Shane Porsandeh SPED 406 Instructional Lesson Plan #2 Frank’s 4th Grade Vocabulary Lesson Plan Lesson Objective: At the conclusion of this lesson Frank will be able to correctly define his 20 vocabulary words 80% of the time. Instruction Sequence: Model Hi there Frank – good morning to you! First off - I really have to commend you for participating so much in class. You really contribute in such a meaningful way to our class discussions. As I mentioned to you yesterday the reason why I had you come in early this morning was so that we could get in some extra practice on your vocabulary words. Now I know that you already have some of your words down pat but that doesn’t mean that we can’t get in a little more practice – right? Ok – great. So, I know that you tend to be more of a visual learner so I wanted to start out with us writing the words on the whiteboard. (Us?) Yes, I did say us – haha. Does that sound ok? Ok – great. So, I’m going to start out by making the first list with vocab words 110 and then you’re going to make another list with words 11-20. Will you do that for me? Awesome! That’s teamwork! Please do me a favor and say the word as you write it on the board. Now that all 20 of your vocab words are on the whiteboard please go get their definitions from the worksheet that we worked on together. Ok now I’m going to read you the definitions for your 11-20 list as you write them on the board and then you will do the same for me. Now I know that this exercise can be a little tedious but it is important that we get in the repetition and I promise that it will help you come test time! Ok cool – now all 20 of your vocab words and their definitions are on the whiteboard. Now since you’re such a good presenter will you please do me the honor of reading me the words with their definitions. Awesome – thank you so much - Great Job! Now let’s use all this info to make flashcards. You know what’s great about flashcards Frank? (What?) It’s that you can carry them everywhere with you to practice – even at recess – haha! Prompt: Ok - So now that you’re seated in the chair nearest the whiteboard please proceed to make flashcards from the cards that I have provided. Please make sure that the words are on one side with their definitions on the other – I know – I know - you know the drill – haha. So now that you have made your 20 Vocab Flash Cards let’s go ahead and practice on each other. I hope you don’t beat me – haha. Ok you first – great and now me. The words that you don’t get right the first time I’ll put to the side for some more practice. Let’s try our best to keep practicing until we have made no errors. Ok – awesome – you’ve got them down pat – now for some fun. You’ve earned it! Check: Ok – so now let’s bring on the game! Are you ready? Ok – let me go get my Vocabulary Word Spinner. Whereas the first two exercises were great for repetition, this game will help you to see the words in different contexts or in different ways. You spin first for the first word. Ok so you have to use the word particular in a sentence. Ok great. Now my turn. I landed on antonym so I have to say an antonym for peculiar. Ok now that we’ve done 10 words together please continue to play the game independently for the next 10-15 minutes and then I will meet you back at your desk for next steps. Enjoy! Ok so how fun was that game? Ok cool. So now I’m going to hand you a list with your 20 vocabulary words on it and I want you to write their definition. Don’t worry – just do the best that you can. You’ve done great so far! (See the vocab list below). His responses were all correct except the definitions for the last three words surround, simplify and summarize. Ok - thank you so much Frank – I think that we made great progress today – keep it up! You can now go outside and wait for all your friends to arrive. The assessment showed that he got 17/20 correct or 85% which is above the 80% that I was looking for him to achieve. I will continue to practice with him once a week in the mornings and I will encourage him to read as much as possible at home. Vocabulary Word Spinner Activity Vocabulary Word List Please write the definitions next to the words below 1)particular 2)peculiar 3)descend 4)conclude 5)orchard 6)venture 7)accomplish 8)essential 9)reason 10)organize 11)describe 12)obvious 13)avoid 14)confirm 15)obvious 16)distribute 17)purpose 18)surround 19)simplify 20)summarize