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CS140 Final Revision (3)

‫اوال الجزء العملي‬
‫يرجى مشاهدة الشروحات‬
‫كيفية اتخاذ القرار‬
‫‪-2‬يجب التفرقة بين ‪PostFix‬‬
‫المتغيرات ‪DataType‬‬
‫يمكنك اتخاذ القرار‬
‫و‪ PreFix‬في ‪Increment‬‬
‫باستخدام االمر ‪if‬‬
‫‪ and Decrement‬بمعنى‬
‫‪Data Types‬‬
‫;‪ int x=5‬وهذه اشكالها‬
‫‪Simple if‬‬
‫)‪int y=x++; or int y=++x; (float,double) (String,char‬‬
‫)الشرط( ‪If‬‬
‫)‪ (Boolean‬في الحالة األولى تسمى‬
‫‪ PostFix‬وهذا معناه انه سوف كود في حالة تحقق‬
‫الدخال قيمة في المتغير‬
‫ال يكون هناك تأثير في نفس‬
‫‪ Initialization‬نستخدم عالمة =‬
‫السطر اي ان ‪ x‬لن تزيد بمقدار‬
‫كود في حالة عدم‬
‫;‪ int x; x=5; double y; y=5.0‬واحد ولكن سوف تزيد في‬
‫;تحقق الشرط‬
‫الحالة الثانية‪..‬‬
‫كيفية كتابة كالس كامل في الجافا‬
‫;‪Do while‬‬
‫;‪Nested if‬‬
‫;‪ -3 import java.util.Scanner‬يجب عند استخدام الشروط‬
‫;بداية العد=‪int counter‬‬
‫)الشرط االول(‪If‬‬
‫{اسم الكالس ‪ public class‬وفي حالة اختبار هل القيمة ‪x‬‬
‫‪ public static void‬تساوي القيمة ‪ y‬ام ال ان تقوم‬
‫{)‪ main(String[] args‬باستخدام == وليس = واحدة‪.‬‬
‫الكود الذي تريد تكراره‬
‫الشرط ( ‪else if‬‬
‫‪-4 Scanner input=new‬يجب ان تكون على علم‬
‫; مقدار الزيادة‪counter=counter+‬‬
‫;)‪ Scanner(System.in‬بكافة قواعد الشروط وهي‬
‫)نهاية العد<‪} while(counter‬‬
‫كود في حالة تحقق‬
‫البرنامج اللي حتكتبه كالتالي‪<<.......‬‬
‫;الشرط الثاني‬
‫‪True False‬‬
‫لو كنت عايز تسأل المستخدم انه‬
‫‪For loop‬‬
‫‪True True False‬‬
‫يدخل قيمة‬
‫كود في حالة عدم نهاية <‪; counter‬بداية العد=‪for(int counter‬‬
‫)مقدار الزيادة‪; counter=counter+‬العد‬
‫اذا كان هناك اكثر‬
‫الكود الذي تريد تكراره‬
‫‪ Or || True False‬من كود يجب‬
‫;)”‪enter your value‬‬
‫الكلمة ‪ Continue‬تستخدم داخل اللوب الخبار‬
‫وضعه بين }{‬
‫البرنامج للذهاب الى بداية اللوب‪..‬‬
‫‪True True True‬‬
‫وقد يتغير ‪ Int‬بناءا على نوع‬
‫‪False True False‬‬
‫يمكنك ايضا‬
‫استخدام االمر‬
‫‪ -5‬التعبير ‪? :‬‬
‫‪ switch Not True False‬وشكله‬
‫‪-1‬عند استخدامك لمتغير من نوع‬
‫الشكل األساسي‬
‫‪(Expression) ? value if true : value if‬‬
‫‪ double or float‬يجب وضع‬
‫‪False True‬‬
‫متغفير او (‪switch‬‬
‫قيمة بها كسر عشري‪.‬‬
‫)قيمة تريد اختبارها وهو يستخدم الختبار شرط معين‬
‫ويجب ان تفرق بين | ‪|| ,‬‬
‫وايضا &‪ &&,‬حيث ان عالمة‬
‫الشرط ‪ -6 case‬الدالة ‪ printf‬وهي تستخدم لعرض‬
‫&& تقوم باختبار الشرط االول‬
‫‪:‬االول المخرجات بتنسيقات معينة‬
‫واذا وجدته ‪ False‬فيصبح‬
‫كود في حالة تحقق )‪System.out.printif(“%s%s”,Var1,Var2‬‬
‫الكل ‪ False‬بينما & تختبر كل‬
‫;الشرط االول‬
‫الشرط ‪case‬‬
‫;بداية العد=‪int counter‬‬
‫)نهاية العد<‪while(counter‬‬
‫الكود الذي تريد تكراره‬
‫; مقدار الزيادة‪counter=counter+‬‬
‫كود في حالة تحقق‬
‫;الشرط الثاني‬
ArrayList ‫كيفية التعامل مع اي‬
Loop ‫برنامج متكامل الدخال قيم وعرضها عن طريق‬
ArrayList<Integer> squares = new ArrayList<Integer>();
//to enter values
Scanner in=new Scanner(System.in);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
System.out.println("Enter Number: ");
//to Display Values
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Array ‫كيفية التعامل مع اي‬
‫تعريف االراي‬
Type of Array ArrayName=new
TypeofArray(Elements Number)
double myArray=new double(10)
double myArray={10,20,30}
‫لوضع قيمة‬
ArrayNAme[Element Index]=value
‫لعرض قيمة‬
Loop ‫برنامج متكامل الدخال قيم وعرضها عن طريق‬
double[] myArray=new double[10];
Scanner in=new Scanner(System.in);
//to enter values
for(int i=0;i<myArray.length;i++)
System.out.println("Enter Number: ");
//to DisplayValues
for(int i=0;i<myArray.length;i++)
‫ثانيا الجزء النظري‬
‫يفضل ان تقوم بمشاهدة المنتج بالكامل‬
Chapter 1
1. What is programming?
 Computers are programmed to perform tasks. i.e Different tasks = different programs 
 Program is a Sequence of basic operations executed in succession and contains instruction
sequences for all tasks it can execute 
Sophisticated programs require teams of highly skilled programmers and other professionals 
2. Anatomy of a Computer
Computer is a General purpose device. It contains Central Processing Unit (Chip and Transistors),
Storage Primary storage: Random-access memory (RAM), Secondary storage: e.g. hard disk and
Removable storage devices: e.g.: floppy disks, tapes, CDs) and Peripherals. It executes very
simple instructions also executes instructions very rapidly.
3. Draw a Schematic Diagram of a Computer.
4. Machine Code:
Machine code is written in low level language. Example: Assembly Language. The computer
would understand only machine codes.
It depends on the CPU.
5. Java Virtual Machine
The instruction set of the Java virtual machine (JVM) can be executed on many types of CPU
because of Java have the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It is a typical sequence of machine
instructions. Java Compiler compiles the java program and produce a class files has extension
.class. It have byte codes. The compiler does not produce a class file if it has found errors in your
program. The Java virtual machine loads instructions from the program's class file, starts the
program, and loads the necessary library files as they are required. i.e Write Once and Runs
6. Benefits of Java Programming Language: It is a simple, safe, platform independent with rich
library packages. It designed mainly for Internet based applications. Java is a case sensitive.
7. Structure of a simple java program:
 Classes are the fundamental building blocks of Java programs. Take an example, 
public class HelloPrinter
It starts a new class named as HelloPrinter. Every source file can contain at most one
public class. The name of the public class must match the name of the file containing
the class:
Class HelloPrinter must be contained in a file named HelloPrinter.java
 Every Java application contains a class with a main method 
When the application starts, the instructions in the main method are executed 
public static void main(String[] args)
This declares a main method.
 Compiler ignores any text enclosed between // and end of the line. /* and */ is also used
for more than one line comments needed. Use comments to help human readers
understand your program. 
 The body of the main method contains statements inside the curly brackets
({}) Each statement ends in a semicolon (;) 
Statements are executed one by one
Our method has a single statement: 
System.out.println("Hello, World!");
which prints a line of text: Hello, World
 System.out.println("Hello, World!"); is a method
call A method call requires: 
The object that you want to use (in this case, System.out) 
The name of the method you want to use (in this case, println) 
Parameters enclosed in parentheses (()) containing any other information the method 
needs (in this case, "Hello, World!")
Example Program:
// This is a simple java program named as HelloPrinter.java.
/* It creates the class called HelloPrinter.class. Because, the class name and file
name must be same. This program has a main method. */
public class HelloPrinter
public static void main (String[] args)
// Display a greeting in the console window
System.out.println("Hello, World!");
8. Discuss about the java program execution.
You have to explain the sequence of the above operations in statements.
While compilation or after compilation there will be a chance of errors. Errors mean mistakes
done by programmer or user. The Compiler compiles a java program and execute it if there will
be no errors. This is called as Compile Time Errors.
Compile-time error: A violation of the programming language rules that is detected by the
System.ou.println("Hello, World!);
• This is called Syntax error
Run-time error: Causes the program to take an action that the programmer did not intend
System.out.println("Hello, Word!"); System.out.println(1/0);
• This is called Logic error
9. Error management strategy: 1. Learn about common errors and how to avoid them. 2. Use
defensive programming strategies to minimize the likelihood and impact of errors. 3. Apply
testing and debugging strategies to flush out those errors that remain
10. Algorithm: A sequence of steps that is: unambiguous, executable and
terminating Pseudocode: An informal description of an algorithm.
Flowchart: Graphical Representation of an algorithm.
For example: Algorithm for deciding which car to buy, based on total costs:
For each car, compute the total cost as follows:
annual fuel consumed = annual miles driven / fuel
efficiency annual fuel cost = price per gallon x annual fuel
consumed operating cost = 10 x annual fuel cost
total cost = purchase price + operating
cost If total cost1 < total cost2
Choose car1
Choose car2
Pseudo Code:
Describe how a value is set or changed:
total cost = purchase price + operating
cost Describe decisions and repetitions:
For each car
operating cost = 10 x annual fuel cost
total cost = purchase price + operating cost
Use indentation to indicate which statements should be selected or
repeated Indicate results:
Choose car1
Chapter – 2
0. type: A type defines a set of values and the operations that can be carried out on the
values Examples:
13 has type int
"Hello, World" has type String
System.out has type PrintStream
Java has separate types for integers and floating-point numbers
The double type denotes floating-point numbers
A value such as 13 or 1.3 that occurs in a Java program is called a number literal
2. Number types are primitive types. Numbers are not objects. Numbers can be combined by
arithmetic operators such as +, -, and *.
a. What is the type of the values 0 and "0"?
Answer: 0 is int and "0" is String.
b. Which number type would you use for storing the area of a circle? Answer: double.
c. Why is the expression 13.println() an error?
Answer: An int is not an object, and you cannot call a method on it.
3. Variables:
 Use a variable to store a value that you want to use at a later time. 
 A variable has a type, a name, and a value: 
String greeting = "Hello,
World!” PrintStream printer =
System.out; int width = 13;
 Variables can be used in place of the values that they store:
printer.println(greeting); // Same as System.out.println("Hello,
World!”) printer.println(width); // Same as System.out.println(20)
 It is an error to store a value whose type does not match the type of the variable:
String greeting = 20; // ERROR: Types don’t match
4. Identifiers
Identifier: name of a variable, method, or class
Rules for identifiers in Java:
Can be made up of letters, digits, and the underscore (_) and dollar sign ($)
characters Cannot start with a digit
Cannot use other symbols such as ? or %
Spaces are not permitted inside identifiers
You cannot use reserved words such as
public They are case sensitive
 By convention, variable names start with a lowercase letter 
“Camel case”: Capitalize the first letter of a word in a compound word such as
 By convention, class names start with an uppercase letter 
 Do not use the $ symbol in names — it is intended for names that are automatically
generated by tools 
5. Variable declaration:
typeName variablename = value; or typeName variablename;
int area = 10; // This is called variable definition
int area;
// This is called variable declaration
" = " is called as Assignment operator which is used to assign values.
6. Check these are valid identifiers:
Hello, World
Answer: Only the first two are legal identifiers.
7. Object and Class
Object: It is an entity that you can manipulate in your programs (by calling methods). Each
object belongs to a class. OR
It is an instance of a class. OR
Object is container or box that contains data and the functions that operate on that
data. Example: System.out belongs to the class PrintStream
Class: It specifies what data and what functions will be included in objects of that class.
Defining the class doesn’t create any objects, just as the mere existence of data type int
doesn’t create any variables.
A class is thus a description of a number of similar objects. This fits our non-technical
under- standing of the word class. Prince, Sting, and Madonna are members of the rock
musician class. There is no one person called “rock musician,” but specific people with
specific names are members of this class if they possess certain characteristics.
Public Interface: specifies what you can do with the objects of a class.
8. Overloaded method or Polymorphism: when a class declares more than one method with
the same name, but different parameters is called Overloaded method or Polymorphism.
Example: add ( ), add (a), add (a, b), add (a, b, c) add is a method name with different
9. String Method
concat(), length(), substring(), toUpperCase , replace, compareTo, equals, equalsIgnoreCase
String s1, s2, s3;
String greeting = "Hello, World!";
int n = greeting.length(); // sets n to 13
s1 = "dammam";
s2 = s1.toUpperCase(); // s1 has the value " DAMMAM"
String river = "Mississippi";
river.replace("issippi", "ouri"); // river has the value "Missouri"
s3 = greeting.substring(0,5); // s3 has the string "Hello"
Note: Like that, check the String class and methods available and study
10. Implicit and Explicit Parameters
Input is given to a method through enclosed in parentheses after the method name known as
explicit parameters. There is no variables passed through parameter is called implicit
The implicit parameter of a method is the object on which the method is
invoked public void deposit(double amount)
balance = balance + amount;
In the call, momsSavings.deposit(500)
The implicit parameter is momsSavings and the explicit parameter is 500
When you refer to an instance variable inside a method, it means the instance variable of the
implicit parameter
The this reference denotes the implicit
parameter balance = balance + amount;
actually means
this.balance = this.balance + amount;
When you refer to an instance variable in a method, the compiler automatically applies it to
the this reference
A method call without an implicit parameter is applied to the same object
11. A method must be returning a value, if not then it is declared as void. Return a value through
the parameter or without parameter.
For example, int n = greeting.length(); // return value stored in
n Or
// use the return value as a parameter of another method
12. Rectangle is a class with different methods. Please go through it. Construct an object for this
class and access the methods.
13. Accessor method: does not change the state of its implicit parameter:
double width = box.getWidth();
Mutator method: changes the state of its implicit
parameter: box.translate(15, 25);
14. API: Application Programming Interface
API documentation: lists classes and methods in the Java
library http://java.sun.com/javase/7/docs/api/index.html
Please go through this and refer all the classes and methods
15. Package: a collection of classes with a related purpose
Import library classes by specifying the package and class name:
import java.awt.Rectangle;
You don’t need to import classes in the java.lang package such as String and System
16. Object reference: describes the location of an object
The new operator returns a reference to a new object:
Rectangle box = new Rectangle();
Multiple object variables can refer to the same
object: Rectangle box = new Rectangle(5, 10, 20,
30); Rectangle box2 = box; box2.translate(15, 25);
Primitive type variables ≠ object variables
17. Graphical Applications and Frame Windows
To show a frame:
1. Construct an object of the JFrame class:
JFrame frame = new
JFrame(); 2. Set the size of the frame:
frame.setSize(300, 400);
3. If you’d like, set the title of the frame:
frame.setTitle("An Empty Frame");
4. Set the “default close operation”:
5. Make the frame visible:
18. Drawing a Component
In order to display a drawing in a frame, define a class that extends the JComponent class
Place drawing instructions inside the paintComponent method. That method is called
whenever the component needs to be repainted:
public class RectangleComponent extends JComponent
public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
Drawing instructions go here
19. Classes Graphics and Graphics2D
Graphics class lets you manipulate the graphics state (such as current color)
Graphics2D class has methods to draw shape objects
Use a cast to recover the Graphics2D object from the Graphics parameter. Call method draw
of the Graphics2D class to draw shapes, such as rectangles, ellipses, line segments, polygons,
and arcs:
public class RectangleComponent extends JComponent
public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
// Recover Graphics2D
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
Rectangle box = new Rectangle(5, 10, 20,
30); g2.draw(box);
20. Using a Component :
1. Construct a frame.
2. Construct an object of your component class:
RectangleComponent component = new
RectangleComponent(); 3. Add the component to the frame:
4. Make the frame visible.
21. Applet:
Applet: program that runs inside a web browser
To implement an applet, use this code outline:
public class MyApplet extends JApplet
public void paint(Graphics g)
// Recover Graphics2D
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
// Drawing instructions go here
This is almost the same outline as for a component, with two minor
differences: You extend JApplet, not JComponent
1. You place the drawing code inside the paint method, not inside paintComponent
2. To run an applet, you need an HTML file with the applet tag
3. An HTML file can have multiple applets; add a separate applet tag for each applet
4. You view applets with the applet viewer or a Java enabled browser:
appletviewer RectangleApplet.html
22. Like Rectangle, study Ellipse, Drawing Lines, Color etc.
Standard colors Color.BLUE, Color.RED, Color.PINK,
etc. Specify red, green, blue between 0 and 255:
Color magenta = new Color(255, 0,
255); Set color in graphics context:
Color is used when drawing and filling shapes:
g2.fill(rectangle); // filled with current color
Chapter 3
1. Instance Variables:
Instance variables store the data of an object
Instance of a class: an object of the class
public class Counter
private int value;
O An instance variable declaration consists of the following parts:
access specifier (private)
type of variable (such as int)
name of variable (such as value)
O Each object of a class has its own set of instance variables
O You should declare all instance variables as private
Instance variable declaration
Accessing Instance variable
The count method advances the counter value by
1: public void count()
value = value + 1;
The getValue method returns the current
value: public int getValue()
return value;
Private instance variables can only be accessed by methods of the same class
2. Encapsulation is the process of hiding object data and providing methods for data access
1. To encapsulate data, declare instance variables as private and declare public methods that
access the variables
2. Encapsulation allows a programmer to use a class without having to know its implementation
3. Information hiding makes it simpler for the implementor of a class to locate errors and
change implementations
3. Specifying Public Interface of a Class:
(abstraction): deposit money
withdraw money
get balance
Specifying Public Interface of a Class: Method Declaration
access specifier (such as public)
return type (such as String or void)
method name (such as deposit)
list of parameters (double amount for
deposit) method body in { }
public void deposit(double amount) { . . . }
public v-oid withdraw(double amount) { . . .
} public double getBalance() { . . . }
BankAccount – Public Interface
The public constructors and methods of a class form the public interface of the
class: public class BankAccount
// private variables--filled in later
// Constructors public BankAccount()
// body--filled in later
public BankAccount(double initialBalance)
// body--filled in later
// Methods
public void deposit(double amount)
// body--filled in later
public void withdraw(double amount)
// body--filled in later
public double getBalance()
// body--filled in later
4. Provide documentation comments for
every class
every method
every parameter
every return value
5. Constructors contain instructions to initialize the instance variables of an
object: public BankAccount()
balance = 0;
public BankAccount(double initialBalance)
balance = initialBalance;
** A constructor initializes the instance
variables Constructor name = class name
** Constructor body is executed when new object is created
** Statements in constructor body will set the internal data of the object that is being constructed
** All constructors of a class have the same name
** Compiler can tell constructors apart because they take different parameters
Constructor call Example:
BankAccount harrysChecking = new BankAccount(1000);
• Create a new object of type BankAccount
Call the second constructor (because a construction parameter is supplied in the
constructor call)
Set the parameter variable initialBalance to 1000
Set the balance instance variable of the newly created object to initialBalance
Return an object reference, that is, the memory location of the object, as the value
of the new expression
Store that object reference in the harrysChecking variable
6. Testing:
Unit test: Verifies that a class works correctly in isolation, outside a complete program
To test a class, use an environment for interactive testing, or write a tester class
Tester class: A class with a main method that contains statements to test another
class Typically carries out the following steps:
Construct one or more objects of the class that is being
tested Invoke one or more methods
Print out one or more results
Print the expected results
7. Local Variables:
Local and parameter variables belong to a method
When a method or constructor runs, its local and parameter variables come to
life When the method or constructor exits, they are removed immediately
Instance variables belongs to an objects, not methods
When an object is constructed, its instance variables are created
The instance variables stay alive until no method uses the object any longer
In Java, the garbage collector periodically reclaims objects when they are no longer used
Instance variables are initialized to a default value, but you must initialize local variables
8. Refer the Car Example.
Chapter – 4
1. Number types :
int: integers, no fractional part: 1, -4, 0
double: floating-point numbers (double precision): 0.5, -3.11111, 4.3E24, 1E-14
A numeric computation overflows if the result falls outside the range for the number
type: int n = 1000000;
System.out.println(n * n); // prints -727379968
Java: 8 primitive types, including four integer types and two floating point types
Floating Point types:
Rounding errors occur when an exact conversion between numbers is not
possible: double f = 4.35;
System.out.println(100 * f); // prints 434.99999999999994 Java:
Illegal to assign a floating-point expression to an integer variable:
double balance = 13.75;
int dollars = balance; // Error
2. Constants : final
 A final variable is a constant 
 Once its value has been set, it cannot be changed 
 Named constants make programs easier to read and maintain 
 Convention: Use all-uppercase names for constants
final double QUARTER_VALUE = 0.25; 
final double DIME_VALUE = 0.1;
final double NICKEL_VALUE = 0.05;
final double PENNY_VALUE = 0.01; 
payment = dollars + quarters * QUARTER_VALUE 
+ dimes * DIME_VALUE + nickels * NICKEL_VALUE
+ pennies * PENNY_VALUE;
Constant: static final
 If constant values are needed in several methods, declare them together with the
instance fields of a class and tag them as static and final 
 Give static final constants public access to enable other classes to use them 
public class Math
public static final double E = 2.7182818284590452354;
public static final double PI = 3.14159265358979323846;
double circumference = Math.PI * diameter;
When and Where we can use final and static final?
if constant is needed in the method then, u use the final constant. Ie. final
typeName variableName = expression;
example: final double CM_PER_INCH = 2.54; // inside a method
if constant is needed in several methods, declare static final in the class.
i.e access_specifier final typeName variableName = expression;
example: public static final double CM_PER_INCH = 2.54; // inside a class
3. Arithmetic operations: + , - , * and /. * and / is have higher priority than + and . To control the order of sub expression computation, we can use parenthesis.
Increment and Decrement operators: ++ and --.
Examples: count++; count = count + 1;
count--; count = count-1;
Integer Division:
int n= 5 / 2; it gives 2 is the answer. Because n is an integer. It stores quotient.
Int n = 5 mod 2; it gives 1 is the answer. It stores the remainder.
4. Math class: Please go through the methods in the Math class.
5. cast operator is used to convert from one type to another type. For example, integer to double or
double to integer using ( ).
double balance = total + tax;
int dollars = (int) balance; // convert double in to integer
Math.round converts a floating-point number to nearest integer:
long rounded = Math.round(balance);
// if balance is 13.75, then rounded is set to 14
6. A static method does not operate on an object
double x = 4;
double root = x.sqrt(); // Error
Static methods are declared inside classes
Naming convention: Classes start with an uppercase letter; objects start with a lowercase
letter: Math
Static Method Call: Math.pow(10, 3); // all parameters of a static method are explicit parameters
7. String: Please refer the book and previous chapters.
8. Converting String into numbers or vice versa.
 Convert to number: 
int n = Integer.parseInt(str);
double x = Double.parseDouble(x);
 Convert to string: 
String str = "" + n;
str = Integer.toString(n);
9. Reading input or how to get input from the keyboard!
System.in has minimal set of features — it can only read one byte at a time
In Java 5.0, Scanner class was added to read keyboard input in a convenient
manner Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter quantity:");
int quantity = in.nextInt();
// nextDouble reads a double
// nextLine reads a line (until user hits Enter)
// next reads a word (until any white space)
Suppose u want to read input from dialog box :
String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(prompt)
Convert strings to numbers if necessary:
int count = Integer.parseInt(input);
Conversion throws an exception if user doesn’t supply a number — see Chapter
11 Add System.exit(0) to the main method of any program that uses JOptionPane
Chapter 5
1. The if statement lets a program carry out different actions depending on a condition
Simple if
if (condition)
Simple if else
if (condition)
Multiple alternatives: sequence of
comparisons if (condition1)
if (condition2)
Nested Branches:
Branch inside another
branch: if (condition1)
if (condition1a)
if (amount <= balance)
balance = balance – amount;
Simple if - else
if (amount <= balance)
balance = balance – amount;
balance = balance – OVERDRAFT_PENALTY
Multiple Alternatives : sequence of comparison
The first matching condition is
executed Order matters:
if (richter >= 0) // always passes
r = "Generally not felt by people";
else if (richter >= 3.5) // not tested
r = "Felt by many people, no destruction";
Don’t omit else:
if (richter >= 8.0)
r = "Most structures fall";
if (richter >= 7.0) // omitted else--ERROR
r = "Many buildings destroyed";
For Nested if
2. Different
types Simple statement:
balance = balance amount; Compound statement:
if (balance >= amount) balance = balance amount; Also loop statements — Chapter 6
Block statement:
double newBalance = balance amount; balance = newBalance;
3. Relational operators
Math Notation
Greater than
Greater than or equal
Less than
Less than or equal
Not equal
4. Comparing Values
The = = denotes equality testing:
a = 5; // Assign 5 to a
if (a = = 5) ... // Test whether a equals 5
Relational operators have lower precedence than arithmetic
operators: amount + fee <= balance
Consider this code:
double r = Math.sqrt(2);
double d = r * r - 2;
if (d = = 0)
System.out.println("sqrt(2)squared minus 2 is
0"); else
System.out.println("sqrt(2)squared minus 2 is not 0 but " + d);
It prints:
sqrt(2)squared minus 2 is not 0 but 4.440892098500626E-16
To avoid roundoff errors, don’t use = = to compare floating-point numbers
To compare floating-point numbers test whether they are close enough: |x - y| ≤
ε final double EPSILON = 1E-14;
if (Math.abs(x - y) <= EPSILON)
// x is approximately equal to y
ε is a small number such as 10-14
Comparing Strings:
To test whether two strings are equal to each other, use equals
method: if (string1.equals(string2)) . . .
Don’t use = = for strings!
if (string1 = = string2) // Not useful = = tests identity, equals tests equal
contents Case insensitive test:
if (string1.equalsIgnoreCase(string2))
string1.compareTo(string2) < 0 means:
string1 comes before string2 in the dictionary
string1.compareTo(string2) > 0 means:
string1 comes after string2
string1.compareTo(string2) == 0
means: string1 equals string2
"car" comes before "cargo"
All uppercase letters come before lowercase:
"Hello" comes before "car"
Comparing Objects:
= = tests for identity, equals for identical content
Rectangle box1 = new Rectangle(5, 10, 20, 30);
Rectangle box2 = box1;
Rectangle box3 = new Rectangle(5, 10, 20, 30);
box1 != box3, but
box1.equals(box3) box1 = = box2
Caveat: equals must be defined for the class
5. Testing the null
null reference refers to no object:
String middleInitial = null; // Not
set if ( ... )
middleInitial = middleName.substring(0, 1);
Can be used in tests:
if (middleInitial == null)
System.out.println(firstName + " " + lastName);
System.out.println(firstName + " " + middleInitial + ". " +
lastName); Use ==, not equals, to test for null
null is not the same as the empty string ""
6. Using Boolean Expressions : Predicate Method
A predicate method returns a boolean value:
public boolean isOverdrawn()
return balance < 0;
Use in conditions:
if (harrysChecking.isOverdrawn())
Useful predicate methods in Character
class: isDigit
Boolean operators:
&& and
|| or
! not
if (0 < amount && amount < 1000) . . .
if (input.equals("S") || input.equals("M")) . . .
if (!input.equals("S")) . . .
Using Boolean variables:
private boolean married;
Set to truth value:
married = input.equals("M");
Use in conditions:
if (married) ... else ...
if (!married) ...
Also called flag
It is considered gauche to write a test such
as if (married == true) ... // Don't
Just use the simpler test
if (married) ...
7. Testing : Code coverage
Black-box testing: Test functionality without consideration of internal structure of
implementation White-box testing: Take internal structure into account when designing tests
Test coverage: Measure of how many parts of a program have been tested
Make sure that each part of your program is exercised at least once by one test case E.g., make
sure to execute each branch in at least one test case
Include boundary test cases: Legal values that lie at the boundary of the set of acceptable inputs
Tip: Write first test cases before program is written completely → gives insight into what
program should do
Chapter 6
Explain the Flow of Execution in a Loop.
◦ A while statement executes a block of code repeatedly. A condition controls for
how long the loop is executed.
◦ An off-by-one error is a common error when programming loops. Think through
simple test cases to avoid this type of error.
Use for loops to implement counting loops.
◦ You use a for loop when a variable runs from a starting to an ending value with a
constant increment or decrement.
◦ Make a choice between symmetric and asymmetric loop bounds.
◦ Count the number of iterations to check that your for loop is correct.
Implement loops that Process a Data Set Until a Sentinel Value is Encountered.
◦ Sometimes, the termination condition of a loop can only be evaluated in the
middle of a loop. You can introduce a Boolean variable to control such a loop.
Use Nested Loops to Implement Multiple Levels of Iterations.
◦ When the body of a loop contains another loop, the loops are nested. A typical
use of nested loops is printing a table with rows and columns.
Apply Loops to the Implementation of Simulations that Involve Random Values.
◦ In a simulation, you repeatedly generate random numbers and use them to
simulate an activity.
Use a Debugger to Locate Errors in a Running Program.
◦ A debugger is a program that you can use to execute another program and analyze
its run-time behavior.
◦ You can make effective use of a debugger by mastering just three concepts:
breakpoints, single-stepping, and inspecting variables.
◦ When a debugger executes a program, the execution is suspended when-ever a
breakpoint is reached.
◦ The single-step command executes the program one line at a time.
◦ A debugger can be used only to analyze the presence of bugs, not to show that a
program is bug-free.
◦ Use the divide-and-conquer technique to locate the point of failure of a program.
◦ During debugging, compare the actual contents of variables against the values you
know they should have.
Chapter 7
Use Arrays for Collecting Values.
◦ An array is a sequence of values of the same type.
◦ You access an array element with an integer index, using the [] operator.
◦ Index values of an array range from 0 to length - 1.
◦ Accessing a nonexistent element results in a bounds error.
◦ The expression array.length yields the number of elements in an array.
◦ Avoid parallel arrays by changing them into arrays of objects.
Use Array Lists for Managing Collections whose Size can Change.
◦ The ArrayList class manages a sequence of objects whose size can change.
◦ The ArrayList class is a generic class: ArrayList<TypeName> collects objects of
the given type.
Use Wrapper Classes when Working with Array Lists of Numbers.
◦ To treat primitive type values as objects, you must use wrapper classes.
Use the Enhanced for Loop to Visit All Elements of a Collection.
◦ The enhanced for loop traverses all elements of a collection.
◦ In an enhanced for loop, the loop variable contains an element, not an index.
Work with Arrays that are Partially Filled.
◦ With a partially filled array, keep a companion variable to track how many
elements are used.
Be Able to Use Common Array Algorithms.
To count values, check all elements and count the matches until you reach the end.
To compute the maximum or minimum value, initialize a candidate with the
starting element. Then compare the candidate with the remaining elements and
update it if you find a larger or smaller value.
◦ To find a value, check all elements until you have found a match.
◦ An array variable stores a reference to the array. Copying the variable yields a
second reference to the same array.
◦ Use the Arrays.copyOf method to copy the elements of an array.
Describe the Process of Regression Testing.
◦ A test suite is a set of tests for repeated testing.
◦ Regression testing involves repeating previously run tests to ensure that known
failures of prior versions do not appear in new versions of the software.
Use Two-Dimensional Arrays for Data that is Arranged in Rows and Columns.
◦ Two-dimensional arrays form a tabular, two-dimensional arrangement. You access
elements with an index pair a[i][j].
Chapter 8
Find Classes that are Appropriate for Solving a Programming Problem.
◦ A class should represent a single concept from a problem domain, such as
business, science, or mathematics.
Analyze Cohesiveness and Coupling of Classes.
◦ The public interface of a class is cohesive if all of its features are related to the
concept that the class represents.
◦ A class depends on another class if it uses objects of that class.
◦ It is a good practice to minimize the coupling (i.e., dependency) between classes.
Recognize Immutable Classes and their Benefits.
◦ An immutable class has no mutator methods.
◦ References to objects of an immutable class can be safely shared.
Recognize Side Effects and the Need to Minimize Them.
◦ A side effect of a method is any externally observable data modification.
◦ In Java, a method can never change parameters of primitive type.
◦ When designing methods, minimize side effects.
◦ In Java, a method can change the state of an object reference parameter, but it
cannot replace the object reference with another.
Document Preconditions and Postconditions of Methods.
◦ A precondition is a requirement that the caller of a method must meet.
◦ If a method is called in violation of a precondition, the method is not responsible
for computing the correct result.
◦ An assertion is a logical condition in a program that you believe to be true.
◦ If a method has been called in accordance with its preconditions, then it must
ensure that its postconditions are valid.
Implement Static Methods that do not Operate on Objects.
◦ A static method is not invoked on an object.
◦ When you design a static method, you must find a class into which it should be
Use Static Variables to Describe Properties of a Class.
◦ A static variable belongs to the class, not to any object of the class.
Determine the Scopes of Local Variables and Instance Variables.
◦ The scope of a variable is the region of a program in which the variable can be
◦ The scope of a local variable cannot contain the declaration of another local
variable with the same name.
◦ A local variable can shadow an instance variable with the same name. You can
access the shadowed variable name through the this reference.
◦ You should give each variable the smallest scope that it needs.
Use Packages to Organize Sets of Related Classes.
A package is a set of related classes.
The import directive lets you refer to a class of a package by its class name,
without the package prefix.
◦ Use a domain name in reverse to construct an unambiguous package name.
◦ The path of a class file must match its package name.
◦ A field or method that is not declared as public or private can be accessed by all
classes in the same package, which is usually not desirable.
Use JUnit for Writing Unit Tests.
◦ Unit test frameworks simplify the task of writing classes that contain many test
◦ The JUnit philosophy is to run all tests whenever you change your code.