Non-Fiction Assessment Rubric Audience and Purpose Super Stretching Stellar Stratospheric The style of the writing may be limited or mostly unsuitable, with some evidence of awareness of reader. Style is mostly suitable, but may be lacking in correct formality. Some writing is for the correct purpose. Style is adapted to the audience mostly successfully. Purpose is clear and audience interest is maintained throughout. Confident and successful use of style to inform and interest the reader, keeping them engaged and creating an emotional response. Text Structure Writing is mainly in one chunk There is some attempt to Clearly paragraphed with Paragraphing is controlled to and Paragraphs and may be limited in length. organise content into sections. ideas organised into sections. create effect, e.g. a one-word or one-sentence paragraph for The text may refer to lots Generally works towards a There may be some links effect. of different topics in one conclusion, but may be unclear between paragraphs through paragraph. in places. the use of connectives. Writing is organised to manipulate the reader or reveal Short sentences that are Mostly simple sentences, Sentence types are varied information in a powerful way. mainly simple and not always perhaps with some connectives and sometimes ambitious, constructed accurately. such as ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘so’. including more sophisticated Control of a variety of sentence constructions such as types is evident with a variety adverbials. of subordination to create effect. Content Ideas are mostly appropriate but may be quite limited. There is some attempt to create interest. Ideas are beginning to develop with some additional information given to develop the viewpoint, but may be unambitious. Page 1 of 2 Ideas are appropriate and developed imaginatively in places. There may be some provocative use of linguistic techniques to create effect. Imaginative, interesting and controlled ideas; able to manipulate voice and change register convincingly. visit Non-Fiction Assessment Rubric Vocabulary and Linguistic Devices Language choices are mainly simple, everyday choices and may be quite limited in ambition and variety. There is some evidence of deliberate vocabulary choice. There may be some limited use of literary techniques. Vocabulary is chosen for effect in many cases and is reasonably wide. Literary techniques may be used often, but not always effectively. Vocabulary is ambitious and sophisticated. Literary techniques and vocabulary choices are imaginative and effective, selected to suit the reader and create impact. Punctuation Some use of capital letters or Basic punctuation is used full stops. mostly accurately, including full stops, commas in lists and capital letters. Basic punctuation is accurate, including commas for more ambitious complex sentences and subordination. A range of punctuation is used confidently, including higher level choices such as colons and semi-colons within work for effect and to control the pace and effect of the topic. Spelling Accuracy of spelling is limited Spelling is mostly correct, Spelling is nearly always and may be phonetic. although vocabulary choices correct, with some errors may be unambitious. for more sophisticated, multisyllabic vocabulary choices. Spelling is nearly always correct with rare errors only for sophisticated or complex choices. Page 2 of 2 visit