VELEUČILIŠTE „MARKO MARULIĆ“ U KNINU STUDIJ: POLJOPRIVREDA KRŠA IZBOR IZ GRAMATIKE ENGLESKOG JEZIKA ZA STUDENTE POLJOPRIVREDE KRŠA (SKRIPTA S TEKSTOVIMA I VJEŽBAMA) Marijana Drinovac Topalović, v. pred. Knin, 2019. VELEUČILIŠTE „MARKO MARULIĆ“ U KNINU STUDIJ:POLJOPRIVREDA KRŠA IZBOR IZ GRAMATIKE ENGLESKOG JEZIKA ZA STUDENTE POLJOPRIVREDE KRŠA (SKRIPTA S TEKSTOVIMA I VJEŽBAMA) AUTORICA: Marijana Drinovac Topalović, v. pred. RECENZENTICE: Martina Sobočan, v.pred. (Međimursko veleučilište u Čakovcu) Katarina Ćurković Denona, lektorica (Sveučilište u Zadru) ISBN: 978-953-7504-19-9 Zabranjeno je kopiranje i/ili distribuiranje ove skripte bez dopuštenja autorice. Uvod Ova skripta namijenjena je ponajprije studentima stručnog studija Poljoprivreda krša Veleučilišta „Marko Marulić“ u Kninu. Nastala je iz želje da se studentima olakša svladavanje gradiva, imajući na umu nedostatak gramatičkih cjelina u udžbeniku koji se koristi u nastavi. Skripta je sastavljena od tekstova prilagođenih Engleskom jeziku struke (Engleski jezik PK), uz dodatak izabranih gramatičkih cjelina s različitim tipovima vježbi, sukladno Izvedbenom planu kolegija. Gramatički sadržaji preuzeti su s web-stranice:, a definicije su prevedene na hrvatski jezik zbog lakšeg snalaženja. Iako se u kolegiju stavlja naglasak na učenje vokabulara, za potpuno svladavanje nastavnih sadržaja, potrebno je svladati osnovne gramatičke strukture. Autorica ove skripte želi svim studentima, i ostalim korisnicima, puno uspjeha u učenju Engleskog jezika PK! Autorica Sadržaj 1 NOUNS (IMENICE) ........................................................................................................................ 1 2 ADJECTIVES (PRIDJEVI) ............................................................................................................. 5 3ADVERBS (PRILOZI) ................................................................................................................... 10 4 ARTICLES (ČLANOVI) ............................................................................................................... 13 5 PRESENT TENSES (Sadašnja glagolska vremena) ...................................................................... 20 6 PAST TENSES (PROŠLA GLAGOLSKA VREMENA).............................................................. 28 7 FUTURE TENSES (BUDUĆA GLAGOLSKA VREMENA) ...................................................... 34 8 CONDITIONAL CLAUSES (POGODBENE REČENICE) ......................................................... 38 9 PASSIVE VOICE (PASIV) ........................................................................................................... 41 10 DIRECT AND INDIRECT SPEECH (UPRAVNI I NEUPRAVNI GOVOR)............................ 43 11 NUMBERS (BROJEVI)............................................................................................................... 47 References (Izvori) ................................................................................................................................ 53 1 NOUNS (IMENICE) Imenice su riječi kojima imenujemo ljude, mjesta ili stvari: John, a cat, love. Singular and Plural Nouns (Jednina i množina imenica) Većina imenica tvori množinu dodavanjem nastavka –s: Singular Plural boat boats house houses cat cats river rivers Imenice koje završavaju na -s, -x, -z, -ch, -sh tvore množinu dodavanjem nastavka –es: Singular Plural bus buses wish wishes pitch pitches box boxes Kada imenica u jednini završava na –y ispred kojega je suglasnik, -y prelazi u –i i dodaje se nastavak –es: Singular Plural penny pennies spy spies baby babies 3 city cities daisy daisies Međutim, postoje imenice s nepravilnom množinom koje se tvore na sljedeći način: Singular Plural woman women man men child children tooth teeth foot feet person people leaf leaves mouse mice goose geese half halves knife knives wife wives life lives elf elves loaf loaves potato potatoes tomato tomatoes cactus cacti 2 focus foci fungus fungi nucleus nuclei syllabus syllabi/syllabuses analysis analyses diagnosis diagnoses oasis oases thesis theses crisis crises phenomenon phenomena criterion criteria datum data Ili imaju isti oblik za jedninu i množinu: Singular Plural sheep sheep fish fish deer deer species species aircraft aircraft Neke imenice imaju samo oblik za množinu i idu uz glagole u množini ili imaju različito značenje u jednini: trousers, jeans, glasses, savings, thanks, steps, stairs, customs, congratulations, tropics, wages, spectacles, outskirts, goods, wits. 3 trousers : My trousers are too tight. jeans: Her jeans are black. glasses: Those glasses are his. A TASK Read the text and write the nouns under the appropriate heading. (Pročitaj tekst i upiši imenice u odgovarajući stupac.) Agriculture students visited Taratahi Agricultural Training College in Masterton to gain some real farm experience and to learn about different courses available at Taratahi. Over four days, they mustered, drafted and weighed both sheep and cattle, and calculated dressing out percentages and income earned.They got a buzz from learning about bees and had an in-depth anatomy lesson while slaughtering a sheep.Milking 350 cows in a herringbone shed was a much more real experience than with the six cows at our school farm and the students enacted the birth of a calf in the only classroom lesson. Zoe Stevens commented, “It was a great trip; we got to do lots of hands-on stuff and learned a lot of new things. Agriculture students roll up their sleeves, COMMON PROPER COUNTABLE UNCOUNTABLE REGULAR IRREGULAR NOUNS NOUNS NOUNS PLURAL PLURAL NOUNS 4 2 ADJECTIVES (PRIDJEVI) Pridjevi opisuju aspekte imenica. Kada pridjev opisuje imenicu, kažemo da je "modificira". Pridjevi mogu: -opisati osjećaje i osobine: He is a lonely man. They are honest. -označavati nacionalnost i porijeklo: I heard a French song. This clock is German. Our house is Victorian. -dodatno opisati osobine stvari: That is a flashy car. The knife is sharp. - označavati dob: He's a young man. My coat is old. - označavati veličinu i mjeru: John is a tall man. This film is long. - označavati boju: Paul wore a red shirt. The sunset was crimson. 5 - označavati materijal od kojeg je nešto napravljeno: The table is wooden. She wore a cotton dress. - označavati oblik: - I sat at a round table. - The envelope is square. - iskazati stav ili ocjenu: That was a fantastic film. Grammar is complicated. Comparison (Komparacija) Jednosložni pridjevi Dodajte -er za komparativ i –est za superlativ. Ispred superlativa pridjeva uvijek se stavlja određeni član the. Kod kratkih pridjeva koji imaju jedan samoglasnik iza kojega slijedi suglasnik, krajnji suglasnik se udvostručuje. Adjective Comparative Superlative tall taller tallest fat fatter the fattest big bigger biggest sad sadder saddest Dvosložni pridjevi Dvosložni pridjevi tvore komparativ dodavanjem nastavka -er ili pomoću predmetka more, a superlativ dodavanjem nastavka -est ili predmetka the most. Ako pridjev završava na –y, on prelazi u –i. Adjective Comparative Superlative 6 Adjective Comparative Superlative happy happier happiest simple simpler simplest busy busier tilted more tilted tangled more tangled most tangled the busiest most tilted Višesložni pridjevi Višesložni pridjevi tvore komparativ pomoću predmetka more, a superlativ pomoću predmetka the most. Adjective Comparative Superlative important more important the most important expensive more expensive most expensive Nepravilna komparacija Adjective Comparative Superlative good better best bad worse worst little less much more far further / farther furthest / farthest the least most Today is the worst day I've had in a long time. You play tennis better than I do. This is the least expensive sweater in the store. This sweater is less expensive than that one. I ran pretty far yesterday, but I ran even farther today. 7 A TASK Find the adjectives in the text and then write their comparison. (Pronađi pridjeve u tekstu i ispod napiši sve stupnjeve njihove komparacije.) As the season progressed, he grew more and more sceptical of his plan. His troubles kept increasing and a new problem cropped up everyday. The Minimum Support Price announced by the government was lower than the previous year and much lower than the costs he had incurred. The soil had gone bad and none of his friends could figure out what the problem was. He felt helpless. Whose door should he knock? Where should he go for help? Where was all the promised technology and extension services, labs for soil health now when he needed them? It had been a huge farce. He looked enviously at the neighbouring field belonging to the wealthiest farmer in the village. Acres and acres of sprawling lush green fields just like in the movies – equipped with all the latest technology and paraphernalia including drip irrigation systems and sensor technologies. It reminded him of his grandfather telling him once about how the government was planning to take away land from the wealthy and distribute it more evenly in its programme of land reforms. It made him angry thinking the large field could feed atleast 10 families. The Curse of Agriculture – A short story, 8 9 3ADVERBS (PRILOZI) Prilozi mijenjaju pridjeve, glagole ili druge priloge. Obično stoje uz glagole i opisuju nam kako, kada i gdje se stvari događaju. Izražavaju količinu, intenzitet, učestalost i mišljenja. Prilozi se uglavnom tvore dodavanjem nastavka –ly na pridjev. Adjective Adverb cheap cheaply quick quickly slow slowly Ako pridjev završava na –y, -y postaje –i i dodaje mu se –ly. Adjective Adverb easy easily angry angrily happy happily lucky luckily Ako pridjev završava na -able, -ible, or -le, -e postaje -y. Adjective Adverb probable probably terrible terribly gentle gently 10 Ako pridjev završava na -ic, dodaje mu se -ally. Iznimka: public -> publicly Adjective Adverb basic basically tragic tragically economic economically Neki prilozi imaju isti oblik kao pridjevi: early, fast, hard, high, late, near, straight, & wrong Examples It is a fast car. He drives very fast. This is a hard exercise. He works hard. We saw many high buildings. The bird flew high in the sky. Prilog well odgovara pridjevu good. Examples He is a good student. He studies well. She is a good pianist. She plays the piano well. They are good swimmers. They swim well. A TASK Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.( Izaberi točan odgovor.) 1. The driver stopped the tractor _______________. A. Immediately B. Exactly 11 C. Abruptly D. Now 2. During autumn, colorful leaves can be seen falling ______________ from trees. A. Everywhere B. Very C. Gently D. Loudly 3. My grandmother always smiled _______________. A. Cheerfully B. Sadly C. Never D. Yesterday 4. After the storm, hay was strewn _________________. A. Blandly B. Everywhere C. Later D. Carefully 5. It’s time to harvest ____________. A. Before B. Now C. Yesterday D. Lightly 12 4 ARTICLES (ČLANOVI) Neodređeni član Neodređeni član u engleskom jeziku je a ili an. Uvijek stoji uz brojive imenice u jednini jer vuče porijeklo od broja jedan (one). a- ispred imenica koje počinju suglasnikom: a cat , a door, a horse ili imenica koje počinju sa u koje se izgovara kao j: a university an- ispred imenica koje počinju samoglasnikom: an aunt, an uncle, an elephant ili “muklim h:“: an hour Uporaba: - kada nešto spominjemo prvi put ili kao jedinku neke skupine: - Would you like a drink? I've finally got a good job. An elephant and a mouse fell in love. - uz zanimanja: John is a doctor. Mary is training to be an engineer. He wants to be a dancer. -uz nacionalnost i vjeroispovijest u jednini: John is an Englishman. Kate is a Catholic. -uz imena dana u tjednu kad se ne radi o posebnom danu (*jednoga petka, ne ovoga danas): I was born on a Thursday. Could I come over on a Saturday sometime? - uz primjerak neke vrste: The mouse had a tiny nose . The elephant had a long trunk . It was a very strange car . 13 - iza what i such: - What a shame ! She's such a beautiful girl . What a lovely day ! - u značenju jednoga: I'd like an orange and two lemons please. I'd like one orange and two lemons please. The burglar took a diamond necklace and some valuable paintings. I can think of a hundred reasons not to come. I need a kilogram of sugar. I need one kilogram of sugar. You can't run a mile in 5 minutes! Određeni član Riječ „the“ je jedna od najčešćih riječi u engleskom jeziku i jedini određeni član. Stavlja se ispred imenica kada govornik vjeruje da je njegov sugovornik upoznat s onim o čemu se govori. Određeni član the rabimo: -kada govorimo o nečemu što je ranije bilo spomenuto: On Monday, an unarmed man stole $1,000 from the bank. The thief hasn't been caught yet. I was walking past Benny's Bakery .I decided to go into the bakery to get some bread. There's a position available in my team. The job will involve some international travel. - kada pretpostavljamo da je nešto samo jedno od svoje vrste na nekom mjestu: - We went on a walk in the forest yesterday. - Where is the bathroom? - Turn left and go to number 45. Our house is across from the Italian restaurant. - My father enjoyed the book you gave him. - kada mislimo na određenu osobu ili predmet: The man who wrote this book is famous. 14 I scratched the red car parked outside. I live in the small house with a blue door. He is the doctor I came to see. -kada mislimo na osobe ili stvari koje su zbog neke svoje osobine jedinstvene: The sun rose at 6:17 this morning. You can go anywhere in the world. Clouds drifted across the sky. The president will be speaking on TV tonight. The CEO of Total is coming to our meeting. -ispred superlativa pridjeva i rednih brojeva: This is the highest building in New York. She read the last chapter of her new book first. You are the tallest person in our class. This is the third time I have called you today .-uz pridjeve koji se odnose na skupinu ljudi: The French enjoy cheese. The elderly require special attention. She has given a lot of money to the poor. -uz desetljeća: He was born in the seventies. This is a painting from the 1820's. -uz rečenice koje počinju s only: This is the only day we've had sunshine all week. You are the only person he will listen to. The only tea I like is black tea. - uz imena geografskih područja, rijeka, planinskih lanaca, skupina otoka, kanala i oceana: 15 They are travelling in the Arctic. Our ship crossed the Atlantic in 7 days. I will go on a cruise down the Nile. Hiking across the Rocky Mountains would be difficult. - uz imena država u množini: I have never been to the Netherlands. Do you know anyone who lives in the Philippines? - imena država koja ukjlučuju riječi "republic", "kingdom", or "states": She is visiting the United States. James is from the Republic of Ireland. -uz nazive dnevnog tiska: I read it in the Guardian. She works for the New York Times. - uz nazive poznatih građevina, umjetnina, muzeja i spomenika: - Have you been to the Vietnam Memorial? - We went to the Louvre and saw the Mona Lisa. - I would like to visit the Eiffel Tower. - I saw King Lear at the Globe. - uz imena hotela i restorana ukoliko se ne zovu po nekoj osobi: They are staying at the Hilton on 6th street. We ate at the Golden Lion. - kada prezimenom označujemo sve članove obitelji: We're having dinner with the Smiths tonight. The Browns are going to the play with us. 16 Izostavljanje određenog člana the NE STAVLJAMO ODREĐENI ČLAN UZ: - nazive država u jednini: Germany is an important economic power. He's just returned from Zimbabwe. - nazive jezika: French is spoken in Tahiti. English uses many words of Latin origin. Indonesian is a relatively new language. - nazive obroka: Lunch is my favorite meal. I like to eat breakfast early. - vlastita imena osoba: John is coming over later. Mary Carpenter is my boss. - kad se titule kombiniraju s imenima: Prince Charles is Queen Elizabeth's son. President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas. - iza posvojnog genitiva: His brother's car was stolen. Peter's house is over there. 17 - uz zanimanja: Engineering is a well-paid career. He'll probably study medicine. - uz nazive prodavaonica i modnih kuća: I'll get the card at Smith's. Can you go to Boots for me? - uz godine: 1948 was a wonderful year. He was born in 1995. - uz nebrojive imenice: Rice is an important food in Asia. Milk is often added to tea in England. War is destructive. - uz pojedinačne planine, rijeke i jezera: Mount McKinley is the highest mountain in Alaska. She lives near Lake Windermere. Have you visited Long Island? - uz većinu imena gradova, ulica, postaja, luka i zračnih luka: Victoria Station is in the centre of London. Can you direct me to Bond Street? She lives in Florence. They're flying into Heathrow. A TASK 18 Put a, an, the or Ɵ in the right place in the text. (Stavi članove ili ih izostavi ako nisu potrebni.) Machinery ___ period of important agricultural development began in ___ early 1700s for Great Britain and ___ Low Countries (Belgium, Luxembourg, and __ Netherlands, which lie below sea level). New agricultural inventions dramatically increased food production in Europe and ___ European colonies, particularly ___ United States and Canada. One of ___ most important of these developments was __ improved horse-drawn seed drill invented by Jethro Tull in England. Until that time, farmers sowed seeds by hand. Tull’s drill made rows of holes for ___ seeds. By __ end of __ 18th century, ___ seed drilling was widely practiced in ___ Europe. Many machines were developed in ___ United States. ___ cotton gin, invented by Eli Whitney in __ 1794, reduced ___ time needed to separate cotton fiber from seed. In __ 1830s, ___ Cyrus McCormick’s mechanical reaper helped modernize ___ grain-cutting process. At about the same time, John and Hiram Pitts introduced __ horse-powered thresher that shortened __ process of separating grain and seed from chaff and straw. John Deere’s steel plow, introduced in 1837, made it possible to work ___ tough prairie soil with much less horsepower. Along with new machines, there were several important advances in farming methods. By selectively breeding animals (breeding those with desirable traits), farmers increased ___ size and productivity of their livestock. Cultures have been breeding animals for centuries—evidence suggests ___ Mongolian nomads were selectively breeding horses in ___ Bronze Age. Europeans began to practice selective breeding on __ large scale beginning in ___ 18th century. An early example of this is ___ Leicester sheep, __ animal selectively bred in England for its quality meat and long, coarse wool. Plants could also be selectively bred for certain qualities. In 1866, Gregor Mendel’s studies in heredity were published in Austria. In experiments with pea plants, Mendel learned how traits were passed from one generation to ___ next. His work paved ___ way for improving crops through genetics. New crop rotation methods also evolved during this time. Many of these were adopted over ___ next century or so throughout __ Europe. For example, ___ Norfolk four-field system, developed in England, proved quite successful. It involved ___ yearly rotation of several crops, including wheat, turnips, barley, clover, and ryegrass. This added nutrients to ___ soil, enabling farmers to grow enough to sell some of their harvest without having to leave any land unplanted. Most of the world was not affected by these developments, however. Farmers in ___ Asia, Australia, Africa, and South America continued to use old ways of agriculture. Agriculture, 19 5 PRESENT TENSES (Sadašnja glagolska vremena) U engleskom jeziku postoje 4 glagolska vremena za označavanje radnje koja se događa u sadašnjosti. Simple Present Tense (Uobičajena sadašnjost) – za navike, radnje koje se ponavljaju u sadašnjosti i opće istine. Također se može koristiti za upute, čvrste dogovore i uz konstrukcije vezane za budućnost. For habits He drinks tea at breakfast. Open the packet and pour the contents into She only eats fish. hot water. They watch television regularly. You take the No.6 bus to Watney and then the For repeated actions or events No.10 to Bedford. We catch the bus every morning. For instructions or directions For fixed arrangements It rains every afternoon in the hot season. His mother arrives tomorrow. They drive to Monaco every summer. Our holiday starts on the 26th March For general truths With future constructions Water freezes at zero degrees. She'll see you before she leaves. The Earth revolves around the Sun. We'll give it to her when she arrives. Her mother is Peruvian. Forming the simple present tense: to think Affirmative Interrogative Negative I think Do I think? I do not think You think Do you think? You do not think 20 Affirmative Interrogative Negative He thinks Does he think? He does not think She thinks Does she think? She does not think It thinks Does it think? It does not think We think Do we think? We do not think. They think Do they think? They do not think. *SKRAĆENI OBLICI: does not=doesn't, do not: don't U 3. licu jednine, glagolu dodajemo nastavak –s: he wants, she needs, he gives, she thinks. Ako glagol završava na –y, on postaje –i i dodajemo mu nastavak –es: fly --> flies, cry --> cries IZNIMKA: samoglasnik ispred –y+ -s: play --> plays, pray --> prays. Ako glagol završava na: -ss, -x, -sh, -ch, dodajemo nastavak –es: he passes, she catches, he fixes, it pushes He goes to school every morning. She understands English. It mixes the sand and the water. He tries very hard. She enjoys playing the piano. *Prilozi uz Simple Present Tense: always, usually, sometimes, from time to time, often, every day/month/year, on Saturday… A TASK Read the text and turn the subjects from the Plural to the Singular form. What happens to the verbs?( Pročitajte tekst i prebacite subjekte iz množine u jedninu. Što se događa s glagolima?) Today, most farmers use tractors and other motorized equipment to help with field work. Tractors, combines, plows, etc. are much larger and move much faster than horses, so farmers are able to produce more food in a 21 shorter amount of time. These machines still need to be taken care of because they can break down just like a car, but they can run for longer periods of time and don’t need recovery periods. Comparing agriculture of the past with today, __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Present Continuous (Prava sadašnjost) - nesvršeni vid glagola, trajanje radnje, radnja koja se događa upravo sada, u trenutku govorenja Affirmative Negative Interrogative I am going I am not going Am I going? You are going You aren't going. Are you going? He, she, it is going He, she, it isn't going Is he, she, it going? We are going We aren't going Are we going? You are going You aren't going Are you going? They are going They aren't going Are they going? *SKRAĆENI OBLICI: I'm, you're, he's, we're, you're, they're Uporaba: -za označavanje radnje koja se trenutno događa: You are using the Internet. You are studying English grammar. -za opisivanje radnje koja traje u sadašnjosti ili trenda: Are you still working for the same company? More and more people are becoming vegetarian. - za planiranu/dogovorenu radnju u bliskoj budućnosti: We're going on holiday tomorrow. I'm meeting my boyfriend tonight. Are they visiting you next winter? 22 - za trenutno stanje, događaj, situaciju: He usually plays the drums, but he's playing bass guitar tonight. The weather forecast was good, but it's raining at the moment. -uz priloge always, forever, constantly za opisivanje niza radnji koje traju i ponavljaju se: Harry and Sally are always arguing! You're constantly complaining about your mother-in-law! NON-CONTINUOUS VERBS Glagoli u donjem popisu koriste se u obliku Simple Present Tense-a jer se odnose na stanja, a ne na radnje ili procese. Senses / Perception to feel* to hear to see* to smell to taste Opinion to assume to believe to consider to doubt to feel (= to think) to find (= to consider) to suppose to think* Mental states to forget to imagine to know to mean to notice to recognise to remember to understand Emotions / desires to envy to fear to dislike to hate to hope to like to love to mind to prefer to regret to want to wish Measurement to contain to cost to hold to measure to weigh Others to look (=resemble) to seem to be (in most cases) to have (when it means "to possess")* Iznimka su perceptivni glagoli (see, hear, feel, taste, smell) koji se često rabe uz can: I can see... Mogu se koristiti u Continuousu, ali uz promjenu značenja: This coat feels nice and warm. (vaša percepcija kvalitete kaputa) 23 John's feeling much better now (his health is improving) She has three dogs and a cat. (possession) She's having supper. (She's eating) I can see Anthony in the garden (perception) I'm seeing Anthony later (We are planning to meet) *Prilozi uz Present Continuous: now, at the moment A TASK Turn the verbs in the tex tinto the Present Continuous Tense./ Stavi glagolske oblike iz teksta u Present Continuous. Farmers use technology to make advances in producing more food for a growing world. Through the use of technology, each farmer is able to feed 155 people today, compared to 1940, when one farmer could feed only 19 people. Farmers use technologies such as motorized equipment, modified housing for animals and biotechnology, which allow for improvement in agriculture. Better technology has allowed farmers to feed more people and requires fewer people to work on farms to feed their families. Comparing agriculture of the past with today, __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Present Perfect Tense Present Perfect Tense se koristi za ukazivanje na vezu između sadašnjosti i prošlosti. Vrijeme akcije je prije sadašnjosti, ali nije određeno, a često smo više zainteresirani za rezultat nego za samu akciju. HAVE/ HAS + particip prošli glavnoga glagola (Nepravilni glagoli u popisu!) Affirmative Subject to have past participle 24 She has Negative Subject to have + not She has not (hasn't) Interrogative to have subject Has she Negative interrogative to have + not subject Hasn't she visited. past participle visited. past participle visited? past participle visited? Uporaba: - za radnju koja je počela u prošlosti i još uvijek traje: I have lived in Bristol since 1984 (= and I still do.) - za radnju koja se događala u nekom razdoblju koje još uvijek traje: She has been to the cinema twice this week (= and the week isn't over yet.) - za radnju koja se događa u nespecificiranom vremenu između prošlosti i sadašnjosti: We have visited Portugal several times. -za radnju koja je završila u bliskoj prošlosti, odnosno upravo, uz just: I have just finished my work. - za radnju u kojoj vrijeme nije bitno: He has read 'War and Peace'. (= the result of his reading is important). *Kada želimo dati pojedinosti o tome tko, gdje, kada i kako, koristimo Simple Past Tense. Actions started in the past and continuing in the present They haven't lived here for years. She has worked in the bank for five years. We have had the same car for ten years. Have you played the piano since you were a child? When the time period referred to has not finished I have worked hard this week. It has rained a lot this year. We haven't seen her today. Actions repeated in an unspecified period between the past and now. 25 They have seen that film six times It has happened several times already. She has visited them frequently. We have eaten at that restaurant many times. Actions completed in the very recent past (+just) Have you just finished work? I have just eaten. We have just seen her. Has he just left? When the precise time of the action is not important or not known Someone has eaten my soup! Have you seen 'Gone with the Wind'? She's studied Japanese, Russian, and English. Present Perfect Continuous - za nespecificirano vrijeme „prije sadašnjosti“ i „sadašnjosti“; označuje se trajanje procesa i rezultat istoga; radnja je počela u prošlosti i još uvijek traje She has been waiting for you all day (= and she's still waiting now). I've been working on this report since eight o'clock this morning (= and I still haven't finished it). They have been travelling since last October (= and they're not home yet). - Radnja je upravo završila, ali nas zanima rezultat: She has been cooking since last night (= and the food on the table looks delicious). It's been raining (= and the streets are still wet). Someone's been eating my chips (= half of them have gone) Subject has/have been base+ing She has been swimming Affirmative: She has been / She's been running. Negative: She hasn't been running. Interrogative : Has she been running? Interrogative negative: Hasn't she been running? Non-Continuous Verbs (know, hate, hear, understand, want) >Present Perfect Simple: I've wanted to visit China for years. 26 She's known Robert since she was a child. I've hated that music since I first heard it. I've heard a lot about you recently. We've understood everything. A TASK Fill in the text with the proper verb-form. Dopuni tekst ispravnim glagolskim oblikom. Changes in equipment ___________ (have, make) a large impact on the way farmers are able to farm and grow food. Since the switch of housing pigs inside, the disease of Trichinosis ____ greatly_________(have, decrease) from the pig population in the United States. In the past, crop harvests________________________ (have, be, destroy) due to harsh weather conditions, but now scientists can change crop outcomes by modifying seeds in the first place. All along, farmers ___________________________ (have, be, try) to make the most out of their resources, but with continuously improving technology, modern farmers ______________ (have, be) able to partake in sustainable agriculture and farming practices such as conservation, preservation, and moderation. Comparing agriculture of the past with today, 27 6 PAST TENSES (PROŠLA GLAGOLSKA VREMENA) U engleskom jeziku postoje 4 prošla glagolska vremena, koja koristimo za radnje koje su počele i završile u prošlosti ili su počele u prošlosti i još uvijek traju. Simple Past Tense -za radnju koja je počela i završila u prošlosti i specificirano je točno vrijeme: - John Cabot sailed to America in 1498. My father died last year. He lived in Fiji in 1976. We crossed the Channel yesterday. - uz određene vremenske izraze: - a week ago, three years ago, a minute ago: - frequency: often, sometimes, always I sometimes walked home at lunchtime. I often brought my lunch to school. - a definite point in time: last week, when I was a child, yesterday, six weeks ago We saw a good film last week. Yesterday, I arrived in Geneva. She finished her work at seven o'clock I went to the theatre last night - an indefinite point in time: the other day, ages ago, a long time ago People lived in caves a long time ago. She played the piano when she was a child. TVORBA SIMPLE PAST TENSE-A PRAVILNIH GLAGOLA 28 Affirmative Subject + verb + ed I skipped. Negative Subject + did not + infinitive without to They didn't go. Interrogative Did + subject + infinitive without to Did she arrive? Interrogative negative Did not + subject + infinitive without to Didn't you play? NEPRAVILNI GLAGOLI to go He went to a club last night. Did he go to the cinema last night? He didn't go to bed early last night. to give We gave her a doll for her birthday. They didn't give John their new address. Did Barry give you my passport? to come My parents came to visit me last July. We didn't come because it was raining. Did he come to your party last week? 29 A TASK Put the verbs in brackets in the Simple Past Tense. (Stavi glagole iz zagrade u Simple Past Tense.) This disease _____ (be) common in wild boars, and _____(can) be transmitted to domestic pigs if they ______(come) in contact with wild boars. This work _______(will) take a long time to complete, which _______(mean) that farms ______(be) smaller because farmers _______(can) only work so much land. Horses ______(be) not very fast, and since they ______(be) animals, they _______(will) get tired and need rest to recover from their hard work. Comparing agriculture of the past with today, Past Continuous Tense - za radnju koja je trajala neko vrijeme u prošlosti ; - za dodatno pojašnjavanje priče napisane u Simple Past Tense-u: "The sun was shining and the birds were singing as the elephant came out of the jungle. The other animals were relaxing in the 30 shade of the trees, but the elephant moved very quickly. She was looking for her baby, and she didn't notice the hunter who was watching her through his binoculars. When the shot rang out, she was running towards the river..." - za prošlu radnju prekinutu drugom prošlom radnjom: "I was having a beautiful dream when the alarm clock rang." - za iskaz predomišljanja oko nečega: "I was going to spend the day at the beach but I've decided to get my homework done instead." -uz izraz wonder (a polite request): "I was wondering if you could baby-sit for me tonight." They were waiting for the bus when the accident happened. Caroline was skiing when she broke her leg. When we arrived he was having a bath. When the fire started I was watching television. the past tense of the verb "to be" (was/were), and the base of the main verb +ing. Subject was/were base + ing They were watching Affirmative She was reading Negative She wasn't reading Interrogative Was she reading? Interrogative negative Wasn't she reading? A TASK Fill-in the text with the proper forms of the verb to be. (Dopuni tekst ispravnim oblicima glagola „biti“.) The sun ____ shining and the birds ____ singing as the elephant came out of the jungle. The other animals _____ relaxing in the shade of the trees, but the elephant moved very quickly. She ___ looking for her baby, and she didn't notice the hunter who ____ watching her through his binoculars. When the shot rang out, she _____ running towards the river... Past Continuous Tense, 31 Past Perfect Tense -pretprošlo glagolsko vrijeme; radnja koja je počela i završila u prošlosti prije neke druge prošle radnje Event A Event B John had gone out when I arrived in the office. Event A Event B I had saved my document before the computer crashed. Event B Event A When they arrived we had already started cooking. Event B Event A He was very tired because he hadn't slept well. the past tense of the verb to have (had) + the past participle of the main verb. Subject had past participle Affirmative She had given Negative She hadn't asked. Interrogative Had they arrived? Interrogative Negative Hadn't you finished? The train had just left when I arrived at the station. She had just left the room when the police arrived. I had just put the washing out when it started to rain. Past Perfect Continuous Tense -za radnju koja je počela u prošlosti i još uvijek tarje; više nas zanima proces nego točno vrijeme radnje: Had you been waiting long before the taxi arrived? We had been trying to open the door for five minutes when Jane found her key. It had been raining hard for several hours and the streets were very wet. 32 Her friends had been thinking of calling the police when she walked in. the past perfect of the verb to be (=had been) + the present participle (base+ing). Subject had been verb + ing I had been walking Affirmative She had been trying Negative She hadn't been sleeping Interrogative Had you been eating? Interrogative negative Hadn't they been living? A TASK Imagine that the activities described in the text happened before some other past events. Turn the verbs in the text into the Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous according to duration of the activites described. (Zamislite da su se aktivnosti opisane u tekstu dogodile prije nekih drugih prošlih događaja. Pretvorite glagole u tekstu u Past Perfect ili Past Perfect Continuous prema trajanju opisanih aktivnosti.) The earliest man survived by hunting wild animals, fishing in lakes and rivers and gathering fruits and nuts from the forests. When man was no longer able to find enough food within his surroundings, he moved to new places in search of food. Gradually he learnt how to select and domesticate animals, till the soil and cultivate plants to satisfy his needs.Communities developed as he became more settled and organised in his ways of living. The first settlements emerged along the banks of the Nile, Tigris and Euphrates rivers, where land was very fertile. Those early settlers used tools made of stone and other materials to prepare the soil for planting. They, however, continued to hunt for animals and to fish in the sea, rivers and lakes around them. They used the meat ofthose animals for food.The useful hides or skins were used for clothing and shelter. Agricultural Science For Secondary School Book 1 , __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 33 7 FUTURE TENSES (BUDUĆA GLAGOLSKA VREMENA) U engleskom jeziku postoje 4 osnovna glagolska vremena za iskazivanje budućnosti. Simple Future Tense - za predviđanje: It will rain tomorrow. uz I i we kod donošenja spontanih odluka:I'll pay for the tickets by credit card. kao izraz volje: I'll do the washing-up. He'll carry your bag for you. u negativnom obliku kao izraz negodovanja:The baby won't eat his soup. I won't leave until I've seen the manager! will / shall + the infinitive without to Subject +will +infinitive without to Affirmative I will go I shall go 34 Subject +will +infinitive without to Negative They will not see They won't see Interrogative Will she ask? Interrogative negative Won't they try? * U modernom engleskom jeziku, umjesto shall, za 1.l. jednine i množine rabi se will. Skraćeni oblici: I will = I'll We will = we'll You will = you'll He will = he'll She will = she'll They will = they'll Will not = won't Future Continuous Tense - za trajanje radnje u budućnosti: When he is in Australia he will be staying with friends. -za predviđanje radnji koje će trajati: This time next week I will be sun-bathing in Bali. In an hour I'll still be ironing my clothes. the simple future of the verb 'to be' + the present participle (base+ing) Subject simple future of the verb 'to be' present participle You will be watching I will be staying A TASK 35 Turn the text into the Simple Future Tense (SFT) or Future Continuous (FC) according to the guidelines. (Pretvorite tekst u Simple Future Tense (SFT) ili Future Continuous (FC) prema smjernicama.) GM technology also helps people grow more food locally. (SFT) Many countries lack the infrastructure to get safe, nutritious food to the people who need it. (SFT) Drought-resistant GM crops can thrive in normally hostile environments, and people can reduce food wastage by raising crops modified to resist pests. (FC) Scientists regularly test GM foods for safety. (FC) There have been over 200 studies comparing GM food and non-GM food in at least 15 animal species. (SFT) Scientists have made no significant connections between GM foods on the market and any diseases or growth disorders. (SFT) The role of GM foods, ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Future Perfect Tense -za radnju koja će završiti u budućnosti prije druge buduće radnje: I will have been here for six months on June 23rd. By the time you read this I will have left. You will have finished your report by this time next week. Won't they have arrived by 5:00? Will you have eaten when I pick you up? the simple future of the verb "to have" (will have) + the past participle of the main verb Subject + will have + past participle of the main verb He will have finished. 36 I will have finished. Future Perfect ContinuousTense -za radnju koja će trajati i završiti u budućnosti prije neke druge buduće radnje: I will have been waiting here for three hours by six o'clock. By 2001 I will have been living in London for sixteen years. When I finish this course, I will have been learning English for twenty years. Next year I will have been working here for four years. When I come at 6:00, will you have been practicing long? the future perfect of the verb "to be" (will have been) + the present participle of the main verb (base + ing) Subject + will have been + present participle He will have been playing. I will have been playing. A TASK Turn the text into the Future Perfect Simple (FPS) or Future Perfect Continuous (FPC) according to the guidelines. (Pretvorite tekst u Future Perfect Simple (FPS) ili Future Perfect Continuous (FPC) prema smjernicama.) One way to feed the world is to grow certain genetically modified (GM) foods. These foods are a safe, healthy way to combat hunger and keep groceries affordable. (FPS) Common GM crops are pest-resistant corn and soybeans. (FPS) Crops can also be engineered to be droughttolerant or resistant to certain viruses. (FPC) These changes help plants grow more efficiency in many environments. (FPC) When a crop resists pests or disease, farmers can harvest more food. With a plentiful food supply, food prices will go down. (FPC) The role of GM foods, 37 ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 8 CONDITIONAL CLAUSES (POGODBENE REČENICE) -za nagađanje ili raspravljanje o tome što bi se moglo dogoditi, što se moglo dogoditi i što želimo da se dogodi pod nekim uvjetom. Conditional sentence type Usage If clause verb tense Main clause verb tense Zero Opće istine Simple present Simple present Type 1 Mogući uvjet i njegov vjerojatan rezultat Simple present Simple future 38 Conditional sentence type Usage If clause verb tense Main clause verb tense Simple past Present conditional or Present continuous conditional Type 2 Hipotetski uvjet i njegov vjerojatan rezultat Type 3 Nerealan uvjet vezan uz prošlost i Past perfect Perfect conditional njegov vjerojatan rezultat u prošlosti Mixed type Nerealan uvjet vezan uz prošlost i njegov vjerojatan rezultat u sadašnjosti Past perfect Present contditional The zero conditional If clause Main clause If + simple present simple present If this thing happens that thing happens. If you heat ice it melts. If it rains the grass gets wet. Type 1 conditional If clause Main clause If + simple present simple future If this thing happens that thing will happen. If you don't hurry you will miss the train. If it rains today you will get wet. Type 2 conditional If clause Main clause If + simple past present conditional or present continuous conditional If this thing happened that thing would happen. (but I'm not sure this thing will happen) OR that thing would be happening. If you went to bed earlier you would not be so tired. If it rained you would get wet. If I spoke Italian I would be working in Italy. 39 Type 3 conditional If clause Main clause If + past perfect perfect conditional or perfect continuous conditional If this thing had happened that thing would have happened. (but neither of those things really happened) OR that thing would have been happening. If you had studied harder you would have passed the exam. If it had rained you would have gotten wet. If I had accepted that promotion I would have been working in Milan. Mixed type conditional If clause Main clause If + past perfect or simple past present conditional or perfect conditional If this thing had happened that thing would happen. (but this thing didn't happen so that thing isn't happening) If I had worked harder at school I would have a better job now. If we had looked at the map we wouldn't be lost. If you weren't afraid of spiders you would have picked it up and put it outside. A TASK Make three types of IF-clauses out of each line./ Napravite tri tipa if-rečenica od svake natuknice. storage facilities inadequate or lacking during transportation, great loss of produce due to spoilage __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ enough land available the same farmer never return to that piece of land 40 __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ land limited and population increase it become necessary to settle and seek ownership of the land __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Agricultural Science For Secondary School Book 1 , 9 PASSIVE VOICE (PASIV) Pasiv se rabi za pokazivanje većega zanimanja za osobu ili objekt koji trpi radnju, nego za osobu ili objekt koji izvodi radnju. Posebice se rabi u strogo -formalnim tekstovima. I noticed that a window had been left open. Every year thousands of people are killed on our roads. All the cookies have been eaten. My car has been stolen! Passive A great deal of meaning is conveyed by a few well- Active A few well-chosen words convey a great deal 41 Passive Active chosen words. of meaning. Our planet is wrapped in a mass of gases. A mass of gases wrap around our planet. Waste materials are disposed of in a variety of ways. The city disposes of waste materials in a variety of ways. Vršitelj radnje navodi se pomoću prijedloga –by ako je bitan. Passive Active "A Hard Day's Night" was written by the Beatles. The Beatles wrote "A Hard Day's Night". The movie ET was directed by Spielberg. Spielberg directed the movie ET. This house was built by my father. My father built this house. the appropriate form of the verb 'to be' + past participle Affirmative The house was built in 1899. Negative The house wasn't built in 1899. These houses were built These houses weren't in 1899. built in 1899. Interrogative Was the house built in 1899? Negative Interrogative Wasn't the house built in 1899? Were these houses built Weren't these houses built in 1899? in 1899? A TASK Underline and identify each Passive form in the sentences below. (Podcrtajte i identificirajte svaki pasivni oblik u sljedećim rečenicama.) These machines still need to be taken care of because they can break down just like a car, but they can run for longer periods of time and don’t need recovery periods. The way in which farm animals are raised and where they live has changed as well. Pigs are also now typically housed indoors. In the 1940s there were reported to be 400 cases of trichinosis in the United States, while in 2012 there were only 15 reported cases. On top of the animal agricultural industry changing throughout the years, crop production has improved as well. In the past, crop harvests have been destroyed due to harsh weather conditions, but now scientists can change crop outcomes by modifying seeds in the first place. One thing remains the same about agriculture today as it did centuries ago: majority of the farms in the United States are family owned. 42 Comparing agriculture of the past with today, 10 DIRECT AND INDIRECT SPEECH (UPRAVNI I NEUPRAVNI GOVOR) DIRECT SPEECH (upravni govor)- doslovne riječi govornika, uz koje idu navodnici INDIRECT/REPORTED SPEECH(neupravni govor)- prenesene riječi govornika She said, "I saw him." (direct speech) = She said that she had seen him. (indirect speech) 43 She told him that she was happy. = She told him she was happy. *That se može izostaviti. He said that he was tired. (no indirect object) He told me that he was tired.(indirect object: Use tell!) Pri prevođenju rečenice iz upravnoga u neupravni govor, koristimo tzv. slaganje vremena (Sequence of Tenses), što znači da u neupravnom govoru idemo jedno glagolsko vrijeme unatrag(u prošlost) od onoga koje je u upravnom govoru. She said, "I am tired." = She said that she was tired. Phrase in Direct Speech Simple present "I always drink coffee", she said Present continuous "I am reading a book", he explained. Simple past "Bill arrived on Saturday", he said. Present perfect "I have been to Spain", he told me. Past perfect "I had just turned out the light," he explained. Present perfect continuous They complained, "We have been waiting for hours". Past continuous "We were living in Paris", they told me. Future "I will be in Geneva on Monday", he said. Future continuous She said, "I'll be using the car next Friday". Equivalent in Reported Speech Simple past She said that she always drank coffee. Past continuous He explained that he was reading a book Past perfect He said that Bill had arrived on Saturday. Past perfect He told me that he had been to Spain. Past perfect He explained that he had just turned out the light. Past perfect continuous They complained that they had been waiting for hours. Past perfect continuous They told me that they had been living in Paris. Present conditional He said that he would be in Geneva on Monday. Conditional continuous She said that she would be using the car next Friday. - Ako je početni glagol (Reporting Verb) u prezentu, nema slaganja vremena: He says he has missed the train but he'll catch the next one. We explained that it is very difficult to find our house. Sljedeći modalni glagoli se također ne mijenjaju: might, could, would, should, ought to: 44 We explained, "It could be difficult to find our house." = We explained that it could be difficult to find our house. She said, "I might bring a friend to the party." = She said that she might bring a friend to the party. Reporting Verbs Verbs followed by "if" or "whether" ask say know see remember Verbs followed by a "that" add doubt admit estimate reply agree explain report announce fear reveal answer feel say argue insist state boast mention suggest claim observe suppose comment persuade tell complain propose think confirm remark understand consider remember warn deny repeat Verbs followed by either "that" or an infinitive with "to" decide promise expect swear guarantee threaten hope Verbs followed by a "that" clause containing should, which may be omitted, leaving a subject + zero-infinitive advise insist recommend beg prefer request demand propose suggest Verbs followed by a clause starting with a question word decide imagine see describe know suggest discover learn teach discuss realise tell explain remember think 45 forget guess reveal say understand wonder Verbs followed by object + infinitive with "to" advise ask beg command A TASK Report the direct sentences from the text.( Pretvorite tekst u neupravni govor.) Never Felt Better - Classic Farmer Story In a court in Tralee, deep in County Kerry, Ireland, this conversation is reported to have taken place: Lawyer: 'At the scene of the accident, Mr O'Brien, did you tell the Garda officer that you had never felt better in your life?' O'Brien the old farmer: 'That's right, sir.' Lawyer: 'Well then, Mr O'Brien, how is it that you are now claiming you were seriously injured when my client's car hit your cart?' O'Brien the farmer: 'When the Garda arrived, he went over to my horse, who had a broken leg, and shot him. Then he went over to Darcy, my dog, who was badly hurt, and shot him. When he asked me how I felt, I just thought under the circumstances, it was a wise choice of words to say I've never felt better in my life.' Farmer's Names, __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 46 __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 11 NUMBERS (BROJEVI) Number Cardinal Ordinal 1 one first 2 two second 3 three third 47 Number Cardinal Ordinal 4 four fourth 5 five fifth 6 six sixth 7 seven seventh 8 eight eighth 9 nine ninth 10 ten tenth 11 eleven eleventh 12 twelve twelfth 13 thirteen thirteenth 14 fourteen fourteenth 15 fifteen fifteenth 16 sixteen sixteenth 17 seventeen seventeenth 18 eighteen eighteenth 19 nineteen nineteenth 20 twenty twentieth 21 twenty-one twenty-first 22 twenty-two twenty-second 23 twenty-three twenty-third 24 twenty-four twenty-fourth 25 twenty-five twenty-fifth 26 twenty-six twenty-sixth 27 twenty-seven twenty-seventh 28 twenty-eight twenty-eighth 48 Number Cardinal Ordinal 29 twenty-nine twenty-ninth 30 thirty thirtieth 31 thirty-one thirty-first 40 forty fortieth 50 fifty fiftieth 60 sixty sixtieth 70 seventy seventieth 80 eighty eightieth 90 ninety ninetieth 100 one hundred hundredth 500 five hundred five hundredth 1,000 one thousand thousandth 1,500 one thousand five hundred, or fifteen hundred one thousand five hundredth 100,000 one hundred thousand 1,000,000 one million hundred thousandth millionth There are twenty-five people in the room. He was the fourteenth person to win the award. Six hundred thousand people were left homeless after the earthquake. I must have asked you twenty times to be quiet. He went to Israel for the third time this year. Decimals (decimalni brojevi) Written Said 0.5 point five 0.25 point two five 0.73 point seven three 0.05 point zero five 0.6529 point six five two nine 49 Written 2.95 Said two point nine five Fractions (razlomci) Written Said 1/3 one third 3/4 three fourths 5/6 five sixths 1/2 one half 3/2 three halves Percentages (postotci) Written Pronounced 5% five percent 25% twenty-five percent 36.25% thirty-six point two five percent 100% one hundred percent 400% four hundred percent Money (Novac) Written Spoken 25$ twenty-five dollars 52€ fifty-two euros 140₤ one hundred and forty pounds $43.25 forty-three dollars and twenty-five cents (shortened to "forty-three twenty-five" in everyday speech) €12.66 twelve euros sixty-six ₤10.50 ten pounds fifty Measurements (mjerne jedinice) Written 60m Spoken sixty meters 50 Written Spoken 25km/h twenty-five kilometers per hour 11ft eleven feet 2L two liters 3tbsp three tablespoons 1tsp one teaspoon Years (Godine) Written Spoken 2014 twenty fourteen or two thousand fourteen 2008 two thousand eight 2000 two thousand 1944 nineteen forty-four 1908 nineteen o eight 1900 nineteen hundred 1600 sixteen hundred 1256 twelve fifty-six 1006 ten o six 866 eight hundred sixty-six or eight sixty-six 25 twenty-five 3000 BC three thousand BC 3250 BC thirty two fifty BC Zero (nula) Pronunciation Usage zero Used to read the number by itself, in reading decimals, percentages, and phone numbers, and in some fixed expressions. o (the letter name) Used to read years, addresses, times and temperatures 51 Pronunciation Usage nil Used to report sports scores nought Not used in the USA Written Spoken 3.04+2.02=5.06 Three point zero four plus two point zero two makes five point zero six. There is a 0% chance of rain. There is a zero percent chance of rain. The temperature is -20⁰C. The temperature is twenty degrees below zero. You can reach me at 0171 390 1062. You can reach me at zero one seven one, three nine zero, one zero six two I live at 4604 Smith Street. I live at forty-six o four Smith Street He became king in 1409. He became king in fourteen o nine. I waited until 4:05. I waited until four o five. The score was 4-0. The score was four nil. A TASK Put the numbers in the right places in the text (Umetni brojeve na pravo mjesto u tekstu): 400, 19, 7.3, 2012, 2050, 90, 8.5 Comparing agriculture of the past with today If you ask your grandparents how they got their food, they might have a different answer than you think. Why is this? It’s because agriculture has changed throughout history. There are currently over ___ billion people in the world, with an expected population of over ____billion by 2030 and 9.7 in ______. That’s a lot of people to feed! How will we be able to provide safe, nutritious food to all these people? The answer: through changes and advances in the agricultural system. Over 200 years ago, _____ percent of the U.S. population lived on farms and produced their own food to eat. But today, only two percent of the population produces food for the world to consume. That’s a large change in the amount of people associated with producing food and making sure that everyone has enough to eat. Farmers use technology to make advances in producing more food for a growing world. Through the use of technology, each farmer is able to feed 155 people today, compared to 1940, when one farmer could feed only __ people. Farmers use technologies such as motorized equipment, modified housing for animals and biotechnology, which allow for improvement in agriculture. Better technology has allowed farmers to feed more people and requires fewer people to work on farms to feed their families. 52 Changes in equipment have made a large impact on the way farmers are able to farm and grow food. In the past, farmers would have to do field work by hand or with horse-drawn equipment. This work would take a long time to complete, which meant that farms were smaller because farmers could only work so much land. Horses were not very fast, and since they were animals, they would get tired and need rest to recover from their hard work. Today, most farmers use tractors and other motorized equipment to help with field work. Tractors, combines, plows, etc. are much larger and move much faster than horses, so farmers are able to produce more food in a shorter amount of time. These machines still need to be taken care of because they can break down just like a car, but they can run for longer periods of time and don’t need recovery periods. The way in which farm animals are raised and where they live has changed as well. Through research with animals, scientists have discovered what types of housing make the animals the most comfortable. In today’s times, dairy cows typically live in barns that provide soft mattresses, sand beds or water beds. There are also nutritionists to feed them special diets, and fans and sprinklers to keep them cool when it is hot outside. Making the animals comfortable is important because farmers want their animals to be healthy, but also for the dairy cows to produce more milk yield. Pigs are also now typically housed indoors. Since the switch of housing pigs inside, the disease of Trichinosis has greatly decreased from the pig population in the United States. This disease was common in wild boars, and could be transmitted to domestic pigs if they came in contact with wild boars. When pigs were not held in confinement for housing, this was quite a bit more common than it is today. In the 1940s there were reported to be ____ cases of trichinosis in the United States, while in _____ there were only 15 reported cases. References (Izvori) Hepburn, G. (May 10, 2018), Agriculture students roll up their sleeves, 53 Majahan, V. (2015), The Curse of Agriculture – A short story, (28.3.2019.) Weewer et al. (1998), Agricultural Science for Secondary Schools in Guyana, Ministry of Education, Guyana Agriculture (January 21, 2011), Comparing agriculture of the past with today, (28.3.2019.) The role of GM foods, (28.3.2019.) Farmer's Names, (28.3.2019.) 54