Chapter 2 – Weathering & Soil Study Guide 1. What is mechanical weathering? List the examples from the book and what happens in each. 2. What is chemical weathering? List the examples from the book and what happens in each. 3. What is the difference between weathering and erosion? 4. What are the most important factors in determining the rate of weathering? 5. What type of climate increases the rate of weathering? What type of climate slows the rate of weathering? 6. What is ice wedging? 7. What is soil? How is it formed? What is one of the main ingredients? 8. What is humus? 9. Name the particles of soil from largest to smallest. (Silt, Clay, Sand, Gravel) 10. What are the three layers of soil? What is in each layer? Which is best for growing plants? 11. What does soil texture depend on? 12. How do living organisms in soil help it? 13. What is bedrock? 14. What does permeable mean? 15. Why is soil a valuable resource? 16. What are some methods farmers use to conserve soil? 17. What events/activities caused the Dust Bowl? 18. (SHORT ESSAY) Describe how freezing and thawing of water causes mechanical weathering. Describe the process of freezing and thawing in detail. 19. (SHORT ESSAY) Describe two ways soil can be damaged or lost. Describe how erosion and exhaustion can cause soil to be damaged or lost