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Mare Pregnancy Exam Form: Gynecology & Reproduction

Gynecological examina on
of the pregnancy mare
Gynecological examina on
of the pregnancy mare
Name of Mare ____________________ color___________ YOB __________
Name of Mare ____________________ color___________ YOB __________
breed _____________________ LN ________________________
breed _____________________ LN ________________________
Dates of last heat : _______________ ‐ _________________
Dates of last heat : _______________ ‐ _________________
Date of ovula on, if known : _______________
Date of ovula on, if known : _______________
Was covered / inseminated with fresh / transported / frozen sperm.
Stallion ____________________________ LN _____________________
Was covered inseminated with fresh transported frozen sperm
Stallion ____________________________ LN _____________________
Dates of covering / insemina on __________________________________
Dates of covering / insemina on __________________________________
Exam. Date : ______________ on ________ day a er OV, live cover, a.i.
Exam. Date : ______________ on ________ day a er OV, live cover, a.i.
Uterine tone: _________________, ovaries ________________________
Uterine tone: _________________, ovaries ________________________
1. The signs of pregnancy in the le /right horn /body of the uterus corre‐
spond to a period of ____ days. On the ultrasonogram a fetal bladder/ fetus
in the body / base/ apex /middle of the le /right horn of the uterus.
1. The signs of pregnancy in the le /right horn /body of the uterus corre‐
spond to a period of ____ days. On the ultrasonogram a fetal bladder/ fetus
in the body / base/ apex /middle of the le /right horn of the uterus.
Fetal bladder size ‐ ______ mm and posi on of the embryo correspond (lag
behind /outstrip) to the gesta on period of ____ days.
Fetal bladder size ‐ ______ mm and posi on of the embryo correspond (lag
behind /outstrip) to the gesta on period of ____ days.
2. There are no signs of pregnancy. In the le /right ovary __________.
Symptoms of endometri s ___________________________________
_______________________. Signs of early embryonic death:
2. There are no signs of pregnancy. In the le /right ovary __________.
Symptoms of endometri s ___________________________________
_______________________. Signs of early embryonic death:
Veterinarian: ________________________ /_____________________/
Veterinarian: ________________________ /_____________________/