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Scientific Method Worksheet: Vocabulary & Steps

Name___________________________Period ______________
Fill in the blank with the correct vocabulary word.
________________ steps you follow in an experiment
________________ descriptive qualities like color, texture, shape, etc.
________________ results of your experiment - was your hypothesis correct?
________________ prediction of what you believe will occur
________________ to look at your data and see how it compares to your hypothesis
________________ the thing you measure
________________ what you notice or take notes on during an experiment
________________ the thing YOU change
________________ a test of your hypothesis conducted to collect data
________________ group all others are compared to; always stays the same
________________ things that change in an experiment
________________ numbers you measure- quantities like amount, weight, height, temperature, etc.
________________ a process, or steps taken, to produce reliable results to answer a specific question
1) In the Scientific Method, what is the “educated guess” you need to make about your
2) In the Scientific Method, what is the list of instructions you need to write out?
3) In the Scientific Method, you’ll have a list of items that you’ll need to complete your investigation. What is
this called?___________________________________________________
4) In the Scientific Method, you’ll have graphs and charts to display information you acquired through your
investigation. What is this called?_______________________________________
5) In the Scientific Method, after you have completed your investigation, you write about the outcome.
What is the write-up called? (It is always AT LEAST one paragraph.)
6) I am any factor that can change in a controlled experiment. What am I? _________________
7) You use measurements to describe an object or event with me. What type of data am I?
9) You make a guess on the basis of observation, experience, or research using me. What am I?
10) What are the 6 steps of the Scientific Method?
11) What type of observations are there and what is the difference between the two?
__________________ -- __________________________________________________________
__________________ -- __________________________________________________________
12) What types of variables are there and what is the difference between them?
__________________ -- __________________________________________________________
__________________ -- __________________________________________________________
__________________ -- __________________________________________________________
13) Suppose your friends went to the mall after dinner on a cool night. They saw some families with children
there. Which of the following statements are observations and which are inferences? Indicate your answer
with either the letter “O” for an observation or the letter “I” for an inference.
a) __________ It is wintertime.
g) __________ It was a cool night.
b) __________ It is night time.
h) __________ There were families there.
c) __________ They saw people.
i) __________ They ate dessert.
d) __________ They saw a movie.
e) __________ They played with kids.
j) __________ They were at the mall.
f) __________ One friend wore a sweater.
14) Determine which of the following statements are quantitative and which are qualitative.
a) __________ The paper clip has a mass of 3 grams.
b) __________ The temperature outside is 32 °C.
c) __________ It is cold outside.
d) __________ The house is 24 feet tall.
e) __________ The ladder has 25 steps.
f) __________ The ladder is shorter than the tree.
g) __________ The movie is long.
h) __________ The movie is 2 hours long.
i) __________ The test was over quickly.
j) __________ The test was over in 20 minutes.
15) Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the word bank.
The Scientific Method is a ___________ that can be used to answer any ___________. The process
begins when a scientist makes an ___________. Then, they do ___________ to learn more about the
topic and write a ___________ , or smart prediction. The scientist will conduct an ___________,
eventually coming to a ___________ . They will share their ___________ with other scientists to help
further discovery.