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Red Stripe Flavours Marketing Plan

Red Stripe Flavours Marketing Process
University of Technology, Jamaica
Fundamentals of Marketing – Group Project
Ms. Sonia Mattis
July 17, 2018
Shanna Lee Clarke ID # 1503514
Chantae Mackinley # 1606576
Leondrew Campbell # 1400693
Sashagaye Burke ID #1505913
Table of Content
Background of Company and Product
Mission / Vision / Value Statements
Environment Related to New Product
Marketing Objectives for New product
Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning Strategy
Marketing Mix
Product Attributes
Place Attributes
Pricing Strategy
Red stripe seeks to launch its new Redstripe flavoured beer, this project utilizes the marketing
process to analyze the marketing environment, coordinate a plan for the consumers to be targeted
through proper segmentation and positioning of the product and subsequently tailoring the final
product to be offered accordingly. We will examine how our beer will get to customers, the cost
and the promotional strategies to be used with our focus on achieving customer satisfaction and
expanding Red stripe’s market share thereby increasing company revenue.
Red Stripe Flavors Marketing Process
Background of Company and Product
Red Stripe, a part of the HEINEKEN Company, is one of Jamaica’s leading corporate entities,
employing over 300 permanent staff members and producing the world-famous Red Stripe Beer.
It manufactures an outstanding range of premium alcohol brands, spanning beers, stouts and
ready-to-drinks and distributes some of the world’s renowned premium spirit brands. The
company’s legacy began in 1918 when Eugene Desnoes and Thomas Geddes merged their
carbonated soft drinks business to form Desnoes and Geddes Limited. In the ensuing years, the
company became a well-established manufacturer of popular sodas, including Pepsi-Cola™,
7Up™ and D&G™ soft drinks, and the distributor of the best imported spirits.The awardwinning Red Stripe Beer was first brewed in 1928 and later perfected to the golden lager we
know today. Internationally, Red Stripe Beer has received the prestigious Monde Selection Gold
Medal 11 times for its fine quality and taste. Locally, Red Stripe has been recognised as a major
player in the manufacturing industry, having received the Jamaica Exporters Association
Champion Exporter award in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013; The Jamaica Chamber of Commerce
Best of Chamber Large Enterprise Award in 2015, and the Jamaica Manufacturers Association
Manufacturer of the Year Award in 2014. On October 7, 2015, heineken n.v. became the
majority shareholder of Red Stripe. Heineken owns more than 165 breweries in more than 70
countries and employs approximately 76,000 people. Besides the flagship Heineken beer,
Heineken brews and sells more than 250 other international premium, regional, local and
specialty beers. Red Stripe is the trading name of Desnoes and Geddes Limited and is located at
214 Spanish Town Road, in Kingston.4 Desnoes & Geddes Annual Report 2016.
Target audience
Red stripe flavors target audience where specially made for non- alcoholic females. Research as
shown that red stripe flavors has 50% and its more of a soft drink, it is intended to add a fun and
refreshing taste to the Light Beer, making it the ideal drink for all occasions, whether it's an
after-work drink or a get-together with family and friends. These flavoured beers will also be
fitting to the taste of both male and female alcoholic beverage preferences. These flavoured beers
will be a trendy get-together essential for the upcoming Christmas season's festivities to share
with friends.
Mission, Vision, Value Statements
Wow! The World with our brands, people and performance
Being the best, always, our mission is to provide quality goods and service to our
customers through using trained, qualified staff and the best ingredients, ensuring profitability
and increased market share thereby allowing the promotion of employee development and
increased satisfaction of shareholders.
Value Statements
With an intense focus on delivering our strategy, Red Stripe closed 2016 with good
results. Our relentless approach to transformation — to become more agile and more definitive
in creating opportunities — has resulted in trading profit of $3,977 million, an increase of 19%
over the previous year. The profit after tax increased 21% over the corresponding period in 2015
to $3,351 million in 2016. Above all, we worked diligently to manage supply and to create
engaging brand experiences that would serve to ignite and sustain consumer interest in our
brands. We are encouraged by the results.
Desnoes & GeddesAnnual Report 2016
Environment related to New Product
Red stripe environment involves the actors and forces that affect the company’s ability to
build and maintain successful relationships with its target customers. The marketing environment
consists of three segments the microenvironment, mesoenvironment and macroenvironment
(Kotler & Armstrong, 2011).
The Microenvironment
The actors close to the Redstripe that affect its ability to serve its customer is the customer
As we’ve emphasized throughout, customers are the most important actors in the company’s
Microenvironment. The aim of the entire value delivery network is to serve target customers and
create strong relationships with them. This was one of the forces that affected Redstrip flavours.
While it was on the market, there were challenges as it relates to the taste of the product. Some
customers argued that it was too sweet while others argued that it was not sweet enough.
Producers had to go back to the drawing board and did a lot more sampling just to suit the
customer wants.
The Mesoenvironment
Our mesoenvironment is the external environment; the industry and market, within which
the company operates and it includes; customers, marketing intermediaries, suppliers,
competitors and public action groups. With the launch of our Redstripe Flavours, we delve into
brewery sector of manufacturing, opening the door to new:
Customers – Our most important factor, the markets must be studied to determine where
our main focus will be, that is, whether on; consumers, businesses, government, resellers or the
international arena. This will be focused on under Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
Marketing Intermediaries – These will form an important component in the delivery of
Redstripe flavours to customers and includes resellers and distribution firms. Already, links have
been made for Redstripe flavours beers to be distributed through Supermarkets and Wholesales
Island wide such as MegaMart, PriceSmart, Loshusan, Hi-lo Food Stores, Sampars Cash &
Carry, Joong’s and many other.
Competitors - Going into the production of Redstripe flavours, we will encounter other
companies that already supply a similar product such as Razz Brewery, Big City Brewing Co
Ltd and Beer Advocate. Our aim is to offer a better tasting, nutritious beer in a variety of ways
and is conveniently package providing customers with a product easier to consume that is of a
high quality while being affordable. Redstripe flavours will offer greater value and satisfaction
than the competition; this will be discussed further under Segmentation, Targeting and
positioning strategy.
Public Action Committees – These are groups that may fall under the financial industry,
media or government or be citizen-action or local community organizations that have an actual
or potential interest or impact on our ability to achieve our objectives. We are aware that there
are groups against processed beverages due to possible health issues from ingredients. However,
Redstripe’s commitment has always been to provide nutrition and quality, a stance that has been
tried and proven true. Continuing in the same stead the ingredients for our Restripe Flavours will
be of the highest quality, sourced from reputable companies bearing our consumers well-being at
the heart of it, never using any genetically modified ingredient.
The Macroenvironment
The macroenvironment covers the societal forces that affect the company encompassing
all the other factors. These forces include; demographic forces, economic forces, natural forces,
technological forces, political forces and cultural forces, expounded as follows:
Demographic Forces – The variables which the human population can be separated into
such as size; density, age, gender, race, occupation, etc. This is important for marketing purposes
as it consists of the people that make up the marketplace consisting of potential customers.
Geographic Forces – This relates to the physical location of potential consumers, Jamaica
is divided into of three counties; County, Middlesex and Surrey made up of fourteen parishes,
with urban areas consisting of uptown and downtown and rural areas.
Understanding the demographics and geography of the consumer we intend to launch our
product for is a key objective as we determine our segment and target market and formulate a
positioning strategy as well as decide on the marketing mix variables and their attached attributes
to effectively reach them.
Economic Forces – This consist of the factors that affect consumer’s purchasing power
and spending patterns such as employment rates, income, exchange rate, inflation, credit options
and GDP. In fact according to STATIN (2017a) July Labour Force press release the number of
persons employed increased by 2.5% which is a positive movement as this means that there will
be more person with the ability to purchase. This is important and will be monitored as changes
in the economic atmosphere may affect consumer demand, thereby changing spending patterns
which may dictate the level of output supplied and to an extent the price good is retailed at.
Natural Forces – This refers to the resources occurring in the physical world such as air
and water for which there is a steadily growing concern regarding the quantities of natural
resources available and pollution. Redstripe flavours will require both imported and local raw
materials, therefore, good relationships with our suppliers will be developed as well as the supply
of these products will be monitored closely additionally, Redstripe has always been a socially
responsible corporate entity.
Technological Forces – This refers to the advancement of technology with changes in
information and communication technology, the internet and e-commerce as well as the creation
of new products. Redstripe we will be sourcing state of the art equipment to outfit it for
producing beers such as beer brewing machines, detectors, Crates etc. The use of the most
updated technology will definitely aid Redstripe in efficiently and effectively producing an
adequate supply of beers at a high quality.
Political Forces – Government agencies and pressure groups that influence or limit
actions of the organization via laws, regulations and policies. Including legislation to protect
businesses and consumer, enforce regulations and emphasize on social responsibility and ethical
behaviour. Redstrip has been and will continue to operate within the laws of the land,
specifically as it relates to the production of our beers, due attention will be paid to The
CARICOM Regional Organization for Standards and Quality Act (2005) seeking the guidance of
the Bureau of Standards Jamaica, where necessary (The Bureau of Standards Jamaica, 2015).
The Brewery will always be kept up to the standard required by Government mandated food
safety regulators and our staff will be trained and certified with valid food handlers permits.
Additionally our advertisements coined for our Redstripe flavours will be done in accordance to
Broadcast Commission regulations.
Cultural Forces – Society’s basic values, perceptions, preference and behaviours that
shape its people, forming their core and secondary beliefs and values. Jamaicans are known to be
fun-loving, outgoing and laid back people, however there has been a shift as Jamaicans have
become more health conscious and lead fast pace lives. The Redstripe beer a traditional Jamaican
favourite that is tasty, affordable, conveniently packaged and offered in varying flavours.
Through our promotions and corporate social projects efforts we will build the Redstripe
flavours reputation as the Beer that is the choice for all; the economically conscious, the health
conscious, those who just simply love traditional Jamaican beer but especially those who are on
the go and need something to “bill a vybz”
Responding to the Marketing Environment
At Redstripe, we make it a point of duty to scan our environment by collecting
information so that we can identify opportunities or threats as they arise and act accordingly. We
hold a reactive stance in response to situations, by designing strategies that avoid threats and
capitalize on opportunities. However, if a situation occurs that warrants more aggressive action
we may respond proactively to obtain the best end result and maintain brand image.
Marketing Objectives for new product
With the launch of our new product we aim to increase Redstripe Company limited , Company’s
revenue by at total of ten percent (10%) for year end:
o Expanding the current product offerings - entering brewery market and launching
our new product; Redstripe flavours
o Capturing female customers by attracting them to the light taste, different flavours
, affordability and quality of the product
o Maintaining customer base through enhanced customer relationships
o Increasing sales through active promotions
o Becoming the dominant supplier of Beers
Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning Strategy
According to Weinstein (2004) to serve our customers best, we must first carefully
analyze the market, divide it into segments, select the best segments and design a plan for
serving the selected effectively and efficiently, resulting in profit. This is the process of
segmentation, targeting and positioning.
Market segmentation is a marketing term referring to the grouping of prospective buyers
that have common needs and respond similarly to a marketing action. Market segmentation
enables companies to target different categories of consumers who receive the full value of
certain products and services differently from one another. Customers may be grouped according
to geography, demography, psychology or by behavioural factors.
Geography: This is dividing the market according to the location of consumers, our aim
is to have beers available Island-wide, focusing on the town centers of all parishes but placing a
specific emphasis on the most populated parishes of Kingston & St. Andrew and St. Catherine.
Demography: This is dividing the market according to factors that define human
population such as age, gender, race, etcetera. Redstripe Flavours however, is a traditional
Jamaican product for one and all; from 18 and older.
Psychology: This is dividing the market according to the consumer’s lifestyle, social
class, personality, and character traits. One of the emphasized points of the new Redstrip
flavoured beer is that it is light in alcocloc and as such it can be drink as a normal beverage
without having to consume food or have to be mindful that and individual is on medication
Is the process by which the attractiveness of each segment (size, revenue potential, and
growth rate), the benefits sought by each, and the relative resources available to handle each
group or segment of customers is evaluated and one or more segments chosen based on the
company’s resources and objectives.
An effective and useful segmentation should define market segments that meet four criteria:
Measurability: The size, purchasing power, and profiles of the segments can be
Accessibility: The market segments can be effectively reached and served.
Substantial: The market segments are large enough or profitable enough to serve. That is,
there are sufficient customers to buy the product.
Differentiable: The segments are conceptually distinguishable and respond differently to
different marketing mix elements and programmes. response: segments must respond
differently to one or more marketing variables.
Actionable: Effective programmes can be designed for attracting and serving the
After evaluating the segments, a company can use one of three commonly used
strategies/approaches for selecting target segments:
Undifferentiated market (mass-market): Ignoring the differences and focusing on the
similarities between consumers so that the entire market can be presented with one offer
when positioning and promoting product.
Differentiated marketing (micro marketing): Targeting different market segments and
presenting each a different offer according to their situation.
Concentrated marketing (niche-market): Providing for an underserved segment of the
market which requires a very specific product.
Redstripe Flavours will be utilizing the differentiated marketing strategy, noting the
differences between the consumers we have chosen to target, these include; Jamaicans overall
who generally love beers, especially at Summer time, but also those who are on the go; workingclass individuals. We will tailor our offerings and promotions according to their preference.
Positioning is the place the product occupies in the consumer’s mind relative to
competing products. In the consumer’s mind, this is organized according to perceptions,
impressions and emotions that the product gives versus other similar products (Kolter &
Armstrong, 2011). Redstripe position is “Jamaican can pride in a bottle”
Redstripe’s Flavours Marketing Mix Variables
According to Kotler & Armstrong (2011) marketing is “the process through which
companies create value for customers and build strong customer relationships in order to capture
value from customers in return.” To achieve this, a set of tools are used called the marketing mix
which includes product, place, price and promotion. These are cohesively and strategically used
to achieve customer satisfaction.
Product Attributes
Product Attributes are the characteristics that define a particular product and can affect the
consumer’s purchase decision. (Grimsley, n.d.).
Levels of the product
According to Claessens (2015) the attributes of a product can be tangible (physical in
nature) or intangible (not physical in nature) and namely consist of three levels:
1. The Core Product: This is the most basic aspect of the product that mainly focuses
on the benefit that the product brings to the customer. The core benefit of
Redstripe Flavours is to satisfy customer’s taste buds in a more convenient way.
2. The Actual Product: The development of features, design, brand name, quality
and packaging of the product. Redstripe flavours is sweet, has different flavours,
and refreshing that give the customers a soothing feeling. . It is packaged in crates
for protection and comes in a clear glass bottle to show the different colors that
represent it; it is also labelled with the fruits to representing its flavours.
3. Augmented Product: This is built around the core benefit and the actual product.
It offers additional consumer services and benefits such as delivery, credit,
installation, after sales service and warranty. For this new product (Redstripe
Flavours) we offer Ten (10) days credit, free delivery island-wide
This is the marketing practice of creating a name, symbol or design that identifies and
differentiates our product from the competition’s products. At Redstripe we brand our products
mainly for protection, differentiation, awareness, recall and recognition.
Redstripe has already successfully built a reputation as a household name for being
affordable and offering value to consumer, and we are pretty much aware that an effective brand
strategy can make an increasingly competitive impact in the marketplace and as such, our selfimage brand will help consumers identify our product and align our product with the brand
attributes we promote; quality, convenience and affordability which promises great customer
satisfaction, encouraging consumers to try our new product (Redstripe Flavours).
Levels of packaging
Packaging refers to the collection design and production of the container or wrapper for
a product. A package may consist of up to three levels or parts.
1. Primary Package: This is the package that encloses the actual product. The primary
package for Redstripe is the glass bottle that the beverage is in.
2. Secondary Package: The layer of cover that is added to the primary package for its
protection. Our secondary package is the labelled crates that holds and protect the
clear glass bottle (primary package).
3. Shipping Package: Refers to the box or bag that holds a number of boxes
of a product for shipping. Redstripe is packages in two (2) doxen in crates to keep the
beers protected.
4. Labeling
Consist of printed information which appears in or with the package and can take the
form of a simple tag attached to the product or complex graphic designed packaging. The label
identifies and describes the product, where was it made, when it was made, who made it along
with its composition, expiry date and recommend use. The packaging for Redstripe will have
multi-coloured printed graphics boldly representing the flavours while providing all of the
pertinent information in a clear easy to read format while still allowing our Redstripe flavoured
beer to be seen to entice customers.
Place Attributes
To facilitate movement and coordination of supply and demand
To determine requirements and acquire them
To maintain goods in an operationally ready condition
In the marketing mix, the process of moving products from one producer to its intended
users is called Place. This movement could be through a combination of intermediaries such as
distributors, wholesalers and retailers (Marketing Mix. “The Marketing Mix 4P’s and 7P’s
Explained”, n.d.).
Retailers make it precise that location is one of the most critical parts of positioning their
product offering. The right location can be seen as the main tool for the success of the product.
The selected location tells a story about the product by way of the producer’s view and value of
his product.
There are three levels of distributions: intensive, selective and exclusive. Redstripe
flavours will be using Intensive distribution. With an intensive level of distribution, a company
aim is having their product available at every outlet. The level of customer service needed to sell
this product is reduced. Products that are distributed intensively often become convenience
items. This is particularly useful for a product like Redstripe flavours where distribution is a key
factor of success. Redstripe distributes their brands through multiple outlets to ensure their easy
availability to the customer. Hence, redstripe flavours will be available in supermarkets, shops,
and so on. Any possible outlet where the customer is expected to visit is also an outlet for the
Distribution Management
Tactics: Distribution Channels - Movement of goods from supplier to point of sale. They types of
distribution channels include:
Direct distribution – Service/Goods is received directly from producer
Indirect distribution – Goods is distributed to consumers by middlemen.
Types of Channels used Sales and Delivery
By sharing information between consumers and company such as promotions.
By negotiating fair bargains such as discounts between producer and consumer
Delivery – Controlling the delivery of goods to consumers using middlemen
Pricing Strategy
According to Richard (2015) pricing refers to the value that is put on a product or service
and is the result of a complex set of calculations, research and understanding and risk-taking. It is
the amount a customer pays for a product to enjoy it. It is a very important component of the
marketing mix as it determines the firm’s profit and survival. Adjusting the price of a product
has a big impact on the entire marketing strategy as well as greatly affecting the sales and
demand of the product.
There are two types of pricing: Market Penetration Pricing and Market Skimming
Pricing. Market penetration pricing is setting a low price for a new product in order to attract a
large number of buyers and a large market share; while Market Skimming Pricing is setting a
high price for a new product to skim maximum revenues layer by layer from segments willing to
pay the high price.
Redstripe flavours is a newly renovated product entering the market; therefore to gain
customers, our pricing will be closely tied to the needs of the product and target market. As it
relates to the price, we decided to use a penetration strategy. This is where we set a low initial
price to quickly capture market share, thereby realising economies of scale which then leads to
cost reductions enabling us to retain prices. After getting our target market aware of the product
we will slightly increase the price. In obtaining the total cost for the product which includes
direct taxes such as corporation tax, debt, duties along with indirect taxes and other expenses. As
the product passes through its life cycle these strategies may change, however, this will be set at
a moderate level in order to attract consumers and gain market share. This strategy aims to
encourage customers to switch to the new product because of the lower price.
Place Strategy
Red Stripe’s head office is located in a centralized area in Kingston and has several distributors
and outlets island wide. This has already placed them in a better position to have their products
and services readily available to customers. Place includes company activities that make the
product available to target consumers. There is a comprehensive analysis that involved when
determining what quantity of product will need to be delivered to each targeted location in order
to reach customers at point of sale. The flavoured Red Stripe beers will be distributed to all the
major wholesalers, retailers, and small Businesses Island wide. We are also contemplating the
foreign markets. The more we distribute the greater opportunity we have to saturate the market in
the shortest time possible, which will allow us to cut cost by the inflow of sales revenue. Red
Stripe is a brand that is already known and love by consumers therefore, we have already
developed brand loyalty. This product was designed with the consumers in mind. Our new
consumer product brings a satisfying drink on the social scene or in the comfort of your home.
The distribution channel that we will be using is the indirect marketing channel. This is where
we will rely on intermediaries to take the product to the consumer. These intermediaries include,
wholesale, supermarkets, retailers as well as distributor overseas. This would be considered a
level three channel. By using this channel, the product will be able to access more of the market
with less effort. The shelf life of a beer is very long therefore, at this time, losses attributed to
delay would be minimal, however our focus will be to ensure that there is a constant supply
to consumers at all levels of the distribution channel. We acknowledge that conflicts might arise
along the channel as it relates to pricing, advertisement and that is why we engaged all the
stakeholder in the channel to ensure that expectation are met. This will mitigate the impact of
Product Strategy
According to Kotler, 2012 product means the goods-and-services combination the company
offers to the target market. Red Stripe is a manufacturing company that brews and produces adult
beverages by Desenoes and Geddes in Jamaica. Their product consists of a wide range of beers.
In order use their product to access different consumers; Red Stripe can use additional assorted
flavours of beers that taste great and that will continue to provide the satisfaction that comes with
their products. The company should also make adjust its packaging and labelling for the most
recent products being offered so that these new products stand out to their existing and potential
customers. Currently, Red Stripe uses cans and hard bottles in order to distribute their products.
We would use recycled bottles along with larger bottles to ensure we are fulfilling the needs to
consumers and conserving the environment. These new bottles would have the Jamaican colours
and the name of the manufacturer and highlighting special highlights of the company.
Promotion Strategy
According to Marketing Mix | Promotion in Four P’s (2014) promotion is any activity
that involves communicating with the customer about the product and its benefits and features.
After identifying the product which will be Redstripe flavours and the price element, the focus
now turns towards the consumer. This involves raising awareness through the different mediums
to increase sale as well as to create and foster brand loyalty. The mediums that are to be
considered when promoting a product are:
Advertising – This is getting the product across to the customers using mass media such
as the television, radio, newspaper or magazines, this mode of promotion is usually paid for and
include little or no personal message. Apart from these, billboards, posters, web pages, brochures
and direct mail also fall in the same category. While this method has traditionally been onesided, advertisement cover new media such as the internet may allow for quick feedback.
Facebook is widely regarded as the biggest and most popular market when it comes to
advertising, capitalizing on such market can only aid in pushing the product.
Public Relations & Sponsorship – This involves trying to increase positive mention of the
product or brand on influential media outlets; newspapers, magazines, television and radio
channels via talk shows or advertisements and new media such as social networks and blogs can
be used. This could also mean allowing super users or influencers to test the product and speak
positively about it to their peers. This type of advertisement may or may not be paid. For
example; sponsoring a major event which increasing brand visibility is a paid action,
alternatively sending free samples to a blogger, who then gives an unbiased review using their
discretion and opinion without receiving payment is unpaid advertising.
Personal Selling – This involves getting up close and personal with consumers as the
company employees get the chance to interact with potential buyers regarding the product on
offer. It also includes interactions over phone, email or instant messaging. This personal contact
aims to create a personal relationship between the client and the brand or product.
Direct Marketing – This channel targets specific influential potential users through
telemarketing, customized letters, emails and text messages. Digicel is a prime example in which
direct marketing could be used to inform potential customers of the product by sending a
personalized text to the customers.
Sales Promotions –These are usually short-term strategic activities which aim to
encourage a surge in sales. These could be ‘buy one get one free’ options, seasonal discounts,
contests, samples or even special coupons with expiration dates. This method could be deployed
in a wide variety of supermarkets island-wide over a three to four weeks period so that people
can become accustomed to the product, so they can eventually buy more.
Red stripe will be focusing mainly on Advertising and Sales Promotions. With a new
product comes Sales promotion which will be used to introduce the Redstripe flavours this will
lead to a short and immediate impact on sales, these techniques introduce customers as well as
distribution channels. In conjunction to sales promotion we will utilize advertising, which is an
effective way to reach a large market. As advertising offers a variety of media as well as the
benefit of mass reach for example, any message given on Radio (for example RJR 95 FM) or
Television ( for example TVJ or CVM ) will reach the different corners of the country wherever
television and radio networks are available.
Implementation and Control strategy for the marketing mix strategies suggested.
As per Kotler (2014), to find the best marketing strategy and mix, the company engages in
marketing analysis, planning, implementation, and control. Through these activities, the
company watches and adapts to the actors and forces in the marketing environment. We will now
illustrate how we will affect the implementation and control of Red stripe flavours.
Carry out the plans
Marketing implementation is the process that turns marketing plans into marketing actions to
accomplish strategic marketing objectives. Whereas marketing planning addresses the “what”
and “why”of marketing activities, implementation addresses the “who, where, when, and how”
(Kotler, 2014).
The Red Stripe Flavour brand will adopt the Cultural Approach, where the basic premise is that
marketing strategy is a part of the overall organizational vision. The goal of us using this
approach is to shape the organizations culture in such a way that all employees—top managers to
lower order staff participate in making of decisions that help our organization reach its
objectives. As a result, this cultural move breaks down the barrier between strategists and
implementers so that all employees work toward a single purpose, especially because most
people bring beer. Our workforces are endorsed to design their own work measures, as they are
consistent with the organizational operations, goals, and objectives.
We believe in the brand and its appeal and our policy is to expand our position in market where
we're already present, and enter new markets with a high-quality product at a competitive price.
Being that we already have brand loyalty, the introduction of Red stripe flavours will reenergize
our desire to cater to the public’s varied desire for dynamic products from Red Stripe.
We plan on moving quickly to position ourselves as a more authentic Jamaican brand by
increasing the use of local raw materials in the brewing of beer. Being that we have a favoured
position as “The Jamaican Beer” we have seen projections as per our last product that we will be
anticipating a success within the local market with Red stripe flavours. The good could be
distributed to all retail stores and wholesale location island wide.
We will implement this product in the summer period this August 2018, a lot of parties and
activities are slated to begin. The summer period is when a lot of people drink, when there are
two major holidays and tertiary institutions are on break fostering a demand by event
coordinators for new brands to offer their guests. As we did with the Red Stripe Sorrel product
which we had only installed in the Charismas period, our “flavoured brand” will be as same for
the summer period, fostering vitality.
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