthenians thepotteryjugs,to measureouttheequalportions to usethewater-clock, of a night'smilitarywatch.Because,in the courts,the divisionsof the dividedday,takenfromtheshortestdayof theyear,wereusedevenin the for longerdaysof theyear,thejugsasusedin thecourtwerenotadequate the were content to let In Athenians the courts, portions militarypurposes. of daylightgo unusedduringthepartsof theyearwithlongerdays.Fora militarywatch,however,a timeror clockmust alwaysmarkout the neededwater-clocks entiretyof the night.Thismeansthatthe Athenians Wehavea thatwouldserveforthelongestnightsaswellasfortheshortest. Aeneas Tacticus this when the Athenians over of problem puzzling glimpse ten tellsusthat,ratherthanchanging moving jugsevery days(presumably onto a jugof a differentsize),thesoldiersshouldcoattheinsideof thejug it awayeachdayto decreaseorincrease withwax,addingto it orscraping the capacityof the jug.39 was Notuntiltheendof thefourthcentury,whenthestonewater-clock the the Athenians create a that could divide did clock constructed, daylight stretchintotwelvepartsforanydayof theyear.Thatis, at theendof the fourthcenturyandperhapsinspiredby the needsof militaryclocks,the Athenians builta clockthatcouldmeasurethe shorthoursof winterand of thislargestonewaterthelonghoursof summer. Withtheconstruction measurements and the the Athenians also clock, finallyseparated primary for timefromthe durationof activities.'Thetwelvedaylight vocabulary hourdivisiondidnotcomeintousein Greece,evenin scientificwritings, untilthe endof the fourthcentury.'40 Indeed,the Greekwordfor 'hour', in the halfof the fourthcentury,having means 'hour' second (pa, only meantearlier'season'and,derivatively, time'.41The 'fittingor appointed was intendedprimarily for the measurement of time, stonewater-clock themeasurement of timethatit but,andthiswasnewfortheAthenians, wasnotaimedatorganizing Nonetheless, permitted activity. anyparticular as we have seen,the strongassociation betweenpoliticsandtime had concept,political. alreadymadetime,insofaras it was an independent ontheoutside to erectthewater-clock Thus,thedecisionof theAthenians wall of the northwest face of the Heliaia, one of the most important courts This content downloaded from on Wed, 12 Feb 2014 10:46:58 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 164 ATHENIAN TIME of judgement locatedin the centreof the agora,seemsan appropriate articulation of theirconceptionof time as politicalanddemocratically controlled. WhenAtheniancitizenswerepunishedwithbanishment from the marketplaceandpoliticalareas,theyweretherebyalsopunished by banishment frommeasured time. III A Boundary between Democratic and Non-Democratic Time-keeping If the construction of the water-clock on the face of the court seems an appropriateexpression of the political nature of time in Athens, the construction seems also an appropriatereification of the metonymic relation between the courts and the water-clocks. Not only is time political, but Athenian politics are bound with the water-clock. Is the Athenian waterclock a specifically democratic time piece? The Chinese began using an inflow klepsydraduring the Han Dynasty (200 B.C.-A.D. 221). The Athenians themselves had begun using this more advanced version, where the water flows into a tank rather than out, around 250 B.C., but, although it was technologically more advanced, the clock was little different aesthetically or practically from the original.42 Very soon after the Chinese began using this clock, however, they began using another version of the water-clock, which required an operating crew.43The crew had to report the passing of each importanttime interval to the appropriateauthorities.44Where in Athens anyone had been able to read the water-clockwhen passing along the busy thoroughfarerunning in front of it, in China time was for those in positions of authority. The Romans began using sundials before they used water-clocks, and their use of the water-clockwas primarilyas a timerin law cases, though they also employed the clocks to time the courses of the Great Games in the Circus Maximus.45 Their use of the water-clockin legal matters, however, did not indicate the same acceptance of fallibility as existed in Athens. Rather than being fixed in advance of a case and for all cases equally, time limits were set by the iudexin a given case in orderthat mattersshouldnot take any longer than he thought they needed.46If anything,the use of the water-clock in the Roman courts seems a reflectionof a claimby judicialofficialsto infallibility, and thus, the klepsydrain the courts of Rome was hardlythe democratic mechanismthat it was in the courts of Athens. Since the Roman water-clock played no separate role in time-keeping This content downloaded from on Wed, 12 Feb 2014 10:46:58 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions ATHENIAN TIME 165 generally, our comparison of time-keeping in Rome and Athens must be a comparison of the sundial and the water-clock.The most famed sundial is indeed a very imperial time-keeper.Augustus erected an Egyptian obelisk in the north part of the Campus Martius to provide a sundial whose linegrid on the earth gave yearly, monthly, as well as daily temporal information.And it seems that the emperormeasuredtime in such a way as to show his natural destined part in its progress. Buchner has shown that the obelisk, 30 metres tall, was erected so that the sun, reminding all that the emperor was born for peace, would move along the equinoctial line from Augustus' birthdayon the grid to the Ara Pacis.47 Does it matter that the Athenians chose to erect in the agora a waterclock rather than a sun-clock?Both were used in Babylon and Egypt long before either appearedin Athens. The oldest extant shadow clock in Egypt dates to the reign of Thotmes III, c.1450 B.C.48The water-clockseems also to have come into use about that time.49 During the first millennium B.C., information about both sorts of clocks spread to others of the Mediterranean countries.50 It seems, though, from the importance of the cult of the sun, that in Egypt the sun played the more important role in timekeeping, even requiring daily rituals to ensure its rise on the following day.51 The sun-clock, however, does not seem to have been thoroughly developed in Greece as a scientific instrument until the third century by Hellenistic scientists. Thus, one might say that the Athenians simply did not have the option to use that sort of time-keeping device.52 Nonetheless, scientists and philosophers earlier than the Hellenistic age seem to have had knowledge of and to have been aware of sundials.Diogenes Laertius attributesto Anaximanderthe invention in the sixth century of the sundial and the erection of a sundial at Sparta, although this sundial may well not have measuredhours.53Nonetheless, he also attributesto Anaximanderthe construction of a cbpouK6r7TLO, which definitely measured hours.54 And Meton was said to have erected a sundial in Athens.55Also, Diogenes Laertius claims that the cynic Diogenes of Sinope (403-322 B.C.) was shown a sundial and recognized it as a device for arriving on time to dinners.56Scientists and philosophers seem indeed to have had the technical knowledge requiredto create sun-clocks.And the Athenianswere accustomed to measuring time for daily activities with the length of their shadows. Thus, since Athens certainly has sufficient sunlight to use a sundial without too much interruption, we may perhaps claim other differences as relevant. Both sundial and water-clock depend on certain laws of physics and This content downloaded from on Wed, 12 Feb 2014 10:46:58 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions ATHENIAN TIME 166 of time.Witha sundial,however,onecan therebyconveytheinexorability do no morethanfollowthe natural,chartits path(orclaimas destined on the other one'sownplacewithina naturalschema).Thewater-clock, theinterplay betweenthecivilandthenatural. Anartisan hand,embodies constructs thepot,laterthestonetank,thatconfinesthewaterthatmoves withimmutable in accordance laws.A humandecisionto makethepotor therateof flowof the tankandtheoutletholesof certainsizesdetermines water,theportionof a daythata certainamountof waterwillmark.Thus, the makersof the water-clocks controlandmakeoperateto theirown the of nature. benefit principles Also,the makersof the largefourthwater-clock in Athens lesstechnical thanthat required knowledge century possessedby the scientificelite.The competentbut commonmechanic The sun-dialrequiredthe sophisticouldbuildthe originalwater-clock. Inthislight,it is notoddthatwe knowthenamesof many catedscientist. whoinventedsun-dialsbutnot the nameof the inventorof thatfourththatreflectstheassertion of thepower centuryclock.It is thewater-clock of the politicalandcivil,of the human,overthatof the naturalor preordained. Andit is the water-clock thatemploysdemocratic, ratherthan elite,knowledge. Not much later, though,in the third centuryB.C.,a numberof Hellenisticscientistsinventedmany varietiesof sun-clock.Ctesibius invented theinflowwater-clock, onefarmoretechnologically sophisticated thanthe originalAthenianwater-clock. the second During century,the clock was a water-clock that the born, anaphoric incorporated rotationof the devices and of sun. Thus,onlyfora shortperiodof images astrological timeduringthehistoryof ancienttime-keeping didthepolitical,civil,and takeprecedence overthenatural,pre-ordained, andelite. democratic NOTES of a water-clock 1. Fordetailsof andphysicaldescription foundduringexcavationssee S. Young, 'AnAthenianKlepsydra', Hesperia8 (1939),274f.;AeneasTacticus22.24. 2. Acharnians 694;Xenophon,Hell. 1.7.23.By the timeAristophanes writes,the clockhasclearly becometypical.Onewouldliketo thinkthatthe clockdatesbackto the 460s andthe reformsin the butsuchspecificityis impossible. courtsof judgement, 3. J. Camp,TheAthenian Agora(London,1986),112, 113, 157-9. 4. Acharnians 694. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Wasps93. Ibid. 857-8. Birds 1695. Athenaeus, Deipn. 14.46.17. Ath. Pol. 67. Against Aphobus1.2.5. This content downloaded from on Wed, 12 Feb 2014 10:46:58 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions ATHENIAN TIME 167 11. Ibid. Against Boeotus 2.38.3. 12. Ibid. Against Spudias 30.7. See also Against Nicostratus 33.4; Against Macartatus 8.1; Against Stephanus 1.48.1, 86.1; Against Aphobus 4.1, 9.1; Against Meidias 129.1; Against Neaera 20.1; Against Leochares45.1; Against Evergus 82.1; and Lysias, Against Erastosthenes1.1. 13. See B. Williams, Shame and Necessity (Berkeley, 1993). 'Time that ages teaches all things', Aeschylus, Prometheus981; 'Great and numberless time brings forth all that was unseen', Sophocles, Ajax 646. 14. Theaetetus172c-d, trans. by M. J. Levett. 15. I. 2.134, 295, 551; Od. 10.469. 16. I. 8.404, 418; Od. 1.288, 2.219. 17. R. J. Cunliffe, A Lexicon of the HomericDialect (Norman, 1963 reprint), 131. 18. E.J. Bickerman, Chronologyof theAncient World(London, 1968, 1980), 27. 19. Ibid. 13. 20. Ibid. 27. 21. RI.21.111. 22. Ibid. II. 16.779, Od. 9.58. 23. Ibid. Il. 24.124; Od. 9.86. 24. Od. 12.439. 25. Il. 10.251. 26. A. F. Aveni, Empiresof Time:Calendars,Clocks,and Cultures(London and New York, 1990), 35: The bouleutic calendarwas a purely civil calendar dividedto give each tribe a fair portion of governing power and providing 'the working calendar of the government'. 27. Festival dates as well as marriageand divorce dates were fixed in this calendar,which was 'used for more general dating'. Aveni, op. cit., 36. 28. Aveni, op. cit., 36: The fasti, first published by Solon, were inscribed on stones. It would have been an offence against the gods if these fixed dates were disregarded. 29. Plut. Demetr.26. 30. Aveni, op. cit., 35. 31. Ibid. 35; IGPI. 76. 32. Thucydides 2.28; Bickerman,op. cit., 28. 33. Elem. harm. 2.37. 34. Aveni, op. cit., 36. 35. J. D. Mikalson's study of calendars and dating indicates that only 7%of the known dates of assembly meetings conflicted with festival dates (Mikalson, TheSacred and Civilian Calendarof the Athenian Year [Princeton, 1975], 186). Mikalson's work differs from that of W. K. Pritchett (The CalendarsofAthens [Cambridge,Mass., 1948]) and B. D. Meritt (TheAthenian Year [Berkeley, 1961]). 36. Herodotus 4.181; Hippocrates, Epid. 7.25, 31. 37. Aristophanes,Ecclesiazousae652; Menander fr. 364 K. 38. R. Flaceliere, La Vie Quotidienneen Greceau Siecle de Pericls (Paris, 1959), 205. It is disputed whether the clock would have marked the year-long and day-long courses of the sun or only the first. 39. 22.24. 40. D. R. Dicks, 'Solistices, Equinoxes, and the Presocratics', JHS 86 (1966), 26ff. In Herodotus (2.109) is the comment that Athenians learned the day division, as well as the sundial and gnomon, from Babylonians.J. E. Powell ('Greek Time-keeping', CR 54 [1940], 69) argues that the passage in Herodotus is an interpolation.S. L. Gibbs, Greekand Roman Sundials (New Haven, 1976) agrees with this argument. The passage is an odd one and seems out of place. Nonetheless, Herodotus is talking about geometricalinformationthat has been learnedfrom the Babylonians,and it could well be that the day division was known, particularlyby scientists, long before its common use was taken up. 41. Aristotle, Ath. Pol. 30.6; Pytheas in Geminus, ElemAstro. 6.9; Aristophanes,fr. 161; 'half-hour' in Menander. 42. Camp, op. cit., 157ff. 43. Reference is made to the clocks in A.D. 450 as if they have already been long in use. D. Hill, A Historyof Engineeringin Classical and Medieval Times(London, 1984), 226. 44. Hill, op. cit., 226. 45. A. Rehm, Pauly-Wissowas.v. Horologium. 46. A. Adam, Roman Antiquities (Thomas Tegg & Son, 1834), 200, 269-70. 47. E. Buchner, Die Sonnenuhrdes Augustus (Mainz, 1982), 347; see also A. Wallace-Hadrill,'Time for Augustus', in Michael Whitby,Philip Hardie, and Mary Whitby(edd.), Homo Viator(Bristol, 1987). This content downloaded from on Wed, 12 Feb 2014 10:46:58 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions ATHENIAN TIME 168 48. E. R. Leach, 'Primitive Time-Reckoning', in Singer, Holmyard, Hall (edd.), A History of Technology(Oxford, 1955), 112ff. 49. Hill, op. cit., 224. 50. Ibid. 224. 51. Ibid. 123. 52. Gibbs, op. cit., 8. 53. Ibid. 6. 54. Ibid. 6. 55. Flaceliere, op. cit., 205. 56. Gibbs, op. cit., 6. NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS J. M. MOSSMAN: Lecturer in the School of Classics, Trinity College, Dublin. DANIELLE ALLEN: Research Student, King's College, Cambridge. PETER WALCOT: was Professor, School of History and Archaeology, University of Wales College of Cardiff. RICHARD WALLACE: Lecturer in Classics, University of Keele. P. G. WALSH: Emeritus Professor of Humanity, University of Glasgow. CAROLINEVOUT: Research Student, Newnham College, Cambridge. 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