IB Theatre Warm Up Games GUIDELINES TO CHOOSING A GAME: 1. Must be approx 10 minutes or less 2. Must involve all students/encourage teamwork and ensemble 3. Should involve the body and voice (movement as well as vocal warm up) 4. Should be playful, fun, even silly or childish! There is no “stupid” game 5. Should be appropriate for school (no foul language or adult content etc. If questionable, ask me!) You will choose a game to teach and lead the class on your designated Warm Up Day. You will be given a grade based on how well prepared you were to lead on your day, and whether you followed the directions (above). The grade is out of 50 points. Have fun! Here are some websites to help you choose a game: https://dramateachersnetwork.wordpress.com/warm-up-games/ http://dramaresource.com/drama-games/ http://www.primaryresources.co.uk/pshe/pdfs/dramawarmups.pdf http://www.dramatoolkit.co.uk/drama-games/a-to-z