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Biology Crossword Puzzle: Evolution & Genetics

Biology EA Word List Crossword
3. Two subpoulations of a species evolve reproductive isolation while continuing to exchange genes.
7. It is the independent evolution of similar traits, starting from a similar ancestral condition.
8. The quantity or amount of something present in a particular area.
10. The process whereby organisms not closely related independently evolve similar traits.
11. The study of changes in gene function due to environmental factors.
12. The process of producing two identical stands of DNA.
14. Changes within a group of organisms over a relatively short period of time.
18. Enzymes involved in the synthesis of DNA.
20. An organism's complete set of genetic instructions.
21. The movement of individuals and their genetic material from one population to another.
24. A group of organisms believed to comprise all the evolutionary descendants of a common ancestor.
25. A segment of DNA or RNA which does not code for proteins.
29. A permanent alteration in the DNA sequence.
34. The process through which populations of living organisms adapt and change.
36. The change in heritable characteristics of populations over generations.
37. The process by which information from a gene is used in the synthesis of a protein.
38. The basic building block of nucleic acids.
40. A symbiotic relationship between living things that compete for a limited resource.
42. A trinucleotide sequence complementary to a sequence on mRNA.
44. The study of all of a person's genes.
49. A type of selection where one phenotype is favoured, causing frequency to shift in one direction.
55. The change in allele frequency in a population due to random selection.
58. This occurs when individuals with different characteristics differ in their survival.
59. The process where groups from a common ancestor evolve and accumulate differences.
1. A weak bond which holds together the strands of DNA.
2. The formation of new and distinct species in the course of evolution.
4. An interaction between organisms, usually with benefits to one or both.
5. Proteins involved in the process of transcription.
6. Large-scale evolution that occurs at the level of species an above.
9. It is the hereditary material in almost all organisms.
13. Is a technique used to amplify a small segment of DNA.
15. The process by which the information in a strand of DNA is copied into mRNA.
16. A segment of DNA or RNA containing information coding for a protein.
17. Molecules from two different species are inserted into a host organism.
19. Occurs when two populations of the same species become isolated from each other due to geographic
22. An enzyme that separate double-stranded DNA into single strands for replication.
23. A way of organising living things based on the structure of their bodies.
26. The first to colonise barren environments.
27. The influence of closely associated species on each other in their evolution.
28. A structure within the cytoplasm, which is the site of protein synthesis.
30. The basic physical and functional unit of heredity.
31. A mode of natural selection in which extreme values are favoured over intermediate values.
32. The weight or total quantity of living organisms of a species in an area.
33. Is the RNA version of a gene that leaves the cell nucleus.
35. Anything that constrains a population's size and slows or stops it from growing.
39. Is the evolution of a new species from a surviving ancestral species while both continue to inhabit the
same region.
41. A selective force which pushes a population toward the average trait.
43. The process where plants and animals recolonise a habitat after a major disturbance.
45. The process of turning genes on and off.
46. A species' average population size in a particular habitat.
47. A method used to separate mixtures of DNA or proteins by size.
48. An organism that helps define an entire ecosystem.
50. The term for the position of a species within an ecosystem.
51. The position an organism occupies in a food chain.
52. The process where plants and animals first colonise a barren, lifeless habitat.
53. The process of identifying areas within an overall habitat to measure.
54. The process of creating proteins from a mRNA template.
55. The sum of all alleles in a population.
56. A sequence of three nucleotides that corresponds with a specific amino acid.
57. The variety of plant and animal life in the world or in a particular habitat.