Lalaine De Jesus 3rd year BSA MERALCO INTERNAL CONTROL Internal Control The Audit Committee assists the Board of Directors in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities over the company’s system of internal control. It is responsible for monitoring, overseeing, and evaluating the duties and responsibilities of management, the internal audit activity, and the external auditors as those duties and responsibilities relate to the organization’s processes for controlling its operations. The internal control framework of the company is embodied in the Management Control Policy. This policy defines the roles and responsibilities of the Management, the Internal Audit, and the Audit Committee relating to controls over the organization’s processes. It also describes the responsibility for a system of checks and balances and emphasizes the importance of internal control processes. Management is charged with the responsibility for establishing a network of processes with the objective of controlling the operations of the company in a manner which provides the Board of Directors reasonable assurance that: Data and information published either internally or externally is accurate, reliable, and timely; The actions of directors, officers, and employees are in compliance with the organization’s policies, standards, plans and procedures, and all relevant laws and regulations; The organization’s resources are adequately protected against loss, fraud, misuse, and damage; Resources are acquired economically and employed profitably; quality business processes and continuous improvement are emphasized; and The organization’s plans, programs, goals, and objectives are achieved. Internal control is an integral part of MERALCO’s governance system and risk management. It is the responsibility of managers at all levels of the organization to: Identify and evaluate the exposures to loss which relate to their particular sphere of operations Specify and establish policies, plans, operating standards, procedures, systems, and other disciplines to be used to minimize, mitigate, and/or limit the risks associated with the exposures identified. Establish practical controlling processes that require and encourage officers and employees to carry out their duties and responsibilities in a manner that achieves the control objectives of the Organization Maintain the effectiveness of the controlling processes that have been established and foster continuous improvement to these processes. Internal Auditor The internal audit activities conform to the concepts and principles enunciated in the definition of internal auditing as an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization’s operations. Internal audit services are performed in accordance with the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing. The internal audit group is led by a chief audit executive and includes 23 other staff with professional qualifications, which include Certified Internal Auditors, Certified Information Systems Auditors and Certified Public Accountants. The tasks of the internal audit group are set out in the Corporate Audit Charter and the Code of Corporate Governance of Meralco. To provide for independence of the internal audit group, the chief audit executive reports functionally to the AuditCom and administratively to the President and CEO in a manner outlined in the Corporate Audit Charter. Ms. Helen T. de Guzman, the First Vice President and Chief Audit Executive of the Manila Electric Company or MERALCO, heads our Corporate (Internal) Audits. Prior to her internal audit posting, she has held other positions within the MERALCO group and other companies as external auditor, accounting officer, finance and administrative officer, comptroller, assistant general manager, treasury operations officer & assistant treasurer and compliance officer. Ms. De Guzman is a Certified Internal Auditor, a Certified Public Accountant, an Executive MBA degree holder from the Asian Institute of Management and a Fellow of the Institute of Corporate Directors of the Philippines. She likewise belongs to the core group of independent validators of the Institute of Internal Auditors Philippines or IIAP and a qualified team leader for external quality assessment reviews. Annually, a risk-based internal audit plan is prepared and approved by the AuditCom. The internal audit group issues reports to Senior Management and the Audit and Risk Management Committee on the results of reviews and audits covering various operational units of the Company and its subsidiaries including specific areas of concern identified by Management. Significant concerns, which have been reported by the internal audit group, and the implementation of responsive remedial measures, are monitored by Management and by the AuditCom. POLICIES AND PROGRAMS Meralco upholds the highest standards of corporate governance through issuance of various company policies and governance programs that are aligned with the Company’s vision, mission, overall strategic directions, corporate objectives, and long-term goals. The Company believes that well-defined policies should cascade governance principles to business operations and processes to strengthen the brand of service excellence and ethical culture of its directors, officers and employees of the Company. Guided by the governance principles of Fairness, Accountability, Integrity, Transparency and Honesty (FAITH), the Company has defined its governance framework through policies that promote best corporate governance practices from the top management down to the ranks in a manner that suits the distinct Meralco business environment. “Be Right” was introduced as the Company’s governance slogan to remind the directors, management and employees to BEhave RIGHT, observe the existing policies of the Company and report those who violate the same. In line with the Company’s efforts to improve its governance atmosphere and pursuant to the SEC Memorandum Circular No. 19, Series of 2016, otherwise known as the “Code of Corporate Governance for Publicly Listed Companies,” the Board approved a Revised Manual of Corporate Governance which was submitted to the SEC on April 24, 2017 which serves as the foundation of all the Company’s governance policies. Meralco’s Revised Manual of Corporate Governance embodies the principles and meets the standards of governance set by the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The Manual adheres to the laws enfranchising the corporate existence and utility operations of the company. It represents a firm commitment to a framework of corporate and governance rules and principles that covers all aspects of our business. If any approach deviates from this Manual, it is explained in the Compliance Officer's annual certification of compliance to the SEC. Specific documents like the Code of Ethics, Code of Employee Discipline, Safety Code, Policy on Subsidiary Management, Policy on Conflict of Interest and Guidelines on Board Committees, among others, were also developed and are being implemented in support of the principles embodied in the Revised Manual of Corporate Governance. The policies, rules and principles contained herein are built on Meralco's own standards and experience while respecting the benchmarks set in the SEC. These policies are available at the Corporate Governance HR Express Portal of Meralco and copies of the Corporate Governance Handbook, which compiles the above-mentioned policies, were distributed to all offices. As the corporate governance landscape changes, new policies are developed and existing ones are constantly being reviewed and improved. Among the new policies issued in 2017 is the Board Diversity Policy which was approved by the Board of Directors on December 18, 2017 in accordance with the Revised Manual of Corporate Governance and pursuant to the recommendations from the ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard and the SEC’s Code of Corporate Governance for Publicly-listed Companies. The Board Diversity Policy was issued to ensure that the Board has an appropriate mix of expertise, experience, independence, and skills that would encourage critical discussion and promote a balanced decision in the attainment of the Company’s strategic objectives and sustainable development. This is also in line with the Company’s recognition of the important role of women with appropriate and relevant expertise and experience that can contribute to the diversity of perspectives in the Board. As it strives to adapt with the changing conditions and as it formulates and improve policies and strategies to pursue sustainable development, the Company is determined to keep corporate governance the core of all its business decisions.