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Lecture 2 -- What is Statistics

Lecture 2 – What is Statistics?
January 17, 2020
Prof. Dan Tortorice
Economics 249 – Statistics
College of the Holy Cross
I am sure you have listened to or read news articles where reporters make statements
such as:
• The economy expanded by 2% in the last quarter ...
• Women make 79 cents for every dollar men make ...
• Since 1993, the US firearm homicide rate was cut in half ...
Have you ever wondered:
• How people know these things?
• How did we come up with these numbers?
• How can we determine the causes of these fact?
If you find these questions interesting then taking a statistics course is the right thing to do.
Statistics Illustrations
• Monty Hall Problem
• Birthday Problem
• Wald problem
• Simpson’s paradox
• Going for it on 4th down
• Sitting a player in foul trouble.
• Flip Coin
• Cancer Clusters
Statistics is the formal analysis of data:
• Definition: Data: Quantitative observations.
Though data need not be quantitative, in statistics that is what we work with so I will
include that in the definition. Data is plural, from Latin datum “something given”. So we
say the, at first awkward, data are available, etc.
Components of Data
• Dataset
• Raw Data
• Variable
• Observation
• Unit of observation
• Element
Types of Data
• Time series vs. Cross Section
• Quantitative vs. Qualitative
• Discrete vs. Continuous
• Categorical – Data which can be divided into groups.
Data Sources
• Collect your own.
• Outside sources.
– FRED (Federal Reserve Economics Database). Macroeconomic Data
– Google Finance (Stock Return Data)
– Bureau of Labor Statistics
– Bureau of Justice Statistics