Name Date Digestive System (Grades 5-7) Complete. peristalsis pancreas papillae abdomen salivary glands fiber saliva heartburn feces digestion anus bolus rectum acids chyme villi stomach small intestine colon liver gall bladder duodenum esophagus large intestine Matching Match each definition with a word. 1. This is a tube made of muscles that allows food to move from the mouth to the stomach. 2. This is the burning feeling from the backup of stomach acid into the esophagus. 3. These are the bumps on the surface of the tongue that contain taste buds. 4. This is the solid waste material which remains after food is digested. This will leave the body through the anus. 5. This is the part of the digestive system that comes after the stomach. The big part of digestion and absorption happens here. 6. These secrete digestive enzymes in the mouth to help the digestive process begin in the mouth. 7. A small sac in which bile is stored. 8. This is partially digested food that leaves the stomach. 9. This is the opening through which feces pass from our body. 10. This is the part of plant foods that we can’t digest. Multiple Choice Select the definition that most nearly defines the given word. 11. stomach A. This is the process of breaking down food into small units that the body can use. B. This is the baglike digestive organ in which food is churned and mixed. This also secretes juices that help to break up food particles. 12. chyme A. This is partially digested food that leaves the stomach. B. This is the last part of the large intestine. Name Date 13. abdomen A. These are chemicals found in our digestive juices that help break down food. B. This is the part of the body that contains the stomach and other organs. 14. heartburn A. This is the solid waste material which remains after food is digested. This will leave the body through the anus. B. This is the burning feeling from the backup of stomach acid into the esophagus. 15. fiber A. This is the part of plant foods that we can’t digest. B. This is the soft ball of food formed in the mouth after chewing. It is then swallowed and enters the esophagus. 16. acids A. These are chemicals found in our digestive juices that help break down food. B. This is the part of plant foods that we can’t digest. 17. pancreas A. A small sac in which bile is stored. B. A gland that secretes juices in the small intestine to help the digestion of food. 18. villi A. This is a tube made of muscles that allows food to move from the mouth to the stomach. B. These are the tiny, finger-shaped projections in the small intestine through which nutrients pass into the bloodstream. 19. esophagus A. This is a tube made of muscles that allows food to move from the mouth to the stomach. B. This is a wave of muscular movement that pushes food through the digestive system. 20. papillae A. This is the largest gland in the human body. This gland stores nutrients, removes poisons and wastes, and produces bile. B. These are the bumps on the surface of the tongue that contain taste buds. Review 21. When it is time to swallow your food, the _____ closes to prevent it from going down the trachea. A. Epiglottis B. Esophagus C. Sphincter 22. Foods are processed by the _________. A. Digestive system B. Reproductive system C. Circulatory system D. Respiratory system 23. An adult has _______ taste buds. A. 10,000 B. 1,000 Name Date C. 10 D. 4 24. Your mouth is able to warm or cool food so it is safe to swallow. A. False B. True 25. Food leaves the stomach in a liquid form called _______. A. Hydrochloric acid B. Mucus C. Chyme 26. Where does digestion start? A. In your large intestine B. In your small intestine C. In your stomach D. In your mouth 27. Pick the correct order of stops along the digestive tract. A. Small intestine, stomach, esophagus, mouth B. Small intestine, mouth, esophagus, stomach C. Mouth, small intestine, esophagus, stomach D. Mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine 28. The tongue pushes food into a round lump called a ______. A. Papillae B. Bolus C. Tube D. Taste bud 29. The waste material in the large intestine is called _________. A. Bacteria B. Feces C. Anus 30. The small intestine measures anywhere from _____________. A. Six to thirteen feet B. Twenty to twenty-six feet C. Thirteen to twenty feet Name Date Digestive System (Grades 5-7) Imagine you think the small intestine is the most important part of the digestive tract. Defend your opinion by explaining its importance.