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Endocrine System: Hormones, Glands, and Regulation

Endocrine System
Endocrine System vs Nervous System
Endocrine vs Exocrine
secretions into the blood
stream. The blood that
carries the substances
throughout the body
until it reaches the target
- These secretions are
useless and will have no
effect on organs/tissues
that don’t posses’
specific receptors for the
Ex: Hypothalamus,
Pituitary, Thyroid
- Glands that directly
release their secretion
organ/tissue (is the one
that will react to the
secretion of the gland).
Ex: Sweat glands,
Sebaceous glands
Function of Endocrine System
Metabolism and tissue maturation –
regulate the rate of nutrient utilization and
energy production and influences the
development of tissue such as the nervous
Ion Regulation – helps regulate blood pH, as
well as Na+, K+, and Ca2+ concentrations of
the blood
Water Balance – regulates water balance by
controlling the solute concentrations in the
Immune System Regulation – control the
production of immune cells
Heart rate and blood pressure regulation –
to help the body for physical activity
Control of blood glucose and other
nutrients - regulates the levels of glucose
and other nutrients in the blood
Control of reproductive functions – control
the development and functions of the
reproductive system in male and females
Uterine contractions and milk release –
regulate uterine contractions during delivery
and stimulates milk release from the breasts
in lactating females
© Jolo Tiongson and JC Elduayan
Endocrine System
Exerts control via
Chemical messengers
are hormones – travel in
the bloodstream
Nervous System
Exerts control via nerve
- Chemical messengers
are neurotransmitters –
has electrical impulses
travelling along the
- Often confine to one
area of the body w/c
makes the response
Affects all cells – Affects the neurons,
widespread muscles and gland.
noticed in many organs
Onset takes hours or Onset
Duration of effects are Duration of effects are
and Ex: Movement of the
of limbs, Blinking
Reproductive System
How do you think the Endocrine Glands get their jobs
Hormones. Since hormones are carried in
the blood, they reach all cells. However, a
hormone causes an effect only on certain
cells and not on others. The affected cells are
called the ‘target cells’ and each hormone has
its own specific target cell. When a hormone
reaches a target cell, it binds the specific
receptors, meaning no receptor = no effect
and the number of receptors for each target
cell may vary
Cells can increase and decrease their sensitivity to
hormone by regulating the number of their receptors
Receptors are proteins and are manufactured by the
cell itself, thus a cell can increase or decrease the
number of receptors w/in its plasma membrane
How do cells regulate the number of receptors?
Up-Regulation – the number of receptors may increase
when the amount of hormone is low. This causes the
target tissue to become more sensitive to the hormone
Down-Regulation – the number of receptors may
decrease when the amount of hormone is high. This
causes the target tissue to become less sensitive to the
Types of Hormones Based on Target Tissues
1. Circulating Hormone – Hormones carried by the
blood to act on cells located some distance from the
secreted cells. Their effects generally last from minutes
to hours and are eventually inactivated by the liver and
excreted by the kidney. For example, if the effects
should be longer then the hormone must be steadily
secreted. In some cases, when kidney or liver failed,
excessive hormones may build-up in the blood
© Jolo Tiongson and JC Elduayan
2. Local Hormones – the cells that secrete them are
quickly inactivated
Paracrines – Acts on cells located near the
secreting cell. It acts on its neighbor cell
Autocrines – It act on the same cell that
secrete them.
Chemical Classes of Hormones
1. Steroid
- Derived from cholesterol which belong to a
chemical compound known as steroids
- Ex: Sex hormone, adrenal cortex hormones
2. Amine
- Hormones derived from the modification of
amino acids referred to as amine hormones.
Typically, the original structure of the amino
acid is modified such that a COOH (carboxyl)
group is removed whereas the NH3+ (amine)
group remains. Amine hormones are
synthesized from the amino acids tryptophan
or tyrosine
- Ex: An example of a hormone derived from
tryptophan is melatonin, while tyrosine
derivatives include thyroid hormones and
3. Peptide
- These hormones are made up of only few
amino acid residues and they are usually
present themselves in form of a linear chains
- Ex: Oxytocin and Vasopressin
4. Protein
- These hormones build up from large number
of amino acid residues
- Ex: Insulin, glucagon, somatotropin
5. Glycoprotein
- These are conjugated protein bound to
carbohydrates which include galactose,
mannose, fructose
- Ex: Luteinizing hormones, follicle stimulating
hormones, thyroid stimulating hormones
6. Eicosanoid
- Made up of small fatty acid derivatives with a
variety of arachidonic acid
- Ex: Prostaglandins
Stimulation of Hormone Release
Control of Humoral Stimuli
This control or the release of hormone is
being stimulated by the metabolites and
molecules in the bloodstream. The cells that
secretes the hormones have receptors for
certain substances in the blood.
Ex: In the bloodstream, there is low Ca2+ level.
This low Ca2+ level/blood Ca2+ level will
stimulate the endocrine cell to produce
parathyroid hormone. This parathyroid
hormone will have an effect on its target organ
to increase the activity of osteoclast. Once the
activity of osteoclast is increased, it will
promote bone resorption and in effect, it will
increase the blood Ca2+ level
Control by Hormonal Stimuli
© Jolo Tiongson and JC Elduayan
This occurs when the hormones stimulate the
secretion of other hormones
Ex: Hormones of the anterior pituitary
gland/trophic hormones.
o Step 1: The neurons in the
hypothalamus release stimulatory
hormones or the releasing
hormones that will travel in the blood
going to the anterior pituitary gland
o Step 2: The releasing hormone will
stimulate the trophic hormones of
the anterior pituitary and then it will
travel in the blood going to the target
endocrine cell.
o Step 3: The target endocrine cell
then secretes its hormones into the
blood where it travels to its target
and produces a response
o Step 4: The hormone from the target
hypothalamus and anterior pituitary
from secreting the releasing
hormone and the trophic hormone.
This is what we call ‘negative
o Step 5: In some instances, the
hypothalamus can also secrete
inhibiting hormones w/c prevent the
secretion of anterior pituitary/trophic
Control of Neural Stimuli
Inhibition of Hormone Release
1. Inhibition of Humoral Stimuli – Often when a
hormone is released, it is triggered by a
particular humoral stimulus, there exist a
companion hormone whose release is
inhibited by the same humoral stimulus.
- Companion Hormone
- usually opposed the effect of the secreted
hormone and counteract the secreted
hormones action.
- Ex: The adrenal cortex releases aldosterone
in response to low blood pressure. However,
if blood pressure goes up due to the elevated
sodium levels brought about by aldosterone,
the atria will secrete a hormone (atrial
natriuretic peptide) which will lower the blood
pressure to normal values. The ANP will be
the companion hormone to oppose the effect
of the secreted hormone
2. Inhibition of Hormonal Stimuli - Some
hormones prevent the secretion of other
- Ex: When the anterior pituitary release the
thyroid stimulating hormone to stimulate the
thyroid gland to produce its hormone when
the blood concentration for the hormones
increases, that increase in hormones will
inhibit the hormone release of the anterior
pituitary and hypothalamus via the negative
3. Inhibition of Hormone release by Neural
- Release of inhibitory neuron transmitter
which will prevent the action of the endocrine
- When an action potential in the neuron
stimulates secretion of inhibitory neuron
transmitter, the endocrine cell is inhibited and
will not secretes its hormones
© Jolo Tiongson and JC Elduayan
Control of Hormone Level in Bloodstream
A. Negative Feedback by Hormones
Step 1: The anterior pituitary gland secretes a
trophic hormone which travels in the blood to
the target endocrine cell
Step 2: The hormone from the target
endocrine cell will travel to its target organ
Step 3: At the same time, the hormone from
the target endocrine cell will also have a
negative feedback effect going back to the
anterior pituitary and hypothalamus that will
result to decrease secretion of the trophic
B. Positive Feedback by Hormones
Hypothalamic Control of the Endocrine System
Hypothalamic Hormones stimulates the
pituitary to release stimulating hormones
such as the ACTH, TSH, LH, and FSH
At the same time, effector hormones such as
GH and Prolactin are released or inhibited
affecting the adrenal cortex, the thyroid and
the gonads.
Endocrine pathology develops as a result of
this function of releasing trophic or effector
hormones or when the effect occurs in the
target tissue
SUMMARY: The hypothalamus has a control
for the anterior and posterior pituitary gland
via neural stimulation and hormonal control. It
will have an excitatory and inhibitory
Feedback Mechanisms
- Simple Negative Feedback
The endocrine system meets the nervous
system at the hypothalamic pituitary interface
The hypothalamus, the main integrative
center for the Endocrine and Autonomic
Nervous system controls the function of the
endocrine organs by neural and hormonal
Neural pathways connect the hypothalamus
to the posterior pituitary providing the
hypothalamus direct control over both the
anterior and posterior portions of the pituitary
Neural stimulation of the posterior pituitary
provokes secretion of the two effector
hormones, the ADH and the oxytocin
The hypothalamus also exerts hormonal
control at the anterior pituitary through
releasing inhibiting factors, so both excitatory
and inhibiting factors.
© Jolo Tiongson and JC Elduayan
- Complex Negative Feedback
Step 1: Stress would result to hypothalamus
releasing CRH
Step 2: The CRH will release or stimulate the
anterior pituitary to release the ACTH
Step 3: The ACTH will stimulate the adrenal
gland to secrete/release adrenal cortisol
Step 4: Once the adrenal cortisol increases in
the blood or there is an increase serum
cortisol, it will inhibit the ACTH by decreasing
the CRH secretion
Aka Hypophysis Cerebri
Referred to as “Master Endocrine Gland”
It is located inferior to the hypothalamus and
is connected to it by a stock of tissue called
the infundibulum
Divided into two functional parts:
What are the different endocrine glands of the body?
Pituitary Gland
Anterior (Adenohypophysis) – is
divided into three parts:
▪ Pars Tuberalis
▪ Pars Intermedia
▪ Pars Distalis
*The hormones secreted by the
neurohormones because it is
derived from the epithelial tissue of
the embryonic oral cavity and not
from the neural tissue
Posterior (Neurohypophysis) – it is
continuous of the brain. Secretions
are considered neurohormones
Secretions from the Anterior Pituitary Gland
1. Growth Hormone (GH)
© Jolo Tiongson and JC Elduayan
Target: stimulates growth in most tissues
o Growth in tissues
o Amino acids uptake and protein
o Breakdown of lipids
o Glycogen synthesis and blood
glucose level
*GH is somatotropin. It plays a major role in regulating
growth in determining how tall a person becomes and
it also regulate metabolism. It also regulates blood
nutrient level after a meal and during periods of fasting
Target: Adrenal Cortex, Stimulated
Development and Secretion in Adrenal
ACTH increases the secretion of hormones
primarily the cortisol of the adrenal cortex and
this ACTH + Melanocyte Stimulating
Hormone (MSH) binds to the melanocytes
and increase the skin pigmentation
3. Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
*The direct effect of growth hormone includes
breakdown of lipids, and decrease use of glucose as
an energy source.
*It also has an indirect effect on some tissues. For
example, it can increase the production of polypeptide
or the somatomedins that circulate in the blood and
bind to the receptors of the target tissue. That
somatomedins stimulate the growth in cartilage and
bones and increase the synthesis of proteins in skeletal
muscles primarily by the liver and also skeletal muscles
and other tissues.
*Usually when there is stress, it increases the GHRH
and inhibits the GHIH secretion.
development and secretion in thyroid gland
It stimulates the synthesis and secretion of
the thyroid hormones from the thyroid gland
The secretion is controlled by the TRH
(Thyroid Releasing Hormone) from the
hypothalamus and thyroid hormones from the
thyroid glands. In contrast, thyroid hormones
are being inhibited by the TRH and TSH
*Via negative feedback: When there is high level of
GH, it will have a negative feedback effect on the
production of GHRH by the hypothalamus.
Gonadotropin – are hormones capable of promoting
growth and function of the gonad’s w/c includes the
ovaries and testis
*This secretion of the growth hormone is controlled by
two neurohormones—the Growth Hormone Releasing
Hormones (GHRH) and the Growth Hormone Inhibiting
Hormone (GHIH).
2. Adrenocorticotropin (ACTH)
© Jolo Tiongson and JC Elduayan
The 2 major gonadotropins secreted from the
anterior pituitary are the LH and FSH
The LH, FSH and Prolactin (also secreted by
the APH) play important role in regulating
LH and FSH are released from anterior
pituitary cells under the influence of the
hypothalamic releasing hormone and/or
gonadotropin releasing hormone
4. Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
Target: F: Ovaries
M: Testes
Function: F: Ovulation and progesterone
M: Testosterone synthesis and
support for sperm cell
6. Prolactin (PRL)
Target: F: Follicles in ovaries
M: Seminiferous tubules
Function: F: Development of ovarian follicle,
Estrogen secretion
M: Development of testis, Sperm
5. Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
It increases the number of receptor molecules
for FSH and LH in the ovaries via the UpRegulation and it is therefore having a
permissive effect for FSH and LH on the ovary
Target: F: Ovaries and mammary glands
Function: Milk production, increased
response to LH and FSH. THERE IS NO PRL
The sucking motion of the baby stimulates
prolactin secretion
7. Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone (MSH)
- ACTH + MSH binds to the melanocytes and
increase the skin pigmentation
- Target: Melanocytes
- Function: Increase melanin production
Secretions from the Posterior Pituitary Gland
1. Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)
- It prevents the output of the large amounts of
- Also called as the vasopressin, because it
constricts the blood vessels and raises the
© Jolo Tiongson and JC Elduayan
blood pressure when large amounts are
It also causes contraction of the uterus for
non-pregnant primarily during menstrual
period and sexual intercourse
Also responsible for milk ejection in lactating
females by promoting contraction of smooth
muscles surrounding the alveoli of the
mammary glands
NO EVIDENCE of existing oxytocin for the
Target: Uterus and mammary gland
Function: Stimulates the uterine contraction.
It also stimulates the mammary glands to
eject milk
Secretions from the Islets of Langerhans
Target: Kidneys
Function: Stimulates the reabsorption of
water by the renal tubules
The secretion rate for ADH changes in
response to alterations in blood osmolality
and blood volume.
ADH plays a major role in these changes in
urine formation.
The osmolality of a solution increases as the
concentration of solute in the solution
increases. When blood osmolality increases,
the frequency of action potentials in the osmoreceptors increases that would result to a
greater frequency of action potential in the
neurosecretory cells and as a consequence,
the ADH secretion increases
As for the blood pressure, when the blood
pressure increases, the action potential for
neurosecretory cells decreases thus resulting
to less ADH secretion
To simplify: ↑ Blood Osmolality = ↑ ADH
secretion while ↑ Blood Pressure = ↓ ADH
2. Oxytocin
- Stimulates smooth muscles of the uterus
- This hormone plays an important role in the
expulsion of the fetus from the uterus during
delivery by stimulating uterine smooth muscle
© Jolo Tiongson and JC Elduayan
The pancreas lies behind the peritoneum
between the greater curvature of the stomach
and the duodenum. It is considered as both
exocrine gland and endocrine gland.
Exocrine portion is composed of
acini w/c produce pancreatic juice
and a duct system w/c carries the
pancreatic juice to the small intestine
o Endocrine portion consist of
pancreatic islet or the Islets of
Langerhans w/c produce hormones
that enter the circulatory system
Each Islet is composed of alpha cells w/c
secrete glucagon and beta cells w/c secrete
The islets of Langerhans are small clusters of
cells located in the pancreas.
The pancreatic hormones play an important
role in regulating the concentration of critical
nutrients in the circulatory system
1. Insulin
- Target: liver, skeletal mm and adipose tissue,
satiety center (collection of neurons in the
hypothalamus that controls the appetite).
- Function: Increased uptake and used of
glucose and amino acids
- In general, the target tissues response to
insulin is an increase in its ability to take up
and use glucose and amino acids. The normal
regulation of blood glucose level requires
- Blood glucose level can increase dramatically
when too little insulin is secreted or when
insulin receptors do not respond
© Jolo Tiongson and JC Elduayan
2. Glucagon
- Target: Liver
- Function: Increased breakdown of glycogen;
release of glucose into the blood.
- It primarily influences the liver although it has
some effect on the skeletal muscle and
adipose tissue
- In general, the glucagon causes the
breakdown of glycogen and increase glucose
synthesis in the liver. It also increases the
breakdown of fats
*These two hormones have somatostatin, a growth
hormone and inhibiting hormone, that is responsible for
inhibiting insulin and glucagon secretion.
Pineal Gland
Is at the epithalamus of the brain that secretes
hormones acting on the hypothalamus or the
gonads to inhibit reproductive function
Photoperiod - the amount of daylight and
darkness that occurs each day in changes
with the seasons of the year.
When there is an increase in daylight, it will
initiate action potential in the retina of the eye
and then propagate it to the brain and cause
a decrease in action potential that will result
to decrease secretion by the pineal body.
In the dark, action potential delivered to the
body increases, thereby stimulating the
secretion of pineal hormones
In short, there is a large secretion of
melatonin at night compared to daylight
Thyroid Gland
Secretions from the Pineal Gland
1. Melatonin
- Target: hypothalamus
- Function: Inhibits secretion of gonadotropinreleasing hormone thereby inhibiting
reproduction Induce sleep
- Can
hormone secretion from the hypothalamus
and they inhibit reproductive functions
through this mechanism
- It also regulates the sleep cycle by increasing
the tendency to sleep
© Jolo Tiongson and JC Elduayan
Composed of two lobes connected by a
narrow band of thyroid tissue called the
isthmus. The lobes are lateral to the upper
portion of the trachea just inferior to the larynx
and the isthmus extends across the anterior
aspect of the trachea.
The thyroid gland is one of the largest
endocrine glands. It is highly vascular and it
appears more red than its surrounding tissues
Secretions of the thyroid gland
1. Calcitonin
- Target: Bone
- Function: Increase calcium storage in bone
- The major stimulus for increase calcitonin
secretion is increase in calcium levels in the
body fluids
- The primary target tissue of calcitonin is the
- The calcitonin binds to the membrane-bound
receptor then decreases the osteoclast
activity and lengthens the life of the
osteoblast. The result is the decrease in blood
calcium and phosphate levels causing
increase in bone deposition
- The blood levels of calcitonin decreases with
age to a greater extent of female than males.
That is why osteoporosis increases with age
and occurs to a greater degree in females
than males because of a decrease in
calcitonin level
2. Thyroxine (T4) and Triodothyronine (T3)
- Target: most cells
- Function: essential to BMR (basal metabolic
rate) – the rate at w/c a person’s body burns
calories while at rest; influences
physical/mental development and growth
© Jolo Tiongson and JC Elduayan
The TSH from the anterior pituitary must be
present to maintain the thyroid hormone
synthesis and secretion.
The normal rate of metabolism of an
individual depends on the adequate supply of
thyroid hormone which increases the rate at
which glucose, fat and protein are
The thyroid hormone also increases the
activity of sodium-potassium exchange pump
which contributes to an increase in body
The TRH from the hypothalamus and TSH
from the anterior pituitary function together to
increase T3 and T4 secretion from the thyroid
Exposure to cold and stress cause increase
TRH secretion and prolong fasting decreases
TRH secretion thereby decreasing the T3 and
T4 secretion
Control of the Thyroid Hormone
Secretion of the parathyroid gland
1. Parathyroid Hormone
An increase temperature, the thyrotroponin
releasing hormone, is secreted by the
hypothalamus and stimulates the secretion of
the TSH. Then the TSH will increase both the
synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormones
by the follicular cells
Chronic TSH elevation can cause
hypertrophy of the thyroid
The thyroxine regulates the TRH receptors in
the anterior pituitary thereby inhibits TSH
The thyroid hormones have a negative
feedback effect on the hypothalamus and
anterior pituitary gland.
As the level of T3 and T4 increases, it will
inhibit TRH and TSH secretion. Also, if the
thyroid gland is removed or the T3 and T4
secretion declines, TSH secretion levels in
the blood increase dramatically, thus resulting
to abnormality.
Parathyroid Gland
Are usually embedded on the posterior part of
each lobe of the thyroid gland
Usually, parathyroid glands are present with
their cells organized in densely packed
masses rather than in follicle
© Jolo Tiongson and JC Elduayan
Important in the regulation of body fluids
Target: bone, kidney, small intestine
Function: Increase calcium removal from
storage in bone, Produces active form of
vitamin D in kidneys, Increase absorption of
calcium by intestines, increase blood calcium
The PTH stimulates osteoclast activity in
bone and can cause of number of osteoclast
to increase
Increase in osteoclast activity results in bone
resorption and the release of calcium and
phosphate causing the increase in blood
calcium levels
The PTH also induces calcium reabsorption
within the kidneys so that less calcium leaves
the body in urine
It also increases the enzymatic formation of
active Vitamin D in the kidney. As the PTH
increases, the rate of active Vitamin D
synthesis, it will result to increase rate in
calcium and phosphate absorption in the
intestine thereby elevating the blood levels of
the calcium
In this picture if there is a decrease in calcium
level or decreased blood calcium level it will
stimulate increase in the PTH secretion of the
parathyroid hormone. Parathyroid hormone
will promote calcium and phosphate
resorption from bone.
It also promotes calcium reabsorption and
phosphate excretion from the renal tubule.
Also promotes calcium absorption from
the GI tract.
This will result to increase serum calcium
level and once the calcium level in the blood
increases that will result to PTH secretion
© Jolo Tiongson and JC Elduayan
In this picture is the one two five dihydrocoxy
calciferol this is the active form of vitamin.
The effect of the vitamin d of that active form
of vitamin d is influenced by the parathyroid
If the serum calcium levels are too high the
release of the PTH or the parathyroid
hormone will be suppressed.
The result of that suppression or inhibition of
the parathyroid hormone, the one two five
dihydrocoxycolia calciferol the active form of
vitamin d. will also decrease. And once that
active form of vitamin D decreases it will also
decrease the absorption of calcium from the
intestines, bones and vinyl tubules thus
causing calcium level to decrease.
If the calcium level the blood calcium level
increases it will suppress or inhibit the
secretion of parathyroid hormone
Since the parathyroid hormone influence the
formation of the one two five
dihydrocoxycolicalciferol the active form of
vitamin D, once the formation of the active
form of vitamin D decreases, it will affect or it
will decrease the absorption of calcium from
the intestine, bones and renal tubules thus
resulting to decrease calcium level in the
blood and that will result to homeostasis.
2. Developmental
• glucocorticoids or the cortisol
are required for the maturation
of tissues like fetal lungs and
for the development of
receptor molecules in target
tissues for epinephrine and
Adrenal glands
also called the supra renal glands.
Located near the superior poles of the
Like the kidneys, the adrenal glands are
retroperitoneal and they are surrounded by
the adipose tissue.
Adrenal glands are enclosed by a connective
tissue capsule and have a well-developed
blood supply.
It has a the inner medulla and the outer core.
The adrenal cortex secretes 3 hormone types:
glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids and
Zono fasciculata of the adrenal cortex
primarily secretes glucocorticoid hormones.
© Jolo Tiongson and JC Elduayan
Cortisol is the major or main glucocorticoid
The responses of this hormone are classified
1. Metabolic
• As the metabolic it increases,
metabolism, blood glucose
level and glycogen deposits in
3. Anti-inflammatory
• it decreased the intensity of
the inflammatory response by
decreasing both the number of
WBC and secretion of
inflammatory chemicals from
the tissues
The major secretory products of the zona
Glomerulosa are the mineralocorticoids.
1. Aldosterone
mineralocorticoids produced in the
greatest amount.
• increases the rate of sodium
reabsorption by the kidneys
thereby increasing blood
levels of sodium. It also
increases potassium excretion
into the urine by the kidney
thereby decreasing blood
levels of potassium. It also
increases the rate of hydrogen
excretion into the urine.
• In short aldosterone increases
sodium in the blood and
decrease blood level of
2. Androgen are secreted by the sauna
reticularis and stimulates the pubic
and axillary hair growth and sexual
drive in females. Effect in males are
very negligible in comparison to the
effect of testosterone two males
which is secreted by the testis.
Arginal medulla secretes two major
1. Epinephrine
• accounts for 80 %
• increase the blood glucose level
the use of glucose and glycogen
by the skeletal muscles.
• It also increases the heart rate
and the force of contraction.
• It also caused vasoconstriction on
vasoconstriction and vasodilation
on skeletal and cardiac muscle.
2. Norepinephrine
• 20% of the adrenal medulla
• stimulates the cardiac muscle and
caused constriction of the most of
the peripheral blood vessels.
The target tissues are the heart, blood
vessels liver and adipose tissues.
Adrenal medulla hormones
- Prepare the body for physical activity
- A major component for the fight and flight
- The release of this hormones is mediated by
the sympathetic nervous system in response
to emotions, injury, stress, exercise and
even low blood glucose levels.
© Jolo Tiongson and JC Elduayan
Main endocrine gland of the female
reproductive system are the ovaries.
Function: depend on the secretion of the
FSH and the LH follicle stimulating hormone
and the luteinizing hormone from the anterior
pituitary gland.
Secretion of ovaries
1. Inhibin
• which inhibits the follicle
stimulating hormone secretion.
2. Estrogen and Progesterone
• Control the female reproductive
• Prepare the mammary glands for
lactation and maintain pregnancy
• Also responsible for the
development of the female
reproductive organs and the
female secondary sex
During pregnancy the ovaries and the
placenta secrete estrogen and progesterone
which are essential to maintain pregnancy
3. Relaxin
• which increases the flexibility of
the connective tissue of the
female symphesis pubis. Which
helps dilate the cervix of the
uterus. this will aid or facilitate
the delivery of the mother.
Thymus gland
- it is in the neck and does appear and
superior to the heart in the thorax.
Secretions of the thymus
1. Thymosin
• plays an important role in the
development and function of the
immune system.
Pathology of the Endocrine System
Main endocrine gland of the male
reproductive system is the testes.
Function: depends on the secretion of the
FSH and LH from the anterior pituitary same
with the the female endocrine gland.
Secretion of testes
1. Testosterone
• regulates the production of the
sperm cells by the testis and the
development and maintenance of the
male reproductive organs and
secondary sex characteristics.
2. Inhibin
• inhibits the secretion of the follicle
stimulating hormone from the
anterior pituitary.
© Jolo Tiongson and JC Elduayan
- Results from overproduction of hormones or
overstimulation of the pituitary gland.
- Results from underproduction of hormones
or understimulation of the pituitary gland.
- Occurs when the target tissue has hormonal
- Hormone levels are normal but the main
problem is the target tissue.
1. Diabetes Insipidus
- involves a physiologic imbalance of water
following deficiency or inaction of the antidiuretic hormone (ADH).
Function of ADH? Antidiuretic hormone
regulates water by increasing the
permeability of the tubules of the kidney.
Major function of your ADH is to promote
water resorption by the kidney and to control
the osmotic pressure of the extracellular
If there will be injury or loss of function of the
hypothalamus or the posterior pituitary gland
it can result to diabetes incipidus.
When the ADH production decreases, the
kidney tubules will fail to reabsorb water
End result is excretion of large amount of
dilute urine.
What are the possible effects of diabetes
insipidus to the body?
• Kidney tubules fail to rebsorb water
• Urine is diluted
• Dehydration (Excessive water loss)
• Polydipsia (excessive thirst)
• Noctoria (excessive urination at
• Dehydration
• Poor tissue turgor
• Dry mucous membrane
• Constipation
• Muscle weakness
• Dizziness
• Hypotension
Secondary effect
• fatigue and irritability
• secondary to sleep disruption
associated with nocturia
2. Syndrome of Inappropriate ADH Secretion
- Involves a physiologic imbalance of water
following excessive release of the antidiuretic hormone (ADH).
- Opposite of diabetes insipidus
- Possible effects of SIADH to the body
• Kidney tubules excessively
reabsorb water
• Urine is concentrated
• Excessive water retention
- Other symptoms
• Edema is rare
© Jolo Tiongson and JC Elduayan
Neurologic and neuromuscular sign
and symptoms
Predominate and are directly
related to the swelling of brain
Sodium changes within
neuromuscular tissues
CNS dysfunction characterized by
alterations in level of consciousness
seizures and coma. Coma can
occur when serum sodium falls.
Hyponatremia - there is a low
sodium concentration in the blood.
This can result in diminished GI
3. Hyperthyroidism
- Excessive secretion of the thyroid hormone.
- Referred to as tyrotoxicosis a term used to
describe the clinical manifestations that
occur when the body tissues are stimulated
by increased thyroid hormone.
- Excessive thyroid hormone creates a
generalized elevation of body metabolism
the effects of which are manifested in almost
every system.
- Function of the thyroid hormones (T3 and
• Promote bone formation and
• Consumption of O2 and BMR are
• Increased cardiac output
• Hyperexcitability of the CNS
• General catabolic effect
- Changes in the body in patients with
• ↑ metabolic rate
• Weight loss
• ↑ heat production (sweating)
• ↑ Cardiac output
• Nervousness
• Goiter (have mild symmetric
enlargement of the thyroid)
• diarrhea
• tremor
• palpitations
• atrial fibrillation
• precipitate congestive heart failure
increase the risk of underlying CAD
or for myocardial infarction
4. Hypothyroidism
- Insufficient secretion of the thyroid hormone.
- More common compared to hyperthyroidism
- Creates a generalized depression of body
- Thyroid hormones play such an important
role in body's metabolism lack of this
hormones seriously upsets the balance of
body processes.
- Primary symptoms:
• intolerance to cold
• excessive fatigue and drowsiness
• headaches
• and weight gain so in women
• menstrual bleeding may become
• can worsen the pre-menstrual
• dryness of the skin
• increasing brittleness of the hair and
• there may also be nodules
(irregularities of the thyroid palpable
during interior neck examination)
• dry scaly skin
Changes in the body in patients with
• ↓ metabolic rate
• Weight gain
• ↓ heat production (cold intolerance)
• ↓ cardiac output
• Mental slowness
5. Addison’s Disease
- Insufficient secretion of the Adrenocortical
hormones (Cortisol and aldosterone).
- A disorder within the adrenal gland itself.
- Decrease production of cortisol and
- Can result to widespread metabolic
- Can also cause hypoglycemia
- Delivered glycogen deficiency the person
- Weak
- exhausted
- hypotensive
© Jolo Tiongson and JC Elduayan
Anorexia weight loss
Emotional disturbances (ranging from mild
neurotic to severe depressions)
Diminish patient's resistance to stress
Poor coordination
Fasting hypoglycemia AND craving for
specifically salty food
Axillary and pubic hair growth in females
amenorrhea (absence of menstruation)
Changes in the body in patients with
Addison’s disease:
• Hypoglycemia
• Weightloss
• Hyperpigmentation
Secondary adrenal insufficiency refers to a
dysfunction of the gland because of the
insufficient stimulation of the cortex due to
lack of pituitary ACTH
Causes of secondary disease includes tumor
of the hypothalamus or pituitary removal of
the pituitary or rapid withdrawal of
corticosteroid drugs.
**** TAKE NOTE: clinical manifestations of secondary
disease do not occur until the adrenal glands are
almost completely non-functional and are primarily
related to the cortisol deficiency.
**** whenever corticosteroids are administered
externally the increase in serum cortisol level triggers
a negative feedback effect anterior pituitary gland to
stop adrenal stimulation
***** important that if the patient is in corticosteroid
medication it must be reduced gradually so that
normal adrenal function can return.
6. Diabetes Mellitus
- Insufficient secretion or action of insulin.
- Chronic system systemic disorder
characterized by hyperglycemia (excess
glucose in the blood)
- Involves disruption of the metabolism of
carbohydrates fats and proteins
- Insulin produced in the pancreas normally
maintains a balance of the blood glucose
Characterized as a by a group of metabolic
diseases resulting from defects in the
secretion of insulin action of insulin or both
the chronic hyperglycemia of diabetes
mellitus is associated with long-term or
prolonged damage and dysfunction.
Changes in the body in patients with DM:
• Increase in blood glucose
• 3Ps:
*polyphagia - means excessive
hunger and eating
*polydeptia - excessive thirst
*polyurea - excessive or frequent
Type 1: Insulin dependent
Type 2: non-insulin dependent or adult-onset diabetes
Pathologic fractures
- Bone decalcification/osteoporosis
- Severe muscle weakness
© Jolo Tiongson and JC Elduayan
- Muscle tetany and cramps
- Carpopedal spasm
- Cardiac arrythmias