Name: _____________________________________________ Plot Outline for: Period: _____ “Lamb to the Slaughter” Climax: Rising Action (Complications): The officers eat the murder weapon and evidence 6. Mary offers the officers leg of lamb For dinner 5. Mary manipulates the police Falling Action: Mary giggles 4. Mary calls the police 3. Mary creates her alibi by baking the lamb and going to the store Resolution (Dénouement): 2. Mary hits Patrick over the head with frozen leg of lamb Mary gets away with murder Conflict(s): 1. Mary grabs lamb from freezer Inciting Event: Patrick tells Mary “the news” Ch vs. Ch Ch vs. Society Ch vs. Nature Ch vs. Self Theme (Moral): Ch vs ChMary vs Patrick A mother will do anything for her children Ch vs SocietyMary vs Police Happy wife, happy life Exposition: Characters: Setting: Mary Maloney(with child), Patrick Maloney, Detectives, Sam The Maloney’s home, 1950s, evening, grocery store