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Financial Economics II: Firm Financing & Derivatives

Financial Economics II
Learning in this course
• How do firms finance?
• Internal Source
• External Sources
• Capital budgeting and Cost of Capital
• Investment Decisions such that value for the company's shareholders is
• How do we value?
• Capital structure Choice
• Does financing decision matter for the value of the firm?
• What determines capital structure choice?
Learning in this course
• Derivative Securities
• Why do derivative securities exist?
• Forward, Futures and Swaps
• Options and Option Pricing Models
Why do firms need financial capital?
1. Fixed capital requirement
• Funds that are to be used to purchase fixed or durable assets like land &
building, plant and machinery, and furniture and fixtures, are known as fixed
capital or long term capital.
2. Working capital requirement
• Day to day expenses of business or for short term assets or current assets like
stock of material, and for meeting current expenses
Classification of sources of funds
1. On the basis of period
2. On the basis of ownership
3. On the basis of source of fund generation
Sources of finance on the basis of period
• Long-Term Capital: Funds requirements for five or more than five
• Short-Term Capital: Requirement is for a shorter period i.e. less than a
• Medium-Term Capital: Funds required for a period of 2 to 5 years
Long-Term Capital
Issue of equity & preference shares
Issue of debentures
Loans from financial institutions
Loan from banks
Reinvestment of profits
Short-Term Capital
Trade credit
Instalment credit
Commercial paper
Medium-Term Capital
Issue of shares
Issue of debentures
Borrowing from banks and other financial institutions
Reinvestment of profits
Public deposits
Lease financing
Classification on the basis of ownership
• Owners’ Capital: Capital invested in a business by its owners who by
investing the money become entitled to the profits of the business.
• Borrowed Capital: Funds raised through loans or borrowings.
Borrowed money involves a fixed obligation to pay interest and repay
the principal amount as and when due.
Classification on the basis of source of fund generation
• Internal sources: Funds are raised from within the organisation
Capital invested by owners
Retained earnings
Sales of unwanted assets
Sales of stock
Debt collection
• External Sources: Money raised from outside the business
Adding more partners
Bank overdraft
Commercial bills
Trade credit
Government grants
Internal sources
• Capital invested by owners
• Retained earnings
• Sales of unwanted assets
• Sales of stock
• Debt collection
External Sources
• Adding more partners
• Bank overdraft
• Commercial bills
• Mortgage
• Trade credit
• Government grants
• Venture capital
• Lease
• Debenture
• Bonds
• Equity
• Hire purchase
• Friends and relatives