SCHOOL OF TEACHER EDUCATION AND LIBERAL ARTS Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 General Luna Road, Baguio City Philippines 2600 E-mail Address: Website: ADVOCACY PROJECT Instructions and Guidelines for the Advocacy Project Each of you will be working individually on this project. A. Read the slides attached with this file on how to prepare for your advocacy. Fill out the repertory grid of the following information. B. Creating a Poster: You will be creating a poster that will advertise your advocacy. Mechanics: 1. Posters must illustrate, interpret, and emphasize your chosen advocacy. 2. The poster may have minimal text (not more that 30 words) 3. Each student will submit one poster 4. Offline students can draw the poster in a 1/8 illustration board or a neatly cut ¼ white cartolina. 5. Coloring the poster to enhance the visual appeal is very much encouraged. 6. Offline learners will take a clear photo of their posters and send it via messenger. C. Advocacy Concept paper- FINALS 1. Each student will submit a 4-5 page concept paper detailing their advocacy. 2. A template/ guideline will be sent in the gchat after the midterm exams. Deadlines: 1. Repertory grid- Nov 6 (I will upload this on FRIDAY) 2. Advocacy poster- Nov 20 3. Concept paper- Dec 11