Uploaded by Brice Jones

IB Program Overview: PYP, MYP, DP & World Schools

5-10 mins
Talk about programs
What it is: started in Switzerland in the late 60s. PYP (1997), MYP (1994).
- The objective of this program was to "provide an internationally acceptable
university admissions qualification by offering standardized courses and assessments for
students aged 16 to 19.
-PYP: ages 3-12
-MYP: ages 11-16 (8 subject groups: LA, LL, IS, A, Sci, Math, Phys./HE, Design
-DP: ages 16-19
Mission Today: “To develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to
create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.” The
underpinning for this mission is their so-called Learner Profile, a set of key terms that that IB
strives for its learners to be: inquirers, communicators, open-minded, caring, principled, risktakers, reflective, just to name a few. There are about 5,000 schools world-wide that have one
or more of these programs.
IB World Schools: If you were to walk into an IB World School today, you would see
interdisciplinary work going on, you would see a common lesson plan model, you would see
classrooms built on inquiry-based learning, you would see student-lead projects, and you would
see a whole-school effort to implement, sustain, and improve all of these things.
Becoming an IB World School:
The process is a bit arduous because there are requirements that have to be met. But, we have
successfully become a candidate school. We have been assigned a consultant by the IB. We are
working to get all faculty trained (as required).