Uploaded by Paolo Iuvone

Real Estate Investment Strategy: McAllen, Texas

An “S” Corporation
• It is an extremely popular investment among
most individuals.
Why Real
• It is set to become the best investment an
• They are tangible assets.
individual can make.
• Increase in net w orth and portfolio
In what ways
can I start
making a
• Looking at properties, both, physically and
• Be aw are of the market (w e are in a w orld
crisis and w e don’t know how the market
w ill behave)
• Start small if you are broke. Real Estate is
not a quick cash method. It is slow but
steady and sure.
• In my opinion, it is alw ays a great time. As
long as w e make consistent investment
throughout all phases of the market in order
Is now the
right time?
to achieve the highest average returns.
• With the w hole COVID -19 crisis w e honestly
don’t know if w e are a little early or already
late. We just need to keep researching.
Can we
create a
• Yes absolutely w e do!
• My strategy consists of starting big in a
small market. That is w hy I am making so
much emphasis in buying as many small
complexes as w e can.
• This is a question that w e w ould have to ask
ourselves once w e are ¼ done paying our
Do we have
• Can w e sustain after w e have everything
paid off? We w ill see.
• Are w e here for the long haul? Yes.
• It is important to know w here the market is.
Most apartments in our price range are in
dow ntown McAllen, Texas.
• Most of these complexes are very old and
need renovation.
• What I am proposing is to buy these old
buildings in expectations that the city w ill
buy them from us for a w ay higher price in
other to make more modern apartments or
Let’s ask ourselves this question.
What can we bring to the table?