Sept 2014 FSW Online Course Evaluation Form Dear External Reviewer, Thank you for evaluating this online/blended course and ensuring its quality prior to delivery to students. The TIFDOL Design Team requests that you function on two levels: 1) Evaluate how effectively this course fulfills course outcomes and prepares students for the next course in their course sequence, and 2) Put the course through its paces by playing the role of the student in taking every quiz, test, submitting fake assignments, opening links and files, etc. Your thorough efforts now avoid future problems for multiple instructors and students, plus improve course effectiveness and satisfaction. Thank you for your time and feedback. Design Team Teaching Innovation, Faculty Development, and Online Learning Division Your contact information: Name Title Email Banner ID # Phone number CRN and Course Name that you are evaluating: RATING SCALE QUESTIONS The following questions use a rating scale of 5=strong, 1=weak, and 0=N/A. Resources: Rate this course for the quality of its resources: 0 Text 0 Supplemental readings 0 Multimedia 0 Tutorials 0 Case studies 0 Other Engagement: Rate the extent to which the course design supports interaction and engagement. For example, in addition to requiring students to interact with the instructor, are mastery elements included to lend greater value to discussions? Do instructional activities require students to collaborate and is this collaboration supported by technologies exceeding text-only? 0 Instructor-student interaction 0 Student-student interaction 0 Student-content interaction Please explain your interaction and engagement scores. Usability: Did you find the course easy to use? Consider its consistency of design, organization, and intuitiveness. 0 Consistency of design 0 Organization 0 Intuitiveness Please explain your usability scores. Academic rigor: Rate this course on the appropriateness of its overall academic rigor and cognitive load. 0 Overall academic rigor 0 Cognitive load per module/activity 0 Scaffolding Please explain your academic rigor score. ERROR CHECK The purpose of the following grid is to checkmark areas in which you discovered errors. Since different courses have different numbers of modules, the matrix might be wider than you need; in which case, disregard the extra fields. MODULE # Intro 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Overview Learning Activities Assignments Discussions Quizzes Tests Multimedia Other FINAL COMMENTS AND COURSE RATING Please use this space to make any other comments about the course to improve its quality and effectiveness before it is distributed. Does this course cover everything that you would expect it to cover given its place in the program? Would you enjoy being a student in this course? Please explain. Midterm Final Assign an overall rating for this course (check one): Exemplary: This course exceeded my expectations and provides a rich learning environment. Students will appreciate the thoughtfully crafted learning experiences and assessments that foster mastery learning, engagement, and higher order thinking. This course meets all program outcomes; links to outcomes are embedded in assessments to provide feedback to the department. Accomplished: Rather than a repetitive readquiz-test sequence, this course intersperses engaging learning activities and supports students in their synthesis of concepts. This course meets all program outcomes; links to outcomes may be present in assessments. Acceptable: This is the minimum score needed for the course to be launched. This course provides a complete and error-free framework for instructors. It is logically organized and intuitive. The course is of the appropriate academic rigor and meets all program outcomes. Needs improvement: After several corrections, the course could be released. This course might be missing some critical components, contain errors, require only lower-order thinking, or not meet program outcomes. Recommended for redesign: This course does not meet program outcomes and/or is too problematic for release. Please sign, scan and email this form to the Director of Design and Development when completed. Your stipend payment will then be processed. Thank you for providing valuable feedback to the development team. Signature______________________________________________Date___________________________