CC]\{EORTT{OMIES HWY29 N ATEENS, GA 30609 9444 i5 rr.'si 'lu'qv,'isrr reiaiters, ur oiins-ralel rtrlrdseM-uJtL'crtlrlg concerning qel€CIS cetecis i ":-r_::9:1,::_:_T:19_ , -, - - =---:: -"'T:lf,"c.",,1rq i :":*T:-:T:::t3:,"-::*:i:::^:T.,,-Tlll:gTfi^F:: "dgiirsnar;niclrnarion nlanu'f;il;#;;. j.ff#j:;ffi;;1': in manuiaCilred hornes. MaCy SiaieS aiSO harte a ln airour rhesa p'osrans, aee secrc,ns riired ,.Djspute i :::,,.:1":i::::::,_r:jl!1.,#H,H#i:i;ii,'Li:ilH;xJ,l1H:'.5,:,?,3,iltii?"31.3,il1;f;fi:,3::;'j5:ifl::ff r::-t',]:*to the putchas€r. iltese picgraias aie noi B,arani!' prograrns w:i /23 and do r,o1 reptace rhe manlfact'reis, o, an), j o.:tr"r :ff::'=.:"^::" persontiorlr;,rB;;;;;rar. 7fi6-549-8860 d,o ADDRESS i artt? \) ---iA.L:t I CCi_CF 9EDROOtAS | i 4 F'.CCF SIZE i;l L li:l Ci-r SiZ ltvulZ FRoPoSED DELIVeTv = i o,oif STO@K i{L,lLiEER KEY NUMBERS Uf,I'T IP,JS Itf)i!,.!,ina lS D|SCL lll COittPL !: DBY &ta# Vt/tTH THE FE sEcTloN 45A"15. fi P'THIr,trrt,,H6r5.itFfdiEi,f T, LAECIfi Eru$ NOI!-TAXABLE JTEMS ("/ 4d8 1. CASH PURCH,qSE PRICE LE-qS BAL. DUE on above A LESS TCTAI- CBEDITS 61/0.: SALES TAX (it Not lncluded 3. Unpaid galancesf Cash Sate It Eii.,fri' Friee lS riS: Tires, wheels and axles are not part of the sale and will be retumed to retailer ALANCE CABFIED TO OPTiONAL EOUIPN,IENT Eealer and Euysr{s} eertify fl.}at the additicnal teruns and eanditions printed on the other side of this ecntract are agreed !o aq a part of ttis eontrac4 the sane as if printed rLE ltl0. SEfi'AL NO. optianal equlpment and aecesseries, Any Ii0UNTOW|NG 7o wHoM ,I'E orI{ES Cr{ abcve-tbe signatures. Euiresls; are purchasing fl.ra iiboue deseribed moduiar or mafiufaetured home, and the 'ir:surance ,S TO BE PAID BY described has been voluntary. Euyer(s)'s trade-in is fiee from all cieirns whatsoever, exceptas nbted hereon. starrED I scetu r sFcrrRrT? i:c